Not me! No, not anyone.
Kind of a gay song, but completely suits my mood this morning. So...yeah....

I had to change emo blog from last night. I cannot start my day off on an icky note today. I just can't.
I could do a really quick vent session and rant about all the shit on my plate right now. But I decided that I wanna share some of my favorite nature pictures that I've taken over the last year and a half or so. Is that weird? I mean, most of you have probably seen them already, but my nature pictures always remind me of what's really important in life, which is appreciating all the beauty I am surrounded with.
So, I hope you don't mind looking at some reruns.

I'll even spoiler em for you so you don't get pissed at how long this take to load. Haha!
There are about 100 more that I'm in love with but it would take me forever and a day to get them all loaded into one damn blog.
I'm not sure who this blog was for. Was it for you all so that you don't think I'm just a Debbie Downer based on my last blog? Or was it for me so that I could see all this beauty again? Hmmm... not sure. Maybe both?
Either way, thank you Mama Nature for always knowing just the right thing to say to me in silent words. You can always bring my spirits up to such great heights.
Well, I have a busy day ahead of me so I had better get dressed and stuff. I hope this blog was a nice change from the last one. I'm sorry they aren't new photos and I hope you weren't annoyed with having to see some pictures I'm sure you've already seen before!
On a side note, I'm asking for a good camera for Christmas from my parents. Anyone out there have thoughts on what kind I should request? You know me, I'd use it mainly for more shots like these. Nature photos, lots of bug's eye view kinda stuff. So, anyone who knows things about cameras, can you point me in the right direction?
OK! So, it's time to have a good day! Hope this blog brought some smiles to your faces, because it brought one to mine.