Mother Nature finally mustered up some tears and cried on NorCal today. I hate to find joy in another's pain, so maybe ...she was crying "happy tears".

Yesterday the clouds rolled in big time so I knew rain was on the way. But it didn't quite happen. So....... I decided to take some boobie pictures! Yaaaaaaay!!!

I also spent a great deal of time just stretching out on the deck, staring at the clouds and pondering/over-thinking things, but overall enjoying myself.
Today, I went with Thanatogenous and her hubster to a trip up to the hills. It was kinda rainy, so we didn't get to do everything we wanted to do, including taking pictures. lol But, we went to a brewery and a bakery and had a really nice, relaxed time. Minus the stop and go traffic on the way home. I also got about a million apple cider donuts that I have eaten my weight in so far.
Overall, no real complaints about life over the last couple days!
I'm really thinking a lot about having miss Boomie expand on my chest piece. So, I'm working on a couple little projects to make some money hopefully to fund that. I need some new pretty pain!!! I wanna expand it up to my collar bone and possibly shoulders. Every time I get tattooed, it compels me to paint, so that's my other motive for wanting to get this done.
Side Bar: Halloween candy is going to be the death of me. I'm sure of it.
I've been reading like a mad woman!!!
It just gets better and better and better! I almost can't put it down. I got through quite a bit of it today. This is where I left off for the night:
Don't tell me anything, if you've read this!!!!! But, I think I'm starting to figure out what's going on with Salander and this Zala fellow. Maybe. I dunno!!! but it is so goddamn good! It's the kind of book that I can't wait to find out what's going on, but at the same time I don't want it to end. Luckily, there's a book that follows this one.
But then what?....
I can't think about it. LOL
Hmmm... this is an interesting development. One of my bosses at work, Ollie, just texted me asking if I wanna go to coffee with him tomorrow. It's been pretty apparent to me that he has a crush on yours truly. I don't feel the same at all. Even a little bit. But he's a super rad guy and seems like he could be fun to chill with. I'm kind of hoping the coffee meeting is about something work related and not an attempt to "woo" me. lol Not that I'm not flattered, I just don't have the energy to explain why I am not interested in dating him, or really anyone for that matter. Oh well, hopefully it'll be a nice, chill, totally platonic coffee date.
Anyways, I think I'm going to try to get some shut-eye. Today was a long, beautiful, relaxing day and I'd like it to end on a good note. I hope you all had a terrific day as well! More fun updates to come this week I'm sure. I'll try to take some more pictures, hopefully some good nature shots this week.
Question: Are any of you following this whole Occupy Wall Street thing? I've been getting sort of into it. Curious if any of you have been getting into it.
I dunno. You know me, I generally try to stay out of political conversations. But, this is pretty fascinating to me, I'm not gonna lie.
Don't forget these little gems if you have a mind to follow me and my random life
Instagram: Erinzatrekka
I'm sending you all long distance smooches! Good ones. lol