I am reeeeeeeally on a Beastie Boys kick right now. Like last couple days, I've been listening to the new album (Hot Sauce Committee Part Two) on loop. LOL If you haven't gotten it yet, it is absolutely worth the $15 or whatever on iTunes. (The reason iTunes gift cards are the best gift for me: I BUY my music. I know, I'm totally stuck up like that!

Ok, this blog goes like this:
-Blah blah words words
-More words about things and venting sorta
-pictures and fun stuff
-random nonsense
-and maybe some more words
Proceed as you wish. I'll spoiler some of it so you don't get bored.
Sooooo remember how I was all, "I totally promise to take pictures while I'm at my shoot!"..? Yeah.. that didn't happen. Haha! To be fair though, it was all pretty non stop the whole 6 hours I was there. Between getting my hair and makeup done for like 40 minutes and then shooting 3 different outfits and then filming me hooping in the yard for part of the commercial, and trying to help coach a girl who'd never modeled before, and photographer shortcomings (with his lights and shit).. it was pretty busy. I had a good time, but it ran CRAZY LATE and I started to get anxious because there were things I needed to do in the evening that I was waaaaaay late for. It was a little overwhelming towards the end. I started out strong I think, but we weren't even able to shoot all the outfits we had, which was slightly disappointing. *sigh* Oh well. I hope what we did shoot turns out ok. Chalko was absolutely AWESOME and helped me out with some gas money and everything, which wasn't part of the plan. So, I really appreciated that since it was about an hour drive there for me.

I was talking to a member, who shall remain nameless, outside of SG about my set Sail Away and how it isn't doing as well as I had hoped. It saw a brief moment of 93% and then went back to 92%, where it seems to be settled. Pretty low comment count too, which is what it is. It hasn't even been a week yet and I'm not like pissed about it or anything like that! But, I was just expressing a small level of disappointment basically, and this person asked me a question that I found rather interesting. They asked me if I had "ever considered changing [my] image to appeal more to staff and/or members".
First of all, this person clearly doesn't know me as well as they think they do because if they did, they would know the answer to that absurd question. Second, my answer turned into an essay that I will now break down for some of you who'd like to know me a little better.

I am a bleeding heart, pot-smoking hippy.
I am an art nerd, though I currently have a "painting block".
I am a zombie fanatic.
I am in love with basically all types of horror films.
I have no mental filter and am often brutally honest.
I am a nature nut.
I am not a Barbie, nor do I even find Barbie attractive.
I am not, nor will I ever be, fake.
I love science, though I don't always understand it.
I am not religious, but I am fascinated by all religions.
I am small chested and despite what I have debated when I was younger, I will never change that.
I refuse to "sell out".
I am covered in scars and I still wear shorts in the summer.
I prefer the company of animals over that of about 90% of humans.
I am slightly crazy, depending on your definition of the word.
I spend a great deal of my day daydreaming.
I constantly have my trigger finger on my camera because I frequently forget things that I'd rather hold on to.
I am not threatened by or afraid of death.
I thrive on physical pain and shut down when experiencing emotional pain.
I am a musician and a lover of all types of music.
I have a severe tendency to put other's needs above mine and am known to give my last dollar to someone I feel needs it more.
I am a loyal friend to those who deserve it and to those who return the sentiment.
I have very strong opinions but do my absolute best to keep an open mind and an open heart.
I cannot stand about 95% of the children I have ever encountered.
I require comedy and laughter in my world and heart to survive.
I have no apologies for who I am and will never change any of the afore mentioned qualities or characteristics to apease anyone.
What I mean by allllllll of that, is that if I never become an SG, as disappointed and sad as I would be, I'm ok with that. Staff may never notice me and that's just a simple fact. Some people say that they would do anything to go pink and I agree, but only to an extent. I am who I am and if that isn't good enough for staff and/or the voting majority, then it's not meant to be. To me, going pink means that your unique self has been accepted, not what your body looks like or how many important people you know. That is what SuicideGirls has been all about to me from the start. Truthfully, either way, I am thankful for SG for the amazing friends I have made and the community that has welcomed me with open arms! So, as shitty as it feels to not be doing as well as I had hoped, one thing is for sure, I will never change who I am to get anyone to notice me.
And that's my 2(billion) cents on that topic.

Mother Nature was the best model I could ask for today, so as per the usual, I slapped on my shoes, grabbed my camera and wandered around the back yard with the dogs for a bit. I shall spoiler my findings.

I'm still reading this:
My nerdy mornings tend to look a lot like this:
I spent the night with my ex last night which meant a fuck ton of cuddles from my dog and cat so that was fantastic. It also meant some booze and yummmmmmmy greenage, and BBQed burgers. So I had many many smiles and feel like a million bucks today! Well, after my coffee I felt like a million bucks. lol
OH! The other day, for the first time since I was 5 years old, I was stung by a bee. Actually, I stepped on a bee while barefoot and it's stinger went into me. it was an unfair fight really. But that shit hurt like a motherfucker! My pinky toe, as I like to call it, got crazy red and swollen for a little while and it throbbed for like 30 minutes and then I was totally fine. Haha! I went back and took a picture of the little asshole who was so inconveniently resting on the pavement upon which I stomped. here he is:
...that crazy sonofabitch
Dita Von Squeak, one of my ratties, has a tumor on her tummy I've been told, in addition to what I have read, that it is extremely common in rats, particularly females, and that they almost always are nothing to worry about. Buuuuut, I have an appointment at the vet for her next week to have it checked out. Keep your fingers crossed it's just a little fatty tumor or something. Also, if you've got some extra fingers, keep em crossed that it's not too pricey. Whatever the cost, however, it will be taken care of! These are my babies, we're talking about here! Haha! So, yeah, we're staying positive!
Aaaaaand I suppose that's all I've got to say today! Probably more than enough. Haha! I hope everyone is doing well and thank you (as always) for your love and support! You guys and gals are the best!
You know the drill!
The End