The Conclusion last night's mini blog.
(Please note, this blog is kinda shitty.. I lost my momentum on this. Haha! But, redeeming quality is: Lots of boobies)
First! Music!
This video is fucking brilliant. If you've got a few free minutes, you should totally watch it. The art direction is GENIUS. Fact. I've been listening to -a lot- of Tool lately. more than usual even!
I find Tool to be particularly therapeutic... in a ver sick and twisted way. Haha! This song has no explanation except the pure fact that I love it. That's all ya need to know! So, enjoy! 

Tattoo sleepovers are neat-o!
Soooooo! Saturday night, Boomie came into town on her way to San Fran to do an amazing tattoo on my sternum, which was super beyond cool of her. We got a room at the Holiday Inn (like gangstazzz) as exhibited here:

I got there first and checked in and took a mini nap while I was waiting for her to get there. I also took the last picture ever of my bare chest pre-tattoo:

...awwww! Virgin skin! So precious. lol
Anyways! So, Boomie got there and we chit chatted for a bit while she set up her "station". She showed me the drawing of what she was gonna put on me and I fell in love. It was exactly what I was envisioning in my head.
Then stencil boobs happened:

Let me just say, yes, it hurt... but not as bad as I was expecting. It was more into the 4th hour that I was really like, "OK! It hurts!" Haha! but about halfway through, Thanatogenous got there and we drank some whiskey and smoked our brains out and then proceeded with the tattoo. Hehehe

Time seemed to fly by while this was all going on and I took it all like a fuckin CHAMP! No tears, no squealing, I was pretty hardcore, not gonna lie. Hahaha! But when it was all done... I was in love.

I've never just wanted to sit and stare at my tits more.
Then, the three of us piled into Thana's car and we went to Del Taco, yo! MMMMMMM! So, we hung out in the hotel room and drank more whiskey and smoked a lot of weed and laughed at some pretty epic sets from Suicide Girls past.
Example, this is the new background on my laptop:

AMAZING! Hahaha! Sorry, I know it's bitchy to make fun of people's sets, but.... REALLY?! Like, really???? I don't know if I've ever laughed so hard in my entire life as I did Saturday night.
At some point I took a shower to wash my chest and then Thana left me and Boomie to go home to her man and we kinda crashed around 2am or so.
The next morning, I got up and got breakfast in the form of a delicious hot cinnamon roll and coffee

The actual moment I knew that Boomie was -amazing- outside of her tattooing skills: When I got back up to the room, she suggested making a mattress fort. Um.... OBVIOUSLY!

Me and Boom pre makeup, chillin in our fort:

Fort activities included morning shots of whiskey and lotsssss of this:

Pretty fantastic, if I do say so myself. lol

Boomie took these of moi and my new baby

Trekka + Boomie = Boobie ink

I seriously love Boomie so much!!! Her, Thana and I are gonna try to hang again on her way back home! I hope it works out so we can have another girls night, cuz that was fun!
Needless to say, I am passionately in love with my new chest. Shocked my parents a little (gotta keep em on their toes
) but they're over it now. It means soooooo much to me. Ya know..
..I graduated that intensive therapy thing and it was kind of a gift to represent my new mindset. I'm ready to face the world and whatever life throws me. And I have -never- in my life felt that way. For the first time I feel equipped and confident that I will make it out alive and it is the best feeling! The raven (a symbol of death) has the sun behind it and it is flying towards "Hope" (on my ribcage) and the banner says "Reaching out to embrace whatever may come", which is a line from Tool's "Lateralus", a song that means more to me than I can explain in a blog.

So this tattoo is the new page in the book of Trekka. Nay, a new chapter. The roller coaster is nowhere near being over, but I'm ready for all the future ups and downs. My seat belt is buckled and my arms are up in the air!
I swear other stuff has been going on but my mind is drawing a blank...
Today has been a funny day. Not funny "ha ha", more funny "strange". I woke up feeling a bit sad for no apparent reason. Had lunch with my dad so that he could lecture me on the new tattoo and then tell me how tough I am. Then I wnt and saw Bad Teacher all by myself (go me!) but it was nooooooot as funny as I wanted it to be. Every time I make myself go out there alone and do shit, it gets easier and easier. So, my confidence was boosted a little when I realized that I can learn how to not feel so socially awkward and uncomfortable.
Lately, there have been a couple people from this site who have served as both figurative and literal lifesavers. I am learning that it is possible to build amazing friendships no matter how far they may be. Also getting some pretty solid plans for Hell City in August. Looks like I'll be meeting a lot of really amazing people finally face to face, which is crazy exciting to me! Fuck, dudes... If someone would have told me a year and a half ago that by joining this damn site I would make some of the best friends of my life, I would have laughed in their face! This is genuinely the best community I have ever been a part of and I feel so so so so lucky to have you all!
This blog kinda sucks. I'm not in the right mood to update you on a bunch of other shit, so this will have to do for now!
Hope you liked the pics and I hope you love my new baby as much as I do. 
It's raining right now outside, by the way. The only reason it's a downer is that I wanted to nature adventure today and stuff so.... that will have to wait. Sorry this blog is probably my worst yet. Hahaha!
I promise a much better blog later this week! With better stories and pictures and fun shit!

and I'll never leave ya hanging for ...
The End

Trekka last night's mini blog.
(Please note, this blog is kinda shitty.. I lost my momentum on this. Haha! But, redeeming quality is: Lots of boobies)
First! Music!
This video is fucking brilliant. If you've got a few free minutes, you should totally watch it. The art direction is GENIUS. Fact. I've been listening to -a lot- of Tool lately. more than usual even!

