Remember this song???
Haha! I totally forgot about this jam. It reminds me of high school..
I really don't have much to write or share today. Mainly because my coffee hasn't kicked in yet. I just felt like writing something. But, I swear, there should be a reality show about my life because even I can't believe all the nonsense I seem to get myself into these days.
I sorta got into hanging out with a new crowd that was suuuuuper fun, but... fun doesn't always mean positive. And none of what was going down with said crowd was positive for me and my life. I started getting way too into drugs that I normally would not have, had I not been hanging around said crowd. And I sorta got to watch my life go into a downward spiral.
I don't wanna make it sound like I was hanging out with "bad" people! In fact, I never paid for any of the blow, they just gave it to me! They are all sweet and fantastic folks, they just like to party WAY harder than my crazy anxious mind can handle.
Talk about taking a step backwards in life.
Thankfully, I caught myself early enough to be able to consciously take a look at what was going on and realizing it is NOT the lifestyle for me. Flushed some things down the toilet and that was that.
The real problem though was that I had been neglecting other, more solid friendships while I was associating myself with these people. And for that I am insanely ashamed of myself. Here I am, at this point in my life where I am trying to learn how to be ok single and learn how to be a "grown up" (whatever that means), and I decide to act like a coke-head teenager.

(picture me doing the worlds largest eye roll right now, because that's what I'm doing).
Thankfully, my true friends have forgiven me for veering off the path and are still around to show me love and support when I need it most. And wanna know something funny? The people I was hanging out with and partying with haven't talked to me in days and haven't even texted me to see if I'm alright. The friends I had been kinda neglecting are the only ones who are here for me right now. Proof that I have made the right decision by leaving Party Group and returning home, where I belong.
I feel so blessed to have you REAL friends in my life. You all know who you are and frankly, my brain isn't working at full capacity right now to list you all. Haha! But like I said, you know who you are and I apologize for disappearing on you but I'm back and I certainly don't plan on going anywhere. Thank you for all that you do!
Well, today should be a fun day! I'm going with my mom and step dad up to the hills a little ways and having a light lunch at a cool ale house and stopping by an art gallery where they commissioned an artist for a sculpture that is supposed to be done now. So, that'll be nice! And then the beautiful and wonderful Thanatogenous is coming over for dinner time when she gets off work and we're gonna hang out for a while. I am really excited for this because I haven't seen her pretty much since Hell City I think and I have missed her more than I can even express in words.
Moral of the story...

I'm just kidding, really. I still plan on smoking the green at my leisure. And honestly, I don't give a shit if people do whatever drugs. They're fun and in moderation and under the right circumstances, they can be a blasty blast! It's just, I have learned my lesson that certain drugs are bad for ME.... mkay?
Hmmmm I don't have any new pictures to throw your way today. I'm sorry about that! My camera is FOR REAL on the fritz and all I've had is my iPhone to take pics. But because of my drug-induced stupor, I haven't been taking many photos. BOOOO ME!!!! But now that I'm back to the real world, I'll get back into taking pictures. Promise.
I do have some random internet shit I can share that I think is funny!

OHHHHH!!!! I know! I've been doing this thing for the last couple months where I screen cap the weirdest ads that come up on Facebook. It just blows my mind sometimes the ads that come up! Either they are stupid or they have really funny pictures or WHATEVER! So, here's what I've collected so far:

really? someone's gonna eat this giant taco? please



this picture is absurd

LOL ok..

Hey you! "Like" Jesus!

super creepy

this picture most certainly does not say "long term love" to me

I'm all about breaking cherries! lol

this photo is terrifying!

BAAAAHAHA! Poor kitty!

"Everything you want to know about cats"

everything about this ad is ridiculous

Barns are NOT in my dreams

high five!

"Do you have a cute baby? Send you pictures, because this is all we've got and we need a cute one for our ad." yikes


why would they pick tis picture for their ad?!

"Hot shoes. Terrible picture."

Alright that's all i've got for now. But it seems like every day I see worse ads on FB. The ultrasound ads creep me out sooooo hard. Hahaha! Innnnnnsanity.
Oh yeah! And I started reading a new book to keep my self occupied in a healthy way as opposed to my recent activity!

Although, I kind of went about it the wrong way. This is the book that comes after The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and I didn't read that one, but I saw the movie. But after I saw the movie, I felt like I didn't wanna read it. I should have read it and THEN saw the movie. But oh well! So, I started this one and I'm about 1/5 of the way into it and I am SUCKED IN! So good!
Also, the weather is finally cooling down and the clouds have been lovely lately

And I love waking up in the morning to find everything covered in dew. It makes the earth smell soooo good. Is that weird to say?

Well, anyways. Thanks for reading this jumbled mess of a blog! I'm glad to be back mentally and glad that my friends stuck around for me trough the bull shit. I feel very blessed. I'll try to take some pictures this weekend so I can give you a proper Trekka Blog next time!
Also, the next blog will probably have a better structure. This was ridiculous. LOL

Sending you all soooooo much peace, love, and happiness!

