Ok, the song I want for this is the new single by Puscifer (my namesake) called Man Overboard. It's not on YouTube yet, so please click this link and minimize it while you read or something. Because it is motherfucking brilliant. Like.... I don't even have words for how much I'm in love with this single. Suuuuuuuch a sick beat. I'm getting goosebumps as I type this while listening to it. I wanna dance filthy dirty to it and probably make out to it. Yup. That's gonna happen.

Speaking of which...
Ya know who's fucking awesome? MEEEE.
Wait, first let me lay this out for you in case you only want to read bits and pieces...
-paragraph of me gushing
-thanks to you
-update on the home front
- update on the job front
-some blabby blabby about fun happenings
-random picture projectile vomit
-whatever else i feel like babbling about
So ok, time to gush like a little school girl.

Next, I wanna thank you guys for being patient with me during my time out and for all your supportive messages. There was some ridiculous drama that went on and while I have moved on from it, it was nice to take a breather from the chaos for a few days. The clusterfuck seemed to be everywhere I turned and I had had enough. I set my boundaries. So, THANK YOU, you wonderful people for reminding me why I love you and this community so much. I mean, naked hot chicks alone are great! But, it's you members and fellow ladies who provide such an accepting and loving forum for me to pour my heart out to. You remind me that I'm not alone in this big scary world. You help me make smart decisions and provide some much needed comfort. You all are awesome and I thank you.... for the millionth time. LOL I hope it doesn't get old hearing it, because I doubt I'll ever stop saying it.

The last few days, my parents have been out of town on a drunken trip with a group of other couples up in the mountains, which meant I had the house to myself. It's been nice to not have my mom breathing down my neck 24/7 and to be able to do whatever the hell I want. My incredible bestie Thanatogenous came over the other night and we drank and smoked our faces off and talked about life and men and we played the #fuckyougame, as displayed below:

I wubs her. And I know she hates it here, but I'm glad that life brought her my way. Plus, we have Hell City to look forward to, so that's exciting!
...Which reminds me, must stop eating ice cream and start doing more sit ups. lol
Most exciting news ever:
I finally landed myself a motherfucking JOB! And a cool one for once in my goddamn life! I had an interview last week at Vans that I think I told you guys about. Well, the interview went AMAZING and after 10 minutes of "interviewing" (basic chit chat) the manager offered me the job on the spot! You have nooooo idea how excited I am about this! I have always loved Vans and heard they were a great company to work for and the best part is, I can be myself! Tattoos, piercings, and all! So anyways, I'm super excited about it. I start tomorrow afternoon.

Other news... let's see.... OH! I spoke with Boomie about expanding on my chest piece a little before Hell City because I want to enter it in a contest. So, it's lookin like the first week of August sometime, I should be able to have her stab me with some more needles and ink so I'm pretty fuckin stoked on that right now. Fer reals! That chick is fuckin legit. Maybe even too legit to quit. lol I love her though and she is amazingly talented so it is certainly something to look forward to!
Ok, tired of me talkin now?
Need pictures to keep your interest?
I can probably handle that!
Initiate: Projectile Photo Vomit
I iz a luv bandit!
I guess the moral of today's story is... sometimes taking a little breather brings new winds to inhale. And sometimes it's just the gust your lungs were waiting for.
I am back in full effect, my friends. And thank you for giving me my space.
I've briefly spoken to Silencia about possibly shooting a set with her. She is fabulously talented and her and I really click so I think we could create some real gold. Probably after Hell City. We shall see. I need to talk to her more about it. So, I really wanna get a new set out and I've got a couple concepts in mind that I think will show you my soul. So yay on that!
Well, I suppose I've raped your precious eye holes for long enough! Thanks for hangin in there, if ya did! YOU ARE CHAMPS!
The End is back too
x's and o's til you can't handle it no mo!
T to the R to the E to the double K A