I've been livin for the weekend...
This song gives me sooooo many happies!
It's on one of our mixes at work and everyone calls it my theme song cuz I always say "It's alright!" ALLLLLL the time. Plus, I dance with customers when this song comes on. Hahahaha! Love it so much!!!
Try to not dance to this song. I'll give you a sec.
Your body just started moving to the beat, didn't it? TOLD YA!
Speaking of work, I had an AMAZING conversation with my District Manager today at work about the possibility of me moving up and so forth. He told me what a valuable asset I am to the team and all that jazz. It was pretty bad ass. It felt so good to hear it come from my BOSS boss. Actually, the conversation stemmed from him asking if I was dating someone in the store, because that's against policy and he had heard a rumor. I told him about how I met Ollie for coffee and we ended up grabbing lunch too, but to my knowledge it was strictly platonic and that I was sure if they asked Ollie he would say the same. He believed me obviously! He just had to make sure for HR purposes, etc. Anyways thennnnn we talked about how awesome I am.
I have a confession. I haven't started on my sketches for the mural yet. Haha! It's my plan to draw some stuff up this weekend. I've just been so exhausted all week, I haven't had the brain power to sit and draw. I mean, not that it requires a lot of WORK because drawing relaxes me! But t does require concentration. And that, I do not have at the moment. Haha!
Major developments on the Brando front: Soooo remember how I was saying that I feel like if I could just pour my heart out to him and just get some things off my chest that I'd be able to move on. But that he has a new girlfriend and won't talk to me??? Yeah, scratch that! This morning I saw him online and I just shot him over a quick, "Hey! I hope all is well! I'll have the money for my phone bill this weekend, I hope that's ok!" and he instantly replied saying that things were "alright" and that the bill was no problem and he asked how I was. I told him I was doing ok and work is great blah blah.. Well then he tells me he's "ready" to meet me for coffee and maybe he could meet up with me tomorrow before I go to work.

My heart started beating a little faster and I got kinda excited but then I got a pit in my stomach. "He has a girlfriend, this is just going to be me pouring my heart out and then he's not gonna say anything" is what I started thinking. Well, it comes up in conversation that he is "DONE dating!"
Let that soak in for a minute.
I'm certainly not getting my hopes up for anything, that much I can say 100% honestly. But there is a certain sense of suspense now for tomorrow. I mean, who knows? Maybe he'll flake on me and go back to ignoring me! But he pinky swore if it didn't work out tomorrow for some reason that he'll make the time to meet with me.
So.... One thing is FOR SURE: I will be getting to pour my heart out to him at some point. But the unknown, the evil evil unknown that I despise, is what his reaction is going to look like.
Maybe he'll profess his returned undying love for me
Maybe he'll say "Thanks, but let's be friends!"

Maybe he'll say nothing and I'll feel like a moron.

There is really no way for me to prepare myself for any of these reactions. Shit, it's been like 3 months (or MORE!) since I've even seen him so who the fuck knows? But I know how I feel and I know I will feel a weight lifted off once I blurt it out, regardless of how he reacts.
And that's all I have to say about that...
Pictures? I think yes!
I got these sunglasses from my work for $4

They make me look like a bug which makes me happy!

The other day, I wore my Puscifer hoody dress, which ALSO makes me happy!

Guess what! Guess what! I finished my book!!!! Next I've got to watch the movie and then I'll start the last book of the trilogy. Exciting stuff!

I saw this license plate today. It made me kinda uncomfortable.. lol

Pandora's dubstep channel makes me smile long time

Me and ze doggies being ADORABLE

I know right?!

I <3 my bug glasses!

TWO very important things you should be aware of:
#1- You can listen to Puscifer's new album for free HERE . Good ol bushnasty hooked it up with the mp3 files so I've been rockin that today on the old iPhone. FUCK YEAH! Thanks bushnasty, you fucking ROCK!

#2- Primus' new album Green Naugahyde is out and it has officially blown my socks off! Well worth the wait, Primus. WELL worth it. Buy it on iTunes riiiiight now! You won't regret it, I swear!

Two best albums of the year. No question.
The time has come for me to do my hair again! I'm gonna re-dye it purple this weekend since my roots are out in full effect now. BUT I'm gonna do something different I think. We'll see. I might add another color. I've discussed this at great lengths with Katie while high out of our minds but we just talked about it today, stone-cold sober, and I still think it could be fun. I dunno. We will see.

Halloween is almost upon us, my friends. Me and Thanatogenous might be going to a fetish ball for the holiday, though we aren't 100% sure yet. I gotta see what my finances look like this pay day before I can make such decisions. But I'm hoping it works out that I can afford to go because that would be a blast! But then the next question is.... WHAT would I be?! I need costume ideas. I have never played into the "slutty halloween costume" game because I'm a firm believer in costumes being scary. BUUUUUUT, I could be something slutty AND scary, right? Hmmm I don't see any reason why not!
SO! I shall keep you updated on ALL topics.
-Halloween plans
Follow me on Instagram (username: ErinzaTrekka) and Twitter if ya wanna! And stay tuned to the same SG channel for newssss

I love you so much that you can't stand it!

