Me and Katie may see Zeds Dead live in a couple weeks which would be basically amazing. I am suuuuuper on a dubstep kick right now. LOL It's just so goddamn fun to dance to! Pandora's Dubstep Channel = WIN (in all caps, as you can see.

Today's lineup:
Music (CHECK!)
Lots of pictures (even nudey ones! *GASP*)
You in?
Work has been super great ever since I wrote that note to my boss.

I've been hanging out with Katie again since we've both sworn off blow. LOL The other night we went to one of her new friend's house out in the boondocks. He just bought this huge mansion that was a foreclosure and it is gorgeous! But all the walls are white and he wants to paint and shit. Well, we got to talking about it and we decided to have a big painting party sometime here in the next few weeks and we're all just gonna go drink and paint. Well, later in the night I was telling them that I'm an artist and blah blah blah... and they asked me to paint a mural on one of their walls in the living room!!!! WHAAAAAAT?!?!

I feel like there was a lot of other stuff I felt like updating you on, but now I can't remember what any of it was. I feel like I have Alzheimer's sometimes...
So first I'll bombard you with my life in iPhone pics and then maybe some fun nakey time ones.

super starrrr

Soooo last year this crazy guy started a fire in GameStop at the mall I work at and TONS of stores were destroyed. Because of that, part of the mall has been under construction forever. They just had the big grand opening last week so there have been all sorts of weird street acts performing in the mall. There was also a lady pretending to be a statue. I really wanted to push her over, but I'd probably lose my job. Haha!

I've had my nose in my book a lot. Almost done!

my super cool metal bookmark with the Mona Lisa on it..

I took this sticker off a puffy jacket at work and put it on my belt

This still happens sometimes. In fact, I'm getting more today! YAAAAAY!

Me and a peanut named Tyson

Katie's dog Tyson's self confidence is through the roof!

My girl Elyse's new LED hoop in action

Been on the road a lot these days

yesterday the clouds blew my mind

"Hey could you get me a couple stickers from your work?" Ummm... yeah, I can do that. lol

About 2 weeks ago I accidentally rolled over a little lizard in our driveway and his pancaked little body is still there.

DOggies exploring

My ratties being fucking adorable

it's almost pumpkin carving tiiiiiiime

Soooooo it rained the other day and what did I decide to do?
I love the rain!
But today is super sunny. So what should I do today? Hmmmmmm
Hahahaha! Well, as I mentioned it's a beautiful day today and I don't have work. So, I'm gonna get ready, go over to Katie's and maybe we'll go down to the river and take some pictures or something. We're also meeting up with my sweet amazing friend Devyn for a little bit when he gets out of class. Today is gonna be a good day! I can feel it!
I hope you all are doing well and thank you for being awesome! I am sending you all lots of lovins and good vibes via my mad telepathic skills.
Love youssssss
Speaking of dubstep!!!!!!! Go love this set now! It makes me soooooo happy!
Boom in Mou5trap
In sooo much love with this set right now