People are getting whiny about my political bull shit. Not necessarily HERE, but everywhere. lol I wasn't trying to convince anyone to agree with the Occupy movement! All I was saying is it's a healthy discussion to have as Americans. People are either afraid of not being Politically Correct or they don't give a shit. That's all I was saying my friends.

So let's everyone take a deep breath in...
...and now breathe out.

Now look at this!
IIIIII feel like pimping a few of my favorite sets right now and since this is my blog, that's what I'm gonna do!
Silencia in Doll Harem
smoooooookin hot!
Jaxy in Morning Cartoons
I love this woman so much!
Adria in Eye Candy
Do I need to explain why I am in love with this set? Really? Daaaaaaaaamn
Radeo in Heliotrope
Goddamn I said goddamn!
And while I'm at it, 2 of my lovely lovely dear friends
Thanatogenous in Practise Makes Perfect
la-la-la-LOVE my best friend
Boomie in Exhale
I need to kick it with this woman soon or I'm gonna start punching babies!
And... oh my gosh... who's THIS?!?!?!?!
LOL Expect a new better set soon. Trying to set something up with miss Silencia. She's fantastic and there don't seem to be any staff photogs that wanna shoot wif me and/or that don't have time to. But I think her and I could maybe make a good team and make some good art. Let's seeeeee!
Alright, I thought I'd throw a nice easy blog your way. No stress, no politics, just.... hot naked women. Please go love ALL those sets long time!
Here! I'll make a silly face and make you smile!
Did it work?????
Peace, love, and titties