Haha! I totally forgot about this jam. It reminds me of high school..
I really don't have much to write or share today. Mainly because my coffee hasn't kicked in yet. I just felt like writing something. But, I swear, there should be a reality show about my life because even I can't believe all the nonsense I seem to get myself into these days.
I sorta got into hanging out with a new crowd that was suuuuuper fun, but... fun doesn't always mean positive. And none of what was going down with said crowd was positive for me and my life. I started getting way too into drugs that I normally would not have, had I not been hanging around said crowd. And I sorta got to watch my life go into a downward spiral.

Talk about taking a step backwards in life.
Thankfully, I caught myself early enough to be able to consciously take a look at what was going on and realizing it is NOT the lifestyle for me. Flushed some things down the toilet and that was that.

The real problem though was that I had been neglecting other, more solid friendships while I was associating myself with these people. And for that I am insanely ashamed of myself. Here I am, at this point in my life where I am trying to learn how to be ok single and learn how to be a "grown up" (whatever that means), and I decide to act like a coke-head teenager.

Thankfully, my true friends have forgiven me for veering off the path and are still around to show me love and support when I need it most. And wanna know something funny? The people I was hanging out with and partying with haven't talked to me in days and haven't even texted me to see if I'm alright. The friends I had been kinda neglecting are the only ones who are here for me right now. Proof that I have made the right decision by leaving Party Group and returning home, where I belong.
I feel so blessed to have you REAL friends in my life. You all know who you are and frankly, my brain isn't working at full capacity right now to list you all. Haha! But like I said, you know who you are and I apologize for disappearing on you but I'm back and I certainly don't plan on going anywhere. Thank you for all that you do!
Well, today should be a fun day! I'm going with my mom and step dad up to the hills a little ways and having a light lunch at a cool ale house and stopping by an art gallery where they commissioned an artist for a sculpture that is supposed to be done now. So, that'll be nice! And then the beautiful and wonderful Thanatogenous is coming over for dinner time when she gets off work and we're gonna hang out for a while. I am really excited for this because I haven't seen her pretty much since Hell City I think and I have missed her more than I can even express in words.
Moral of the story...

I'm just kidding, really. I still plan on smoking the green at my leisure. And honestly, I don't give a shit if people do whatever drugs. They're fun and in moderation and under the right circumstances, they can be a blasty blast! It's just, I have learned my lesson that certain drugs are bad for ME.... mkay?

Hmmmm I don't have any new pictures to throw your way today. I'm sorry about that! My camera is FOR REAL on the fritz and all I've had is my iPhone to take pics. But because of my drug-induced stupor, I haven't been taking many photos. BOOOO ME!!!! But now that I'm back to the real world, I'll get back into taking pictures. Promise.

I do have some random internet shit I can share that I think is funny!

OHHHHH!!!! I know! I've been doing this thing for the last couple months where I screen cap the weirdest ads that come up on Facebook. It just blows my mind sometimes the ads that come up! Either they are stupid or they have really funny pictures or WHATEVER! So, here's what I've collected so far:

really? someone's gonna eat this giant taco? please



this picture is absurd

LOL ok..

Hey you! "Like" Jesus!

super creepy

this picture most certainly does not say "long term love" to me

I'm all about breaking cherries! lol

this photo is terrifying!

BAAAAHAHA! Poor kitty!

"Everything you want to know about cats"

everything about this ad is ridiculous

Barns are NOT in my dreams

high five!

"Do you have a cute baby? Send you pictures, because this is all we've got and we need a cute one for our ad." yikes


why would they pick tis picture for their ad?!

"Hot shoes. Terrible picture."

Alright that's all i've got for now. But it seems like every day I see worse ads on FB. The ultrasound ads creep me out sooooo hard. Hahaha! Innnnnnsanity.
Oh yeah! And I started reading a new book to keep my self occupied in a healthy way as opposed to my recent activity!

Although, I kind of went about it the wrong way. This is the book that comes after The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and I didn't read that one, but I saw the movie. But after I saw the movie, I felt like I didn't wanna read it. I should have read it and THEN saw the movie. But oh well! So, I started this one and I'm about 1/5 of the way into it and I am SUCKED IN! So good!
Also, the weather is finally cooling down and the clouds have been lovely lately

And I love waking up in the morning to find everything covered in dew. It makes the earth smell soooo good. Is that weird to say?

Well, anyways. Thanks for reading this jumbled mess of a blog! I'm glad to be back mentally and glad that my friends stuck around for me trough the bull shit. I feel very blessed. I'll try to take some pictures this weekend so I can give you a proper Trekka Blog next time!

Sending you all soooooo much peace, love, and happiness!

Yay! Glad you're ditching bad habits. 
