Today calls for good music....
:::Brief little known fact about me: I DO NOT go a single day WITHOUT listening to at least one Stevie Wonder song.

This is a massive blog of epic proportions. You have been warned.

EDIT: I kept getting distracted by shiny stuff and now I have to get dressed and run out the door so... this is NOT at all what i just said. lol

May 26, mark you calendars, set your alarms! Hehehe! Lorelei just did such a great job. I know I gush about her every chance I get and you're probably sick of it, but... just wow. She is so wonderfully talented and I really hope you guys love this set as much as I do and I HOPE she does.

While I respect and love all the of the beautiful women who have been selected to go pink lately, I am missing that..."alternative" look that drew me to SG to begin with. I'd like for them to throw in an "unconventional beauty" maybe from time to time.. Just every now and then. I know the flawless girls are more mainstream and marketable. But, I dunno. Here's to HOPING (pleasepleaseplease) that I can be the next alternative lookin gal to reach pink status,

teasy timeeeee!

Outdoor music jam
Earlier this week, recently after getting my drum, my ex and I decided to sit out on our porch like a couple of hippies and play music. Hehehe. We played a couple songs together, it was fun. But, then I got crazy with the camera... like I allllllllways so.

Sunday night we went to go see my comedic and sexy nerdy idol, the one.. the only.. Sarah Silverman
She was AMAZING!!!!! Her stand up was even better than I thought it would be! She is so perfectly offensive... I LOVE IT!!!! Jokes about rape are ALWAYS a win in my book, as well as abortion jokes and religion jokes. She has no fear of pissing anyone off because she doesn't care and I love that. I tend to like people like me who have no internal filter. LOL Also, sarcasm will always win me over... and mMiss Silverman provided plenty of that! And goddddd I love her politics. So 2 thumbs up... waaaaaaay up.... your butt. It was amazing.
(jus sayinnnnnn)
As far as hooping goes, I love it. I have been practicing as much as my sore, pathetic body will let me! HAHA I mean literally, hips, waist, abs, ribs, chest, shoulders, arms = sore. HAHA! Who knew this was the BEST WORKOUT OF ALL TIME?! So, I am for SURE gonna keep up with it and I wanna get good!!! Which means, hopefully LOTS more time with Thanatogenous. Hehehe! (and in case you need a reminder of how AMAZING she is, just click her name and check out her hooping videos. WOOOOOW!)
Well, time got away with me SUUUUUPER fast. And I have lots to tell you about the homeless shelter, possible job, lots of random photos, and neat stories about stuff.
Today I am off to go have lunch with my daddio and THEEEEEEN I'm goin to kas's place to go hang for a bit and meet her farm animals!!! heehe!
I have been needing lots of hugs lately... so bad.. and while actual -physical- ones aren't happening as much as I'd like, I've been receiving yours via brain waves and they feel soooo good! So thanks for these:
I love you guys!!!
So more later, maybe. Probably tomorrow or something.
P.S. Go here for a story about Jelly Bean Rape lol