But not quite yet. I am sooooo drained from being so sick with strep throat.
I am soooooo over being sick!
Since I have virtually no energy to do anything other than type short messages and roll around in my bed uncomfortably, I wanna share a song with you. I don't know if that sounds lame, but honestly, I don't care. HAHA!
I discovered this song while going through some movie soundtracks online and when I heard this one, my soul was touched. Music and art truly effect me physically and this song brought tears to my eyes and really touched my soul. I love when that happens with a song! So, I wanted to share it with those of you who care about such things.
Deanna Storey -- "Little Person" (from the film Synecdoche, New York
Lyrics under spoiler
Well, as I said, I get my meds today so I should be up and around soon, at least have enough energy to write a proper blog for you all on the topics I mentioned in my previous blog. It's Saturday so I hope you all are doing fun things and enjoying this beautiful life we live. I'll be online a lot today since I'm in no shape to do much else so shoot me some messages if ya feel like it! I always love chatting it up with all you wonderful people. Truly.
I'll probably be blowing up Twitter today too so if you've got it, follow me, won't ya? ErinzaTrekka
More blogging soon coming to a computer screen near you. But for now, I must rest my body and mind and get better. And remember, comment or send messages! I could use em today while I'm huddled up in my bed surrounded in throat lozenges!
Catch ya on the flippidy flip!