Hahahaha! In case you need a good laugh, watch the video above. Step Brothers is easily one of my favorite comedies of all time. I quote it on the daily. LOVE IT!
Anyways, I promised an explanation on what all went down with "the boyfriend" so I'm gonna do my best to explain it without being a total cunt and putting him on blast. ....
Have any of you seen the independent film, Catfish? It's basically a documentary on a guy who falls in love with a woman online and then he slowly starts to unravel this twisted tale about how the woman he fell in love with was all an elaborate story another lady came up with. All the photos sent were someone else, songs were someone else.... it was ALL fake. So the guy goes to the address to find the woman he fell in love with over the web, and he finds a fat middle aged woman who created the whole lie.
Yeah... That's exactly what happened to me. LOL
One door closes and another opens, right? That's what they say! Whoever "they" are, I think they're right!
In other news...
Work has been busy busy busy! It's back to school time, so EVERYONE is getting new shoes. We have been having lines out the door! It's insane! It's been a tad stressful, but fun for the most part! I've really been enjoying it! It feels so good to be a member of the working class again. I feel like I have purpose everyday and I can see myself growing a lot from it. Also, I'm getting into better shape with all the running around and lifting and yadda yadda yadda... so that's pretty badass.
No luck on getting ahold of any staff photographers to shoot a set, but I did briefly speak to Silencia about her shooting a set for me! I need to talk to her more about it. I also have to figure out how I can afford to get my ass up to Oregon. haha! But, all in good time. I don't need to rush! Life is too short for me to spend it worried and stressed all the time, especially about things I really don't have control over. So, I'll figure something out. I DO know that I desperately want to shoot a new set and have a vision in my head of what I'd like it to entail, etc.
Speaking of sets...
This little gem is still kickin it in MR
...along with this oldie
Speaking of sets, go check out the following ladies' sets and LOVE THEM TO PIECES
I know there are tons of other amazing sets, but these women have been such great friends to me and supported me through thick and thin and just been there for me. So go give them lots of love!
Hmmmmm........ pictures!
I was really hoping to be able to report many more fun happenings to you guys in this blog, but that's the way the cookie crumbles! But I am doing ok and I have my VERY MUCH NEEDED vacation coming up to ....
HELL CITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll be spending time with my best friend, Thanatogenous and the whole gang and I could not be more excited about that!! Still need to get some cute little outfits to wear in that damn Arizona heat! haha! But, I'm not worried. I'll get it figured out. I was supposed to be going there with a good camera (something that was promised by the liar boy
) but unfortunately I'll just have my shitty camera. But I will, OF COURSE, try to take lots of fun pictures to document this extravaganza! God, I can't fucking wait!!!
So, I s'pose that's all for now, my crazy awesome friends! I've got lots of work this week, a possible booty call with Brando, I wanna try to get to the movies to see 30 Minutes or Less, hopefully hang out with the bestie (Thana) at some point, and I have a family reunion this weekend. So, hopefully I will have a more entertaining update for you all next time!
Thanks for letting me vent and share, guys! This blog really serves a great purpose for me so thanks for reading and giving me your input. It really means the world to me, as do you.
Sending you all lots of lovins!
at least you have Step Brothers to fall back on?
At least you have this great job now with people you get along with well. That's worth it's weight in gold! And I'm sure Hell City will wipe all the crap right outta your mind.