...I used to do blogs crazy frequently and about nothing in particular?
Yeah... I kinda miss those days. I think since my work is kind of fucking me up the ass hole and cutting back my hours, I may get back into that habit. And that habit shall commence......

So, I've officially become addicted to the show Parks and Recreation. It's on NBC. Check your local listings.

Here are some of my favorite clips (that I could actually find on YouTube)
Enter me laughing hysterically stage left.
So there's that going on....
Oh! And Thanatogenous came over yesterday and we had din dins at my house and talked and caught up on a loooooooooooot of bull shit. I missed her a lot. I feel like an asshole for neglecting her for over a month while I was busy being a moron. But, luckily, she has accepted my apology and is the best friend I could ever ask for. She even brought me flowers!!!!!
Sweetest person in the actual universe? Probably. I love her so much and we are definitely planning on hanging out again this week so that makes me super happy! I'll be sure to actually take pictures this time. lol
OH! The sky has been AMAZING lately!
that last picture was tonight's sunset. I did not alter the colors at all, that's what it ACTUALLY looked like. Isn't it beautiful?
I love this time of year. The clouds are rollin in to NorCal and the rain's comin and I couldn't be more ready for it. I'm anxious to get back into boots and hoodies, like non-stop. I've been feeling something special in the wind this year... I dunno what it is, but something good is coming my way. I can feel it! I just gotta keep my eyes peeled and my arms wide open.
"I'm reaching out to embrace the random, Reaching out to embrace whatever may come."
-Tool (and my sternum tattoo)
Hmmm what else is goin down in Trekka land????
OH! I'm totally on an Instagram roll, so if you have an iPhone and you have Instagram, follow me and I'll tooootally follow you back! Username: Erinzatrekka
Here are some of the random photos I've been uploading:
I reallllly want Boomie to expand on my tattoo but I need the fundage to get her cute little butt here
Dita and Zoe snuggling in their hammock
ratty lovins
puppy puzzle pieces
A peaCOCK. he he
me looking nerdy in my beanie
This song is playing on my iTunes riiiiiight now:
Fuuuuuuuuuuuck yesssssss.... You couldn't possibly comprehend how this song makes me feel all over my body. Goosebumps...... Mother. Fucking. Goosebumps.
So I've been taking surveys on what kind of camera to request from the family for Christmas and it's looking like the verdict is the Canon Rebel. It was a toss up between Canon and Nikon, but more photogs have told me to go with the Rebel. So...... Is it Christmas yet? I'm gonna see if I can talk them into getting it early so I can USE it at Christmas. Not sure how that conversation will work out but we will see. I'm going to be optimistic!
Tomorrow is my mommy's 50th birthday which is suuuuper creepy cuz I'll be half her age. Which makes me think... She was MY age when she popped me out... YOWZAH! I cannot imagine myself with a baby right now. Not with life the way it is these days.... Insane! I'd probably forget about it and leave it at a grocery store or something while I'm listening to metal on my iPod or some shit. But anyways, I got her a frame with pictures of me and the dogs in it for her desk at her new-ish job. She has been dropping hints for like....7 weeks now. So, I used up basically all her printer ink printing out my favorite pictures! Yaaaaay! Happy birthday mom! lol
Ohhhh my god I can't wait to finish this book (The Girl Who Played With Fire by Stieg Larsson) so I can talk to someone about it. Cuz shit just went DOWN and I'm curious if something is ever going to come back up.... So my plan is to knock out 100 pages tomorrow. Then I'll be down to like 300. I CAN DO IT!
Also, I'm starting to look for a second job which is shitty but will probably just mean I'll be doing bad, terrible things on cam for money. HAHAHAHA! JK! JK! JK! .......... (sorta)..... I am actually looking for a legitimate second job. Pizza places and whatnot, cuz I like to roll hard. But... who the fuck knows with me, right?! LOL
Well folks, I think that's all the random I've got in me tonight! I hope you found it to be satisfactory.
I love you all tons and tons and wanna squeeze you til your eye balls pop out!
Trekka Bot
P.S. Follow me on Twitter if ya wanna!
I always forget that I actually need a phone because I feel like I never talk to anyone. School keeps emailing me to call and I tried today from a payphone but got a voicemail. If I get screwed out of school I'm going to be pissed. Why can't I do everything via email?