This is my new hooping jammmmm! I LOVE practicing to it soooooo much! You have literally no idea! Maybe I'll make a video of me ACTUALLY hooping. I'm just so shy about that stuff, but I so need to get over it. lol
Ok, baby loves, time for a new update!
Sooooo, on Thursday this happened:

I can't thank you all enough for showing Sail Away so much love! It still could use more lovins, but I hate being that girl who's like GO LOVE MY SET NOW OR WE'RE NOT FRIENDS!. Haha! Soooooo please love on it some more. I'd really like to see this set do well, since Lorelei did such a fabulous job with it and maybe she'll work with me again if you guys get that percentage up a little higher.

92% is still better than my last set, so I'm happy about that! But, I'd love to go pink. For many reasons. One of which is so that I can finally shoot a multi with my absolute best friend in the world, Chrysis who went pink not long ago.

Anyways! So, if ya've got the time, I'd really love it if ya humped my set a little more. Please?

Ok, enough of that nonsense!

Tomorrow is the commercial/photo shoot and I am so so so excited. Thursday I went for the fitting and it all went... better than I expected actually! There's only going to be one other model who I think is ok looking (but maybe she'll be smokin hot with the right makeup and hair. I don't know. She has no tattoos or piercings, so I lost interest in her very quickly).

That's one dress I'll be wearing.

And I finally met Chalko, who seems like a super cool dude, as well as his partners. So, yeah! That's my update on that whole situation! I promise to actually take pics tomorrow and post em.
Hmmm how would you like some random photo projectile vomit action? Yeah? ok!
It full on hailed like a couple weeks ago. Which is odd for NorCal in May. Mysterious.

This is what happens when I let my nephew put the candles in great grandma's cake. LOL "Hippy Barthday" I like it.

"Let's get some fucking french toast!"

shady boobies

When I get stoned and bored, i doodle

Mitzi for reals

Last week I met up with Leib for enchiladas and margaritas and let me tell you, this woman is fabulous!

me lazing around

I love watching The Office. I've seen every episode like 5 times, but it never gets old!

I saw this in a bathroom stall. Is it a fox?


My computer screen. Recognize anyone?!


my bitch


The sky has been phenomenally dreamlike lately with all this crazy weather:

I've been hanging with Brando (the ex) at least once a week these days which has been so much fun. We seem to be clicking on a totally different level and I really like it a lot. Also there's been some of this goin on there:
Haha! But being over there also means I get to see my little love bugs (Mozart and Lucy) a lot more. And that's fabulous cuz I miss living with them.
And they seem very happy at their new place, but are also SOOOOO excited to see me when I get there. They even wrestle over who gets to lay on my lap, which they never did before! Haha! So, everything is good in that department!
Anyways, I've been enjoying my parents' dogs a lot while I've been here! They make it easier for me to be away from my other animals. Plus, I've got the ratties! But, these dogs are so ridiculous and goofy and clumsy and a total riot!
more pics under spoiler. this blog was just lookin mighty long
suuuuuch goobers.
OH! I invented a new snazzy alcoholic beverage. It's white wine mixed with orange cream soda on ice and it will blow your mind! Let me tell ya. After I got a little hammered on it while I was watching It's Always Sunny, I decided to name it the Day Bow Bow. What's day bow bow, you ask?
Daaaaay bow bow! Chick..chicka chickaaaa! Day bow bow! OH YEAH!
I named it that just because it gives me an excuse to sing that song. LOL Yup! Now go make yourself a Day Bow Bow and tell me what you think!
Mkaysies! I'm off to clean a rat cage and try to teach Dita Von Squeak and Zoe a new trick, because I'm a nerd and that sounds like a good Saturday to me. Haha! Wish me luck for tomorrow's ad shoot, I really want to do well! Also, go get busy on Sail Away please! I love you guys! So much that I'll give you some of these:
and a little of THE END