Make fun of my oldies if you wanna, but I highly suggest jamming to this today.

How about a brief life update, and then some random pictures and such? That's generally how I roll so why fix it if it ain't broke?! lol
I have some incredibly wonderful plans for August...
In other news..
I am desperately wanting to shoot another set. I mean, seriously I have the urge and the drive to do it right now. There's like this little spark in me that just won't go out and I would love to capture it before I slip into lower days, if that makes sense. I've just been feeling so confident and happy recently and dammit I wanna show it! Ha!
It seems as though my dear Sail Away has lost the wind in its sails. And that's honestly ok. I'm not butthurt about it or anything at all! I had a blast shooting it with Lorelei and I think it turned out great, but I guess it just wasn't good enough for members and staff. And it didn't do poorly or anything. I just seem to have leveled out at 93%. But I'm not going to quit trying. This is something I really truly LOVE and SG is a community that I believe so strongly in. So, this won't be the last set you see from me, I promise! I'm gonna keep trying and trying and trying and trying until you're all sick of me. HAHA!
:::::n the topic of the beautifully inspiring Lorelei, have you checked out her new set Heartstrings? Please check it out! I don't know how to put into words how much this woman inspires me and how truly wonderful I think she is. She is simply breathtaking..
It may sound cheesy, but she has such a beautiful ora and you can feel it even through her photographs. <3 :::::::
I just need a staff photographer to work with again. I wish I had the financial means to travel to some people! Hopefully someone will make their way out my way soon and will be willing to work with me so I can give it another go! I just know I can do better and I want it so bad I can taste it!
Alrighty. Let's do some random pictures now, shall we?
This snail lives on our front porch and I see her almost every day. In actuality, I don't know anything about snails, so I just sort of decided it's a she. I -do- know it's the same snail though, because I recognize her shell. I named her Susan. Why? Because I can.
I've been driving a TON lately, to and from doctor's appointments and whatnot
Lots of this:
Almost done reading this book that was quite apparently written about me. lol:
I've been trying to spend A LOT of time outside now that the weather is nice:
I really don't have much else to update you on, rather nothing interesting. I've been doing a lot of work on ME and I think I'm getting a better grasp on life and what it has to offer, as well as what I may have to offer it. I have felt more alive this last week than I have I think in whole 25 years of life. I wish there was an interesting way for me to express it to you all, but these short words will have to do. And it's not even that things are just fantastic in my world right now. I'm actually going through a lot with my health and stuff right now and I don't have a dime to my name right now, which is what it is. But, for the first time in a long time (maybe EVER) it doesn't matter to me.
I feel happy to be alive and be a part of this confusing puzzle we call existence. Could things be going better? Always. But, I'm pretty content right now and I'm really looking forward to seeing what the world will bring me next. Good and bad.
Life isn't perfect and it never will be, but it sure is a fun ride to be on.
This was probably a terribly boring blog for you guys and I apologize for that. lol Sometimes I start writing blogs when I really have nothing to say. So, my bad! I hope the pictures were at least fun to look at! Haha!
As always, thank you, all of you beautiful, funny, warm, wonderful people I call my friends. Near and far, I am blessed to have you all in my life, however little it may be. I feel your hugs across oceans. SG really is the best community I have ever found and I don't know where I would be without all of you. Truly. And thanks to the "Trekkies" (as they are calling themselves LOL) for your undying support of my set. You crack me up with your daily comments on it! You are all farrrrr too kind and it surely does not go unnoticed. Thank you. <3
Well, I think it's time for me to take a shower and figure out what kind of exploration I can go on today! Please, everyone remember to smile and I hope you all have a FABULOUS weekend!
....and you know it's not complete until...
x's and o's nonstop!