Yuuuuuup! I'm still hooked on Hot Sauce Committee Part Two! Haha! It's becoming increasingly fun to hoop to and I have also found that this album has the ability to make me smile no matter what I'm feeling.

OK! So, I have lots and lots going on, but I don't feel like writing a whole blog. So, I'll just update you on a few little tid bits and then I'll invade your eyeballs with a photo dump. Sound good? Mkay!
Life has been... a ride lately, to put it very simply.

I just need to remember to always keep an open mind and heart
Things with Brando (the ex) are going quite nicely these days. As odd as it may sound, I actually feel like I trust him a million times more than I ever did throughout our entire actual relationship and that is an extremely freeing feeling. All of my therapists have been privy to all of the activities I have been partaking in with him (including the sexy stuff that happens from time to time) and all of them are in agreement that as long as I keep my emotions in check (which I have been thus far), that he provides a very obvious relief and positive influence for me. He and I seem to have each other figured out pretty well on a lot of levels and there aren't many people who understand me in the way he does. I am not saying I want to BE with him in the actual sense of a "relationship" at all. I am no where close to being ready for something that heavy, nor is he. But he seems to be a crucial piece to the puzzle that is "Trekka" and I have no reason to eliminate him. I am learning to live in the present and that's what I am doing with him. And RIGHT NOW, his friendship is important to me and seems to help me get through a lot of my days. And that's all there is to it!
What else is goin on???

So, remember how I mentioned in my last blog that I had stepped on a bee, but that I was fine? Yeah... PSYCH! Haha! My body decided to have an allergic reaction a WEEK LATER to said bee sting, in addition I began to develop an infection. This started 2 days ago when my foot was visibly swollen and inflamed and extremely itchy. I knew I shouldn't scratch it, so I made every effort not to. But I would find myself waking up in the middle of the night, viciously scratching my foot. The heat made it worse and I felt like there was nothing I could do to make it stop. HORRIBLE! So, finally, yesterday after I took a shower and watched my foot swell to double its normal size in girth and turn purple, I decided it was time to go to the ER. So, I went in the afternoon and was confirmed to be having a local allergic reaction and that I was developing cellulitis (infection) and was prescribed some steroids and antibiotics. So far, the swelling has gone down significantly, unfortunately the tingling and pain and itchiness has not subsided quite yet.
:::Funny-ish story about this. I went to the pharmacy after the ER to go get my meds and a guy came rushing past me, stepped on my BAD foot and shoulder checks me. I immediately turned around, in visible pain and said "Watch it!" and he had the audacity to stop and turn to me and say "Well you should have moved, bitch!". ... Now, here's something some of you may not know about me. If a stranger EVER calls me a bitch, he WILL get his head ripped off by yours truly. I don't stand for it. So, my on the spot response was, "Yeah? You want to try my knuckles to see if they can get the taste of dick out of your mouth?" He turned beat red, mumbled a "fuck you" at me, and then stomped off like an angry 2 year old. Yeah. Don't fuck with me. HAHA! I'm normally such a nice person, but not when my foot is huge and throbbing in pain and then you step on it and call me a bitch, just for the record. lol ::::
So absurd that such a tiny creature packs such a HUGE punch in that little stinger, right?! lol
Ok, that's all the major stuff I have for now, so now I'll show ya some stuff!
After rain nature adventure:
The rain has been off and on here in NorCal for the last week, which is super out of the norm for us. I'm trying to not complain, because I know other states have it SIGNIFICANTLY worse, but it's really getting ridiculous! This just does NOT happen in June in California! That's why we live here! Duh! Haha! So, I went outside one morning after it poured and I took some pictures, as I always do.

Here are just some random shots of stuff:
If you've made it this far, you deserve some boobies. You're prize:
Well, I think that's all I feel like writing about for now! I think it's time for me to take some more meds for my foot and elevate it and watch a movie or something.
I hope you all are having a wonderful and fun weekend! I'll have some more updates for you soon, I hope, in regards to some other health issues I've been having, as well as a new book I'm reading, a mini review on Hangover 2, my deep wish to shoot another set, and lots of other stuff I have swimming around in my brain!
Thank you as always for all your lovins and long distance hugs. I love you all so much.
You guys rock! Now get out there, kick ass and take some names!
I bet you and I would get along awesomely with our social tardness lol