"..analog time piece sky wide
sync to the ticker inside
move to the rhythm of the moon and tide
the indigo children
the indigo children...."
I know I generally explain my blog soundtrack, but I leave this one to your interpretation. Or just feel the jam. This song blows my fucking mind, no joke. And I'm not even stoned!! Lol Like FOR REAL this song moves me.
..So much so in fact that I decided to do a little bonding with mama nature this evening before the sun went down and you know I took an absurd amount of pictures. Haha! I can't help it. I just feel like I'm in my element when I'm outdoors. I feel at home there, where as at night in my bed with a roof over my head, I feel unsettled and out of place. If it weren't for the goddam mosquitos I'd sleep outside.

Briefly before I rape your face with pictures, I'll give ya a quick update on some things that are most likely highly uninteresting to you. But I look at this blog as my journal so I guess I just feel like venting/blabbing/whatever real quick...
First and foremost, thank you to my sweet friends who keep commenting on my last set, Sail Away. It's funy to see so many comments from the same 4 or 5 people. At ease, boys. I think that one is stuck at 93%. But that is ok! It just gives me more motivation to put out a new set that is even better. In fact, I'm keeping my fingers crossed and am gonna contact the beautiful Lorelei soon about possibly working with her again. I do have to say, I am slightly bummed that this last one didn't do so hot.

I only have 2 more days of my intensive therapy thing which is sort of bitter sweet for me. Glad to be done, but a little nervous about the application of the tools I have learned. I just have to take it one day at a time. On a related note, I was having a tough day Tuesday morning and showed up to my therapy in a rotten ass mood and was sort of verbally lashing out at some people who piss me off in that damn group. So, I decided to bail after like 20 minutes. But, we were going over stuff I've already done, so it's ok.

I've really been enjoying getting to know some people in this lovely community in recent days. I've been battling some stuff recently and it has meant the world to me to have the beautiful people of the SG community helping me along the way. Life is fuckin crazy, yo! That's all I have to say about that. I don't want to delve into the world of my shortcomings tonight. Haha!
Health stuff is still kinda weird right now. I'll fill you all in when I know more. I know, that was very vague. lol
Brando has been uber busy with work and horribly stressed out with this family issues, so I've taken a step back. He's one of those people who thrives on isolation when he is dealing with shit so I'm giving him that space. It kinda sucks though since all my other friends are busy so much and he was like, my weekly human interaction and now he's unavailable.

Saturday is going to be an exciting day. Still working out all the details, but Boomie is coming into town Saturday afternoon and we're gonna have a girly tattoo fest/sleepover with Thanatogenous. Thana's not getting a tattoo, but I thought it'd be fun for us girls to all just have a night to have fun! So, I'm pretty much elated.

...ugh... Side note, taking my night time meds on a semi-empty stomach just now was a huge mistake. lol I feel eewie now.
Blah... that's all I feel like updating on right now cuz I feel gross now. So I think it's time for some photos/a lot of photos.
Ready... Set... GO! As always, spoilered for your convenience.
Warning: Massive photo overload!

Fuckin a, I love mother nature. *sigh*
So anyhow, things are up and down and all around. I would kill for some consistent good times for a little while. Like, literally kill at this point. Half joke. But you know what? Life is what it is. It is the never ending tides of the ocean. I'm feeling a little stronger than I did 3 weeks ago, that is for sure. And for that, I am grateful. And like I said, a fabulous handful of people from this incredible SG community have been so supportive and kind and understanding and inspirational. I feel so lucky to have this community full of such beautifully damaged people who don't judge me or try to change me and just fully accept and celebrate who I am as a human being. I do not take any of you for granted, know that.
Well, it's late and I have class/therapy in the morning so I should probably do my best to get some rest in this ungodly heat. The AC is on, but for some reason it doesn't seem to effect my bedroom. Sonofabitch.
Sorry if this was long and probably boring, just felt like getting some shit out of my head and onto a computer screen. Plus, I always get such great feedback about my nature adventure pictures, so I hope you got some enjoyment out of those! Sleep well, you wonderful souls. More updates to come in later days, particularly after tattoo fiesta! I love you all.
The End