This song is for you, you know who you are.

"If I turn into another, dig me out from under what is covering, the better part of me. Sing this song, remind me that we'll always have each other, when everything else is gone."
This song means a lot to me.... it always has. But it stands out particularly today.

Well, I'm supposing it's time for me to finally blog about the amazingness that was the Trash Movie Orgy Zombie Walk!

Let me first just say, I needed this night so badly! As many of you know, as of late, my life has been a fucking tornado with me trapped inside. I hadn't really done anything genuinely fun in ages. I heard about the zombie walk the day OF by chance while I was reading the paper. I honestly didn't think anyone would be down to go with me and I was gonna have to miss it. And that would have been sad. I mean, you guys know how much I love me some zombies!!
Anyone need a reminder???

Yeah! So anyways, all that I gathered from the article in the paper was that people would meet at a piercing/tattoo place downtown where there was going to be a zombie makeup contest, zombies would gather in full attire, and then walk to the Crest theater for the midnight showing of The Return of the Living Dead. The article said that last year's Zombie Walk attracted 1000 people/zombies.... Ummmmm awesome much?!
So, I posted on Facebook and on Twitter hoping someone in Sacramento would reply, but sort of expecting nothing.
Well, the lovely Thanatogenous replied on Twitter demanding details. LOL I was so excited!!! So, I texted her details and we decided that we'd go.

We took a little while to get ready, darkening our eye sockets to make them look sunken in, applying white makeup to the rest of our face, teasing our hair to make it look crazy, ripping fishnets, the works! We also found a recipe for fake blood and mixed that up in a tupperware to take with us to apply once we got there. So we took a couple shots, ate some chocolate weed ice cream (which tasted exactly what you'd expect it to taste like. lol), called a cab and got our asses out there!

I was a little worried that not that many people would participate and that it wouldn't be too much fun. I just feel like, these days, people don't know how to have a good time and laugh and put in 100% into things like this. The Rocky Horror Picture age has dwindled.
Holy fuck was I WRONG!
The cab pulled up to a costumed army man who instructed us zombies to exit the vehicle. LOL There were MOBS of people in full getup! Zombies literally as far as the eye could see downtown. It was nothing short of incredible! So, we found a spot to pull out our blood and make a mess covering ourselves head to toe in the sticky concoction of corn syrup, cocoa powder, water, and red food coloring. We roamed the streets for a couple hours just checking out people's costumes and makeup... people went ALL OUT! Hahaha! There were pregnant zombies with zombie babies popping out, there were zombies in wheelchairs, there was blood ALL OVER the sidewalks and streets, bloody hand prints on trees....
I tried to take some pictures, but you know how I am when I get drunk, I forget I have a camera. And boy oh boy, did I get drunk. lol
As the walk began, we stopped at the first bar we saw. They were apparently, not serving zombies that night, but the bouncer thought me and Thanatogenous were hot, so he let us in for "One drink and then out!". Hahaha! We walked in, shocking everyone in the bar with our faces covered in blood and zombie makeup. We found a spot at the end of the bar, next to a group of 40-somethings who started trying to figure out what was going on. (People apparently, had no idea the Zombie Walk was going on outside) The bartender gave us our shots and we were back on our way!
During the walk, a dude that I went to K-8th grade with at Catholic school, spotted me out of HUNDREDS of other zombies and somehow recognized me... ? HAHA! I hadn't seen him since I was 14, so .... 11 years. And he recognizes me as a zombie? Weird. Haha! He was suuuuuuuper annoying, but he bought me more shots at another bar later so I was alright with that. Hahaha!
Somewhere after my 6th shot of whiskey, everything was a blur... For reals. I do not remember getting back to Thanatogenous's house, or taking a shower and apparently wandering around her apartment naked and then passing out on her bull out bed. HAHAHA! I literally woke up the next morning, naked, wrapped like a burrito in a blanket in her living room and said, "What happened?" HAHAHAHA!
We had a water bottle with us in my purse which had leaked all over the contents of my purse, including my cell phone and my camera. So, I couldn't even go back through the pictures to see what happened or what I was sober enough to capture. When Thana got up, she told me some.... amazing stories about what went on the night before and how absurd I was acting. Like standing naked watching her make my bed, falling asleep during the movie, talking to our cab driver.... At least I'm a fun drunk, yall! Hahaha! Anyways, I was hungover ALL DAY Sunday. No joke. Haha! but, I finally was able to go through my camera and this is all I got, sorry there's not more! Also, my camera sucks balls at night, so some of these are blurry and dumb. LOL


And this is what I looked like the next morning when I woke up to find that there was water in the lens of the camera on my iPhone (which has since been fixed)

Side note to my amazing best friend Thana: Thank you for being AMAZING and taking such good care of my drunk ass. HAHA! I love you more than words can describe!
Yeah! So that was Zombie Walk 2011. We have even better plans for next year now that we know the ropes and I can't waaaaaaait!

The rest of my world wrapped up in a couple brief paragraphs:
There are other members on this site who have been reaching out to me in several ways, knowing I was in distress and I want to thank them from the bottom of my heart. You know who you all are and know that I thank my lucky stars EVERY NIGHT for this site and having the opportunity to know you. On this confusing broken path, you are the lights pointing at my stepping stones and leading me in the right direction. I love you guys so so much and I'm sorry that goofy Trekka has been on a little side rode to misery. but I'm back and I don't plan on going anywhere!
Wow.... this was a crazy long blog and I actually have shit to do today. Haha! I'm having lunch with my daddy and then...
I have a job interview! For a job I actually really -really- want at Vans. Fuck I hope it goes well! It has to! It just has to. lol So please, wish me luck. I NEED THIS RIGHT NOW! You have noooooo idea. Haha!
Well, I must pull my raggedy ass together and get some damn clothes on and slap on my happy face! because today is gonna be a good day, dammit!
OH! P.S. Expect nature pictures very soon! It's supposed to be in the 80's all this week and it's GORGEOUS outside. Yayayayayay! I love you, Mother Nature!