Tattoo sleepovers are neat-o!
Soooooo! Saturday night, Boomie came into town on her way to San Fran to do an amazing tattoo on my sternum, which was super beyond cool of her. We got a room at the Holiday Inn (like gangstazzz) as exhibited here:

I got there first and checked in and took a mini nap while I was waiting for her to get there. I also took the last picture ever of my bare chest pre-tattoo:

...awwww! Virgin skin! So precious. lol

Anyways! So, Boomie got there and we chit chatted for a bit while she set up her "station". She showed me the drawing of what she was gonna put on me and I fell in love. It was exactly what I was envisioning in my head.

Then stencil boobs happened:

Let me just say, yes, it hurt... but not as bad as I was expecting. It was more into the 4th hour that I was really like, "OK! It hurts!" Haha! but about halfway through, Thanatogenous got there and we drank some whiskey and smoked our brains out and then proceeded with the tattoo. Hehehe

Time seemed to fly by while this was all going on and I took it all like a fuckin CHAMP! No tears, no squealing, I was pretty hardcore, not gonna lie. Hahaha! But when it was all done... I was in love.

I've never just wanted to sit and stare at my tits more.

Then, the three of us piled into Thana's car and we went to Del Taco, yo! MMMMMMM! So, we hung out in the hotel room and drank more whiskey and smoked a lot of weed and laughed at some pretty epic sets from Suicide Girls past.
Example, this is the new background on my laptop:

AMAZING! Hahaha! Sorry, I know it's bitchy to make fun of people's sets, but.... REALLY?! Like, really???? I don't know if I've ever laughed so hard in my entire life as I did Saturday night.
At some point I took a shower to wash my chest and then Thana left me and Boomie to go home to her man and we kinda crashed around 2am or so.
The next morning, I got up and got breakfast in the form of a delicious hot cinnamon roll and coffee

The actual moment I knew that Boomie was -amazing- outside of her tattooing skills: When I got back up to the room, she suggested making a mattress fort. Um.... OBVIOUSLY!

Me and Boom pre makeup, chillin in our fort:

Fort activities included morning shots of whiskey and lotsssss of this:

Pretty fantastic, if I do say so myself. lol

Boomie took these of moi and my new baby

Trekka + Boomie = Boobie ink

I seriously love Boomie so much!!! Her, Thana and I are gonna try to hang again on her way back home! I hope it works out so we can have another girls night, cuz that was fun!
Needless to say, I am passionately in love with my new chest. Shocked my parents a little (gotta keep em on their toes

..I graduated that intensive therapy thing and it was kind of a gift to represent my new mindset. I'm ready to face the world and whatever life throws me. And I have -never- in my life felt that way. For the first time I feel equipped and confident that I will make it out alive and it is the best feeling! The raven (a symbol of death) has the sun behind it and it is flying towards "Hope" (on my ribcage) and the banner says "Reaching out to embrace whatever may come", which is a line from Tool's "Lateralus", a song that means more to me than I can explain in a blog.

So this tattoo is the new page in the book of Trekka. Nay, a new chapter. The roller coaster is nowhere near being over, but I'm ready for all the future ups and downs. My seat belt is buckled and my arms are up in the air!

I swear other stuff has been going on but my mind is drawing a blank...
Today has been a funny day. Not funny "ha ha", more funny "strange". I woke up feeling a bit sad for no apparent reason. Had lunch with my dad so that he could lecture me on the new tattoo and then tell me how tough I am. Then I wnt and saw Bad Teacher all by myself (go me!) but it was nooooooot as funny as I wanted it to be. Every time I make myself go out there alone and do shit, it gets easier and easier. So, my confidence was boosted a little when I realized that I can learn how to not feel so socially awkward and uncomfortable.

Lately, there have been a couple people from this site who have served as both figurative and literal lifesavers. I am learning that it is possible to build amazing friendships no matter how far they may be. Also getting some pretty solid plans for Hell City in August. Looks like I'll be meeting a lot of really amazing people finally face to face, which is crazy exciting to me! Fuck, dudes... If someone would have told me a year and a half ago that by joining this damn site I would make some of the best friends of my life, I would have laughed in their face! This is genuinely the best community I have ever been a part of and I feel so so so so lucky to have you all!
This blog kinda sucks. I'm not in the right mood to update you on a bunch of other shit, so this will have to do for now!

It's raining right now outside, by the way. The only reason it's a downer is that I wanted to nature adventure today and stuff so.... that will have to wait. Sorry this blog is probably my worst yet. Hahaha!
I promise a much better blog later this week! With better stories and pictures and fun shit!

and I'll never leave ya hanging for ...
The End

Your tattoo looks so amazing.
My Words Are Honest .... My Feelings Are True .... Love Is A Battlefield !!!!