You cannot fuck with that kinda crazy!
Need a laugh? Watch one of my favorite comedians being hilarious!
"I snoop, I don't give a fuck!" Hahahaha! Makes me laugh hysterically.
Hmmm you want music too though, don't you? I can tell by that look I'm imagining you having on your face right now. lol Let's seeeeee... What to pick what to pick?
Ew this is the radio edit version.... Oh well! I love the fucking beat in this song. This is my "looking at photos of previous years at Hell City" theme. Hahaha! I've been scouring the internet looking at photos of the mayhem that is Hell City. Looking at what I need to prepare for.
"We're gonna dance on fi-ya!"
Fuuuuuuuuuuuck I'm so excited for Hell City which is officially only hours away now. Gaaaaaah! I've begun raiding my closet for sexy things as well as comfy things and everything in between to pack for my trip! Me and Thanatogenous are leaving tomorrow afternoon for Phoenix to have the time of our lives. I'm pretty damn excited! It'll be such an adventure and I am sooooo ready for it. Hehe!
Let's see... What else do I have to report in on?
Things are going pretty good with the new boy prospect. We're not -together- together quite yet. We're taking it slow. Well, whatever that means! Haha! We spent the weekend together last weekend and honestly had a total blast. Pretty sure my ovaries are bruised...
He and I are a lot alike, but just different enough to keep things spicy.
It's fun. HE'S fun. And I like it. SO THERE. hahaha! Also, when I get back from Hell City, I am hopping on a train to his town that evening and I'm gonna spend a few days with him cuz his birthday is next week! YAAAAAAY!
Wanna see a picture of him????? You know you do!!!!!!
Herrrrrrrrrre's my Johnny!
He's basically adorable and I love it. So there's that!
Everything else has been going pretty well these days. I am loving my job and the people I work with and even the majority of the customers!
I think I'm just flat out -happy- nowadays and I am diggin it hard!
Hows about some random iPhone pictures from the last couple weeks and such?! Sound fun?? I sure think so!
One of my work shirts at Vans:
Soooo I was watching Scared Straight because I think it's hilarious to watch crazy murderers scream in the faces of little scum bags, and I saw this tattoo on a lady's neck. Please note, this is an EXACT replica of said tattoo, no exaggeration:
My mornings look a lot like this on most days:
Alright, well I was gonna try to post more random pictures like this funny obituary I saw in the paper the other day and photos of my Jameson and juice box, and Ray CHarles at the mall eating fast food and other things of that nature, but for some reason, my computer isn't allowing me to add them. :-/ Annoying much?!?!
Wait.... It's letting me again! WTF?!?!
I started tanning again today!
So yay Vitamin D and whatnot!
I get this for lunch at work lots
mmmmmm fro yo
Ok now it's not working again! WTF?! Ugh, the fuck with it!
Well, I've gotta figure out how to get everything in this damn suitcase into a carry on bag. Fuck my life... Shit, I'm getting grouchy. I have no clue how to pack a carry on for this weekend. I honestly don't even know if I have a bag that qualifies as a carry-on. Goddammit....
Enter STRESS stage left!

I hope you all have an amazing week and I hope to return with lots of fun pictures of adventure! Wish me luck on this whole packing situation.
x's and o's!
Need a laugh? Watch one of my favorite comedians being hilarious!

Hmmm you want music too though, don't you? I can tell by that look I'm imagining you having on your face right now. lol Let's seeeeee... What to pick what to pick?
Ew this is the radio edit version.... Oh well! I love the fucking beat in this song. This is my "looking at photos of previous years at Hell City" theme. Hahaha! I've been scouring the internet looking at photos of the mayhem that is Hell City. Looking at what I need to prepare for.
"We're gonna dance on fi-ya!"
Fuuuuuuuuuuuck I'm so excited for Hell City which is officially only hours away now. Gaaaaaah! I've begun raiding my closet for sexy things as well as comfy things and everything in between to pack for my trip! Me and Thanatogenous are leaving tomorrow afternoon for Phoenix to have the time of our lives. I'm pretty damn excited! It'll be such an adventure and I am sooooo ready for it. Hehe!
Let's see... What else do I have to report in on?
Things are going pretty good with the new boy prospect. We're not -together- together quite yet. We're taking it slow. Well, whatever that means! Haha! We spent the weekend together last weekend and honestly had a total blast. Pretty sure my ovaries are bruised...

Wanna see a picture of him????? You know you do!!!!!!
Herrrrrrrrrre's my Johnny!

He's basically adorable and I love it. So there's that!

Everything else has been going pretty well these days. I am loving my job and the people I work with and even the majority of the customers!
I think I'm just flat out -happy- nowadays and I am diggin it hard!
Hows about some random iPhone pictures from the last couple weeks and such?! Sound fun?? I sure think so!

One of my work shirts at Vans:

Soooo I was watching Scared Straight because I think it's hilarious to watch crazy murderers scream in the faces of little scum bags, and I saw this tattoo on a lady's neck. Please note, this is an EXACT replica of said tattoo, no exaggeration:

My mornings look a lot like this on most days:

Alright, well I was gonna try to post more random pictures like this funny obituary I saw in the paper the other day and photos of my Jameson and juice box, and Ray CHarles at the mall eating fast food and other things of that nature, but for some reason, my computer isn't allowing me to add them. :-/ Annoying much?!?!
Wait.... It's letting me again! WTF?!?!
I started tanning again today!

So yay Vitamin D and whatnot!
I get this for lunch at work lots

mmmmmm fro yo

Ok now it's not working again! WTF?! Ugh, the fuck with it!
Well, I've gotta figure out how to get everything in this damn suitcase into a carry on bag. Fuck my life... Shit, I'm getting grouchy. I have no clue how to pack a carry on for this weekend. I honestly don't even know if I have a bag that qualifies as a carry-on. Goddammit....
Enter STRESS stage left!

I hope you all have an amazing week and I hope to return with lots of fun pictures of adventure! Wish me luck on this whole packing situation.

x's and o's!

ok, so I've always thought that you're hella sexy so I thought I'd say it.
Trekka! <3 you are
! Loved meeting you! Come to portland and visit me soon k?!