I wanna know what I've been hiding in my shadow!
Change is coming. NOW is MY time!
I know I've been listening to a lot of dubstep and house music lately and it's been fun. REALLY! It has! But.... I need me some Tool today. There are a lot of things, good and bad, floating around in my mind these days and Tool just speaks to that. My monster needs to be acknowledged a little. She's hibernating and I have no intention of releasing her any time in the near future. But she still needs to be fed from time to time, even when she's being tricky and hiding in my shadow.
<<Please note, there is literally no point to this blog. Procede with patience.>>
Speaking of Tool, my fellow Toolhead Patton has a new set in MR
Patton in Improvise

This woman seriously is my inspiration. I haven't really talked to her much outside of suspension advise (which I have news about, by the way, that I'll share in a minute) but she seems like the single coolest girl in the universe without even trying. She's the reason I want to be an SG someday. FOR REAL. Anyways, go give her new set some lovins, would ya?! Thanks
So, Bradley knew I was extremely interested in suspension, more so since I saw Patton's 2nd Angel Suspension video and she found a local group of piercers, etc who do it. I emailed them a while ago about cost and whatnot and I didn't hear back for like WEEKS. Finally I got an email saying they would love to do it and blah blah blah. So, I have talked to my friends Katie and Dylan about them photographing it and stuff. I am extremely excited about it!! It's something I've wanted to do for a really long time and increasingly over the last few months. So, when I have more details I will fill you in!
By the way, I didn't get in trouble at work the other day for not knowing my schedule! My boss actually laughed about it and told me not to worry at all, that ot was her fault for changing it so last minute. AND, to top it all off, I picked up some extra hours! Go me!
But, I haven't gotten my hair done yet and it is driving me insane!!!!! But, I spoke with miss Katie Boo this morning and I'm gonna go to her place around 2:30 today and we'll take care of it. I need a little trim on my short side and then we'll take care of the color. So yay for upcoming troll hair!
It's funny, I live in a kind of conservative area. Not a whole lot of tattoos and piercings or crazy hair, etc. And so I am absolutely an outcast around here because I embody all 3 of those things with no apologies. I just love being different than my surrounding and I love doing things that make me smile and purple hair happens to make me smile! Anyways, what I was getting at is that I have made more sales at work since my hair has been purple. People think I'm "edgy" or "cool" and they pretty much buy whatever I tell them looks good. I get an average of 10 compliments a day on my hair from customers. Haha! But I never would have thought that it would work in my favor to be so different! So it's just a nice little bonus.
My mom hates the purple and the piercings. lol She can suck it because it's all getting me more hours at work, thus making me more money.
Love life
Literally nonexistent. Nothing to report.
Fatty McFatterson
I've been really good the last week or so about doing my yoga every day. I really need to start back into my workout routine. I've gained 5 lbs which I know doesn't seem like a whole lot but it pisses me right the fuck off. So, I want to drop about 15 lbs by Christmas and I think that's perfectly manageable. I just have to be good and give up the goddamn Halloween candy!
The crew
There has been a lot of drama in the Party Rock Crew these days so I've sort of been avoiding them. I'm tellin ya, in a group of friends, once everyone starts fucking each other, it all goes downhill. Haha! I think it can be mended and I think they're all working on it, but me and Katie are sort of just staying out of all the madness. We've both been working more lately anyways so it works out.
I miss Thanatogenous a lot these days. It's been a couple weeks now since we went to Apple Hill together and I haven't seen her at all since then. She is soooo busy with work and lately I've been getting a lot of hours too, so we just haven't been able to make the time. But, we need to start making time. We would be hanging out now, but poor thing, she's sick.

So someone! Please make her feel better so we can hang out!
Well, it's 12:40. I should probably smoke a little bowl and get dressed and shit and maybe go grab a cup of coffee before I head to Katie's for Hair Extravaganza 2011. lol
Sorry this blog sucked balls. My life lacks excitement today. Bummer. I promise the next one will be better and filled with pictures.

