"Some say we'll see Armageddon soon.
I certainly hope we will. I sure could use a vacation from this bull shit three ring circus side show..."
You know "they" say the world is gonna end tomorrow. Not gonna lie.. I would probably be alright with that. Hahaha! I mean, not because I have such a terrible life or anything but it seems the world is falling apart anyhow. If I were Mother Nature, I'd want a do-over! "Get rid of all these ridiculous motherfuckers and re-do this whole 'evolution' thing because this one FAILED!" Hahaha.. Oh geez.
Have I mentioned that I prefer my daily calories in coffee form? Yeah....

And apparently, this is how you spell my name:

I've been kickin it in the hood


So I snagged another 8 hour shift today! I'm pretty jazzed about it! I need the hours and shit so I about pissed myself yesterday when my boss called me and said that they needed another set of hands today and that I was her first choice. Then her and I talked about my hair. I was at Katie's when she called, highlighting my hair so that the dye would take better and I told her I was thinking about doing something different to my hair. She said, "Whatever it is, I hope it's crazy! The crazier your hair is, the more you seem to sell!" HAHA! So, that made me giggle.
Speaking of hairrrrrr...
Yesterday was like a 2 hour process of hair activity. As I mentioned, we highlighted the shit out of my hair and then went through with....

... alternating the colors! It turned out.... AMAZING!!! I'll take better pictures soon but here's what I have on my phone: *drum roll*
I'm basically in love. With my hair. I would marry it.
After hair yesterday, me and Katie went to her friend's softball game with our friends Heather and Natalie. It wasn't that fun to be totally honest but then I was all excited cuz they wanted to go to the bar when it was over and that's waaaaay more fun to me. Plus I was starving. So, we went to the bar, I ate, took a shot, and kicked it for a little while with the girls and then Katie knocked her wine glass over and it all went down the front of my jeans. Yes, red wine was pooled in my crotch. Uggggh! I was so frustrated that I couldn't see straight and I had Heather take me to my car so I could go home. I really didn't want to sit there soaking in cabernet on my crotch looking like I have period blood all up on me. HAHAHA! So that kinda sucked. Ohhhhh well.
I hate that this video is sideways but it almost makes it funnier. HAHAHA! This is Katie's cat trying to get into the house:
That's all I've got for ya today! I have an update on my ratties but I'll write about it another time with supporting photos. My camera is still not working very well and I've only got my iPhone to take photos with really at the moment. And I'm not a huge fan of posting poor quality photos. Ya dig?
But I've also noticed that it's probably the accent people make themselves have, if that makes any sense.