As most of you welllll know, my life as of late has been a tornado of insanity, filled with ups and downs and all around madness. lol Quite literally, the life I build for myself over the last 3 years or so has just been collapsing before my eyes while I stand as tall and strong as my tattered soul will allow. Today however (for a couple reasons I will get into later and spoiler for those of who who'd rather not read it), truly presented me with a deep moment of realization as to what my current situation really is. Today, it sunk in.
Fucking A, has it sunk in. lol
To cheer myself up, I decided to watch Super for the third time onDemand. B and I got it yesterday and it's still in our Saved Programs so I decided to watch it again and it's true brilliance really got to me. If you have not seen this movie, you REALLY need to! What is Super?
Watch and be amazed
Officially, 100% the best dark comedy I have seen in literally years. It is not often that I see a movie that I love everything about. I mean, everything. But this one fits the bill of perfection in my book. When I heard earlier this year that Rainn Wilson would be starring with Ellen Page in a dark comedy written and directed by James Gunn, I about flipped my lid! That -alone- is full of soooooo much win! But I tried sooo hard not to get my hopes up too high, just in case.
It is fucking BRILLIANT. lol

I was gonna write a little mini review for you guys but it got sooo long and I am completely incapable of doing so without giving away a few key points and shit. So, I'll tell you this. The cast is GENIUS! The story is phenomenal. Two thumbs soooo far up. Please see it. Please!
Don't be fooled by the trailer, it's a comedy, but it is TRULY a dark comedy. And violent AS FUCK! Haha! And I don't just mean Hollywood violent with fake blood and guts and shit. I mean, this is the most realistic violence I've seen in a movie. Don't get me wrong, I love me some over the top gore, but it was actually really refreshing to see a movie where when's someone skull gets bashed in.... it looks LEGIT! There was also some pretty mind blowing imagery in it (a particular scene I would call "The Finger of God", if you've seen it, you'll know what I'm talking about).
A true true commentary on the human condition and what we are/aren't capable of and how the decisions we make effect us and more importantly, others.
LOVED IT! SEE IT! I've watched it 3 times, and I'll watch it as many times as I can until it drops off my onDemand. Which I think is in 24 hours. lol
Life bull shit (spoilered for your pleaseure):
I will rise above, right?
kas thinks I will. She even made me this super high tech graphic displaying how I can concur my problems today:
(The white one is today. I'm destroying it)
What else is goin onnnnn?
Oh! Remember that picture of Dwight from The Office that I was working on for Brando's birthday? He's complete!!!
I love it soooooo much! I wanna keep him forever and for always but he already is in love with it. So I can't be all, "Oh, yeah. I'm keeping this now". but, B loves it and that's all that really matters! So, yay for me completing my first full colored pencil piece in about 10 years! *pats self on back*
Speaking of kas (and her brilliant cut and paste skills on Paint... HAHAHA!)... WE wanna get another SGSAC event going. So ANY AND ALL of you in the Sacramento area, join our group and lets get a groovy bunch of people together, mkay?! I'm thinking with the bad ass weather we have coming, a BBQ or picnic day would be a blasty blast!
Here's something to entice you:
look how smokin hot we are!!!!! Come hang out with us! lol
murky sunset:
walking my wiener..
Ever see the movie Half Baked?!?
the best 2 tacos I've ever eaten. That's what she/he said.
Started reading this, since CLEARLY I need a lesson on survival.
My handsome spider monkey
Well, I think I have raped your face for long enough with this blog. And just for reading it all (which in reality, I have -no idea- whether you did or not. HAHA!) I shall reward you with something to get excited about!
MAY 26 "sail away" shot by Lorelei, will be kickin it in MR waiting for you to look! So, raise your sails, guys and gals!
You all may be tired of hearing me say this, but I can't express ENOUGH how much all your long distance love and support means to me. There are days that it is -all- that gets me through my days. Whether it be via PM, blog comment, AIM convo, or text, NONE of it goes unappreciated. Sometimes I feel like you, my SG family, are my defibrillators. You get my heart beating when the rest of my body, mind, and soul are frozen in time.
I truly, from the bottom of my heart, love you guys.
xoxo Trekka
Anyone that knows me, is aware that I do adjust well with change. I suffer from anxiety and depression and all the new developments in my life has only increased these problems. It is a lot to deal with and yes, I take medication, but pills do not alleviate the problems you are facing. I miss things from back home. Maybe, not my family, but now I am a in rural town where I know no one and it is hard to deal with. So I completely understand how you feel about thinking you are failing in life. I never expected to be going through all this at 29. I expected to have a job, a house, and be successful. Instead, I am still in graduate school. My credit is ruined due to my parents and I have nothing to call my own. I am basically starting from scratch. Luckily, I have someone who loves me! At least that is one thing I can count on, but I constantly worrying that one thing will go wrong and I will have no where to go or anyone to go back to!
Sorry, for rambling and sharing such a long blog, but I wanted to let you know that I sympathize with you and that I truly feel that things will get better for both of us. *hugs* If you ever need to talk to someone, then feel free to shoot me a line. I know that is one good thing I am good at-"talking." I just sometimes do not take my own advice! *giggles*
Try to keep smiling and keep in touch.
I'm a super zombie geek, so yea.