Keep it sleazy breezies!
Change is coming. NOW is MY time!
I know I've been listening to a lot of dubstep and house music lately and it's been fun. REALLY! It has! But.... I need me some Tool today. There are a lot of things, good and bad, floating around in my mind these days and Tool just speaks to that. My monster needs to be acknowledged a little. She's hibernating and I have no intention of releasing her any time in the near future. But she still needs to be fed from time to time, even when she's being tricky and hiding in my shadow.
<<Please note, there is literally no point to this blog. Procede with patience.>>
Speaking of Tool, my fellow Toolhead Patton has a new set in MR
Patton in Improvise

This woman seriously is my inspiration. I haven't really talked to her much outside of suspension advise (which I have news about, by the way, that I'll share in a minute) but she seems like the single coolest girl in the universe without even trying. She's the reason I want to be an SG someday. FOR REAL. Anyways, go give her new set some lovins, would ya?! Thanks
So, Bradley knew I was extremely interested in suspension, more so since I saw Patton's 2nd Angel Suspension video and she found a local group of piercers, etc who do it. I emailed them a while ago about cost and whatnot and I didn't hear back for like WEEKS. Finally I got an email saying they would love to do it and blah blah blah. So, I have talked to my friends Katie and Dylan about them photographing it and stuff. I am extremely excited about it!! It's something I've wanted to do for a really long time and increasingly over the last few months. So, when I have more details I will fill you in!
By the way, I didn't get in trouble at work the other day for not knowing my schedule! My boss actually laughed about it and told me not to worry at all, that ot was her fault for changing it so last minute. AND, to top it all off, I picked up some extra hours! Go me!
But, I haven't gotten my hair done yet and it is driving me insane!!!!! But, I spoke with miss Katie Boo this morning and I'm gonna go to her place around 2:30 today and we'll take care of it. I need a little trim on my short side and then we'll take care of the color. So yay for upcoming troll hair!
It's funny, I live in a kind of conservative area. Not a whole lot of tattoos and piercings or crazy hair, etc. And so I am absolutely an outcast around here because I embody all 3 of those things with no apologies. I just love being different than my surrounding and I love doing things that make me smile and purple hair happens to make me smile! Anyways, what I was getting at is that I have made more sales at work since my hair has been purple. People think I'm "edgy" or "cool" and they pretty much buy whatever I tell them looks good. I get an average of 10 compliments a day on my hair from customers. Haha! But I never would have thought that it would work in my favor to be so different! So it's just a nice little bonus.
My mom hates the purple and the piercings. lol She can suck it because it's all getting me more hours at work, thus making me more money.

Love life
Literally nonexistent. Nothing to report.

Fatty McFatterson
I've been really good the last week or so about doing my yoga every day. I really need to start back into my workout routine. I've gained 5 lbs which I know doesn't seem like a whole lot but it pisses me right the fuck off. So, I want to drop about 15 lbs by Christmas and I think that's perfectly manageable. I just have to be good and give up the goddamn Halloween candy!
The crew
There has been a lot of drama in the Party Rock Crew these days so I've sort of been avoiding them. I'm tellin ya, in a group of friends, once everyone starts fucking each other, it all goes downhill. Haha! I think it can be mended and I think they're all working on it, but me and Katie are sort of just staying out of all the madness. We've both been working more lately anyways so it works out.
I miss Thanatogenous a lot these days. It's been a couple weeks now since we went to Apple Hill together and I haven't seen her at all since then. She is soooo busy with work and lately I've been getting a lot of hours too, so we just haven't been able to make the time. But, we need to start making time. We would be hanging out now, but poor thing, she's sick.

Well, it's 12:40. I should probably smoke a little bowl and get dressed and shit and maybe go grab a cup of coffee before I head to Katie's for Hair Extravaganza 2011. lol
Sorry this blog sucked balls. My life lacks excitement today. Bummer. I promise the next one will be better and filled with pictures.

Keep it sleazy breezies!
We totally need to hang out soon and I'm wayyy excited for your suspension! If I feel better in a couple days I'll try to stop by after work if your schedule allows.
dubstep is my obsession right now.. anything you recommend?