I fuuuuucking LOVE this song with every fiber of my being! And it semi-suits today.

TMI under spoiler... beware! lol
Today's the day and I am super duper nervous!
Sail Away, shot by the ever-amazing Lorelei will be in MR, awaiting your viewing at 3PM PST.
I really really really hope you guys love it as much as I do! I am so nervous I've bitten my nails down to nothing. lol I dunno why I'm so nervous! I feel good about it and I really think you guys and gals will like it, but I dunno! You guys can be fickle. Hehe Either way, I adore it and I adore miss Lorelei so much. She really was magical to work with and maybe if this one does ok, she'll shoot me again if I ever see her again. Hehehe! Really ladies, if you ever get an opportunity to work with her, take it. She will blow you away. So fun and comforting and professional. I really couldn't have asked for any better.
SO! Fingers crossed!
Today has other events planned that I'm genuinely looking forward to. I'm having lunch with my dadio (hopefully sushi cuz that sounds like the business right now) and then at 5 I have the fitting with Chalko and his partners and the other models for the commercial/ad. Gotta make sure all the clothes the got us fits and then collaborate a little on the concept. In case any of you missed my blog where I explained what I'm doing I'll give ya the Cliffs Notes version now.
On a particularly bad day last week, Chalko contacted me about modeling for a medical marijuana dispensary in the area, which totally turned my day around. They are a really slick up and coming company and they are running a new ad campaign. Apparently going for the 50's/60's style pinup theme with a little edge and they asked me to participate. In doing this, I will gain so much experience in addition to having a blast with something that I believe in (med. pot use). I'm a NorCal girl through and through and if you know anything about NorCal, you know A HUGE percentage of us partake. Lol. Anyways, on Sunday we are filming a video commercial as well as shooting stills that will appear in Kush Magazine. FUCKYEAH! Also, I'll get to go to HempCon and work as a model there at their booth. You guys.... SO COOL!
I know some of you who follow me on here aren't down with the greenness and that's ok. Honestly, I'm just really excited to do something like this because I never have and I think I could do a good job with it. It will be a great new experience for me and I'm ALWAYS down for new things! Another notch in my belt!
So yeah, today is a big motherfucking day! I am so so excited and beyond nervous, but in a good way, i suppose.
OH YEAH! As promised, pictures of my new bikini (excuse the bruises from hooping that are ALL OVER my body. Hahaha!) as well as various other things I felt like taking pics of. I tend to get distracted...I'll spoiler it.
Ok ok! That's all for today. As per the usual, I thank you ALL for your continued support over the last year and a half that I've been a part of this beautiful and overwhelmingly accepting community. I have been feeling your hugs and love, especially recently while I've been on this crazy roller coaster I call my life, and through all the ups and downs that I have endured. I love you all so so much and I aim to please, so I really hope you guys like the set today! Give her a look around 3PM PST in MR and let me know what ya think.
Have a fabulous Thursday, everyone! It's almost Friday! Woo hoo!
...time for my signature signoff. You know how I do, homies!
x's and o's 'til you puke!!!