This song says a lot about how I feel right now. That's kinda vague, I know. But it's also easily one of my favorite songs. Well... in the top 20 anyway.

Things are ok for me right now. The last couple days have been a whirlwind of emotions, which is about as much detail I feel like getting into right now. Nothing is bad and nothing is perfect I'm just... okay. Feeling a tad overwhelmed. There are a lot of things going on around me and I'm trying desperately to use the coping skills I learned in that program. But as I said before, they are learned skills and will take a lot of practice on my end. And that's where things start to get blurry for me. ... Accepting the way I feel and sitting with it instead of ignoring my problems and hiding. Bleh... I don't wanna get too deep today.

The last couple days it has been raining here in Sackoftomatoes, which is odd for the tail end of June in Cali. Haha! It was actually sort of nice. I had an appointment with my doctor that went really well and when I left the hospital, it was raining outside. The lawns were freshly mowed and the smell of the rain hitting the asphalt and the dirt and the grass and the trees just swooped me up. I love the smell of fresh rain. It just smelled like... earth. And I felt really content. I sat in my Jeep for a bit just to listen to the rain and watch it fall on my sunroof.

I wanted it to rain forever. But yesterday it stopped and the glorious sun came out to visit and it was so beautiful. I sat outside with the dogs and took a few pictures which I will now spoiler.

I know it's weird, but I feel more "at home" in my own skin now with the new tattoo. I feel so much more comfortable with myself. I mean, there are a million things I would change about my body(like, I need to lose 10 pounds before Hell City FOR REAL), but not all this ink. The feeling of being covered in my favorite thing (art) is incredible. I can't wait to add to my chest. Thank you again, Boomie. You are the cats pajamas, girl!
I feel like my blogs have been lacking lately, and I apologize to you all if you agree. I dunno where my head is at these days... Up in the clouds probably. *shrug*
So, my parents just left to go to an A's game (my mom LOVES the A's. I personally am a Giants girl. But whatevs) so you know what that means.... It means I get to smooooooke!
I can even do it topless if I prefer, which I do!
Things currently on my night stand:
and these fools are kickin it on my windowsill
For those who are interested, I'm working on lining up another set. I have some good ideas and a fuck-ton of motivation so hopefully I can make something special happen soon. All I can do is think positive! So, I'm doing that.
[[:: Side note, you could totally go love my last set, Sail Away in the meantime. Haha! If you wanna look at some pre-tattoo boobies. ::]]
And with that, I shall leave you for the day. I hope this blog was mildly better than the last one. lol I dunno, I'm kinda in a writing funk. I hope you all have been having a fabulous week and I love you all tremendously!
I feel like I'm missing something....
The end