This song gives me sooooo many happies!

Try to not dance to this song. I'll give you a sec.
Your body just started moving to the beat, didn't it? TOLD YA!
Speaking of work, I had an AMAZING conversation with my District Manager today at work about the possibility of me moving up and so forth. He told me what a valuable asset I am to the team and all that jazz. It was pretty bad ass. It felt so good to hear it come from my BOSS boss. Actually, the conversation stemmed from him asking if I was dating someone in the store, because that's against policy and he had heard a rumor. I told him about how I met Ollie for coffee and we ended up grabbing lunch too, but to my knowledge it was strictly platonic and that I was sure if they asked Ollie he would say the same. He believed me obviously! He just had to make sure for HR purposes, etc. Anyways thennnnn we talked about how awesome I am.

I have a confession. I haven't started on my sketches for the mural yet. Haha! It's my plan to draw some stuff up this weekend. I've just been so exhausted all week, I haven't had the brain power to sit and draw. I mean, not that it requires a lot of WORK because drawing relaxes me! But t does require concentration. And that, I do not have at the moment. Haha!
Major developments on the Brando front: Soooo remember how I was saying that I feel like if I could just pour my heart out to him and just get some things off my chest that I'd be able to move on. But that he has a new girlfriend and won't talk to me??? Yeah, scratch that! This morning I saw him online and I just shot him over a quick, "Hey! I hope all is well! I'll have the money for my phone bill this weekend, I hope that's ok!" and he instantly replied saying that things were "alright" and that the bill was no problem and he asked how I was. I told him I was doing ok and work is great blah blah.. Well then he tells me he's "ready" to meet me for coffee and maybe he could meet up with me tomorrow before I go to work.

Let that soak in for a minute.
I'm certainly not getting my hopes up for anything, that much I can say 100% honestly. But there is a certain sense of suspense now for tomorrow. I mean, who knows? Maybe he'll flake on me and go back to ignoring me! But he pinky swore if it didn't work out tomorrow for some reason that he'll make the time to meet with me.
So.... One thing is FOR SURE: I will be getting to pour my heart out to him at some point. But the unknown, the evil evil unknown that I despise, is what his reaction is going to look like.
Maybe he'll profess his returned undying love for me

Maybe he'll say "Thanks, but let's be friends!"

Maybe he'll say nothing and I'll feel like a moron.

There is really no way for me to prepare myself for any of these reactions. Shit, it's been like 3 months (or MORE!) since I've even seen him so who the fuck knows? But I know how I feel and I know I will feel a weight lifted off once I blurt it out, regardless of how he reacts.
And that's all I have to say about that...

Pictures? I think yes!
I got these sunglasses from my work for $4

They make me look like a bug which makes me happy!

The other day, I wore my Puscifer hoody dress, which ALSO makes me happy!

Guess what! Guess what! I finished my book!!!! Next I've got to watch the movie and then I'll start the last book of the trilogy. Exciting stuff!

I saw this license plate today. It made me kinda uncomfortable.. lol

Pandora's dubstep channel makes me smile long time

Me and ze doggies being ADORABLE

I know right?!

I <3 my bug glasses!

TWO very important things you should be aware of:
#1- You can listen to Puscifer's new album for free HERE . Good ol bushnasty hooked it up with the mp3 files so I've been rockin that today on the old iPhone. FUCK YEAH! Thanks bushnasty, you fucking ROCK!

#2- Primus' new album Green Naugahyde is out and it has officially blown my socks off! Well worth the wait, Primus. WELL worth it. Buy it on iTunes riiiiight now! You won't regret it, I swear!

Two best albums of the year. No question.
The time has come for me to do my hair again! I'm gonna re-dye it purple this weekend since my roots are out in full effect now. BUT I'm gonna do something different I think. We'll see. I might add another color. I've discussed this at great lengths with Katie while high out of our minds but we just talked about it today, stone-cold sober, and I still think it could be fun. I dunno. We will see.

Halloween is almost upon us, my friends. Me and Thanatogenous might be going to a fetish ball for the holiday, though we aren't 100% sure yet. I gotta see what my finances look like this pay day before I can make such decisions. But I'm hoping it works out that I can afford to go because that would be a blast! But then the next question is.... WHAT would I be?! I need costume ideas. I have never played into the "slutty halloween costume" game because I'm a firm believer in costumes being scary. BUUUUUUT, I could be something slutty AND scary, right? Hmmm I don't see any reason why not!

SO! I shall keep you updated on ALL topics.
-Halloween plans
Follow me on Instagram (username: ErinzaTrekka) and Twitter if ya wanna! And stay tuned to the same SG channel for newssss

I love you so much that you can't stand it!

Your doggies are adorable and you have awesome taste in music, just saying