Weird, the world didn't end today. *eye roll* Now will the crazy rapture mongers shut up?! Haha! This song is fucking dooooooope! And particularly relevant. So, please enjoy it! The video is pretty snazzy too. Just sayin..
bloggy blog blog tyyyyyyyme
Soooo -mostly- good things have been happening the last few days which pleases me.

Also, the other day I got my septum repierced! I love love love it!

So there's that.

As you may know, I have been babysitting my dad's cat, Mitzi, while he is in the Dominican Republic on a mission to heal some folks. He told me he has taken lots of pictures, so I'll probably share those with you when I can! He took some epic pictures last year in Haiti/Dominican Republic, so I'm expecting nothing less.

But in the mean time, I have been having a blast with Mitzi. She is such a sweet and funny cat! And I took some pictures. You know how I do.

I know right?!?!?!?
What else, what else? OH! OH! OH!
Look what I saw!
...... awkward. Um, there was supposed to be a screen cap I took of the front page with my bes fwend Chrysis on it, but it didn't work for some reason. And that bugs me. *sigh* Oh well. You get the idea. SHE WAS ON FRONT PAGE!!!!!! Mannnnn.... I really wish I had the screen cap. I'm sad now. Womp womp... To make me feel better, you should tooooooootally go HERE and give her some more lovins. Haha! She also has a new set coming out on Monday so keep your eye balls peeled!
EDIT 5/22 8am: I incorrectly pimped her set. It's actually out this AM, not tomorrow. Oopsies!
When I am in the Kitchen is out NOW and please go oogle her naughty bits. She is so gorgeous! And I love her times infinity
The ratties are getting more and more lovey these days. Which makes my really happy. I love happy pets! This morning I let them out for HOURS and took some pic-a-tic-tures. Wanna seeeeeee? Yup. You do.
I love those little squeakers!!!
Sexy tyme? (as if that's a real question)
Have you OD-ed on pictures yet?!
Some other good stuff has been goin on in my life. Me and my ex, Brando, are on excellent talking terms now, which makes me happy because it means I get to see my doggy Lucy and my cat Mozart, which he has custody of now. It's been really fun getting to see their fuzzy little faces and cuddle them up and whatnot.
I have missed them. And I've missed Brando. I mean, I've just missed the great conversation and the music making and all that. So, I'm happy things are comfy with him now. I'm actually going over to his place again tomorrow night for dinner and stuff, so I'm really looking forward to that.
We're both on a HUGE Bill Hicks kick right now. His social commentary has been the topic of our conversations a lot lately, especially with this whole "rapture" bull shit going on lately. lol But, Bill Hicks truly was a visionary and we are really at a loss for not having him in this world today. I would kill to hear what he'd have to say about the current world. Not to mention his outlook and comedy have been great therapy.
R.I.P. Billyboy!
If you have never had the pleasure of hearing Bill Hick's comedy or seeing one of his stand ups, I HIGHLY recommend fixing that right now! If you're a Tool fan, you've already heard some of his commentary, even if you didn't know it. (some of his sound clips are in several Tool songs. Look that shit up.)
*sigh* Moving on..
May 26th is rapidly approaching and I'm getting more and more excited slash nervous about Sail Away coming out to MR. I really really really hope you guys like it, because I'm genuinely happy with it.
Well, I suppose that's all I've got to say today! Thank you again to all of you for your continued support and loves. I feel you all of your warmth and hugs from miles away, so you must be doing something right! I'm glad you all didn't die in an apocalypse this weekend, basically. Hahahaha! I love you guys! Quick special thanks to Drama who has kept me sane on more than one occasion. He's pretty awesome. Just sayin
Trekka bean
Good luck with the modeling gig. It's always nice when good things come out of nowhere and that septum piercing looks really good on you.
The mice are cute. I used to have a white rat but I haven't had a pet in awhile. I might have to pick up another mouse I miss them.
It's always nice when you can be on speaking terms and get along with and ex. The girl (Marilyn) who came with me too the BBQ is actually my ex and now my roommate. We used to want to strangle each other when we were around each other at parties but now we get on really well. It's kinda weird but nice.
Bill Hicks is amazing. If you have netflix he has a couple of shows on there that are on instant que. I really like his comments on religion and evangelicals. John Waters has some stuff on instant as well if you like him. Waters is my personal hero.
Sounds like things are looking up a bit