Real quick, this blog goes"blah blah music blah blah happies pictures blah blah"
So my day started out SHIT! I don't really feeling like rehashing every little emotion I sampled today, but I will say that my day was pathetic (to say the very least) until about 1:15pm when I got a text from Thanatogenous asking what I was up to today.

Pause. Need music to suit my NEW happy mood.
Aaaaaaand I don't care if you're sick of Primus, this is a CLASSSSSSIC!
MmmmMmmMmMmMMmMMMmMMMMMmmm Les.

Resume blog.
Lately, as I've been in a state of personal crisis, I've really been taking a glance around at the people around me that I call "friends". My findings have been that the majority of said people, are not friends at all. What happened? How did I allow this to happen? How and when did I allow so many negative and -sorry to say it, but- worthless individuals into my life?
Fair weather friends. The whole lot of them.
I won't bore you with all the agonizing details of how completely and utterly alone I have felt the last couple weeks. There's no point to it. It won't mean anything to any of you or it'll bring you down or whatever. As a matter of fact, I'll willing to bet the majority of you haven't even read this much and are scrolling down to the pictures. lol Ya know, I'm not stupid.
But it's been kinda like this..
plus some self destruction..
And it's hard here on SG, because while so many of you are sending me love from far away, which I appreciate and cherish more than GOLD, sometimes I need a hug, someone to hold me while I just cry out every single last tear. And all you glorious people are far too distant for comfort. I absolutely hate it.
But, some sort of amazing force has moved Miss Thanatogenous to Sacramento to my rescue. Even in this short time we have known each other, she has proven herself to be just about the best friend I could ever ask for. I feel so lucky. And lately, it feels like every time I'm feeling lonely, I get a text from her askin if I wanna do something.
Today, we met at a park near my apartment and we hooped for a while! She taught me some basics and showed me some technique. It was sooooo much fun! We found a grassy knoll, blazed, she let me vent about all that ails me, and we hooped our adorable little brains out! A large man name Eugene approached us and asked about the "work out" aspect of hooping. Couldn't tell if he was asking out of genuine interest or if he was just being a weird "I approach young ladies in the park" kinda dude. lol But he was nice enough and it was super fun to watch him try to hoop and fail. Hehe! It was cute.
But then again, I'm not so graceful myself yet! lol I mean, I knew how to just hoop around my waste, but the choreography that goes along with it and all the rest of the snazzy stuff is just gonna take some practice.
This is what Thanatogenous looks like when she does it:
graceful, beautiful, things of that nature
This closely resembles me during my first attempt
ehh... not so graceful. lol
Verdict on n hooping: I LOVE it. It is a lot tougher than some may think! And Thana just looks so beautiful and flawless with it all!!!! But, she showed me some fun stuff and this is something I'm going to be practicing EVERY DAY. Mark my words. Not to mention, my arms and abs are like... full on sore. HAHA! Now, it is also true that I haven't been staying very in shape. I mean, i'm not gaining weight or anything! But, I'm not like, super active lately. lol So, yes. Hooping = Harcore Win
I mean, have you seen this lady go?!
I know, right?! Amazingggggg Hehe
So, after the park, we went to PinkBerry and ate amazing yogurt and talked about fun things and I shivered furiously as a result of leaving my hoodie in my car. I was like a nervous chihuahua in there or something! lol But she is just so absolutely uplifting and wonderful and I just feel really lucky to have her around. Also, she let me borrow a hoop of hers so I can practice and stuff.
What started as a super unpleasant morning has turned out to be a great day!
In other news...
Brando's birthday was on Friday. And while we HAVE indeed called it quits as far as "us" as a couple goes, we have always been best friends, first and foremost. So, I am doing everything in my power to hold it together for the sake of that friendship. Not because I "need" him in my life, but because he truly -is- a wonderful friend and we have always had a great connection. I am not one to cut my best friend out of my life, no matter what the situation. Also, he will be taking custody of our babies (dog and cat) and I need to maintain a close friendship with him to ensure the continued relationship with Mozart and Lucy. They have been my world and I will be heartbroken at the end of the month when I will no longer be living with them. fuck I can't even think about it.
For B's birthday i wanted to draw him something funny for his new office at work. Our ENTIRE relationship I promised to make HIM something special and I never did. So, for his birthday I sat down for a few hours and made him this gem, which is unfinished (so don't judge it too much) but I am proud of nonetheless:
I'm still semi-undecided on what I want in the background. B likes the plain white, but I'm sot signing it without being happy with the end result. lol I refuse! And he won't accept it without me signing it because he loves my art for some weird reason. HAHA! SooOOOOooooOOoOooOO that means I need to be 100% on what I decide on for the background. It doesn't need to be anything complicated. i just -cannot- accept my artwork with plain white in it. Anywhere. lol This is LAAAAARGELY due to my OCD. It also has a lot to do with my art teacher who is a PHENOMENAL artist, who taught me that nothing is EVER one color. (For instance, in Dwight's face alone, I have 16 layers of different colors, not just beige. Purple, yellow, pink, orange, tan, white, blah blah blah.. SO, when I see the empty white in this piece it makes me want to puke. HAHA!
must....fix....the horror....
My dad has been really great lately...
He took me to Guitar Center the other day because I had mentioned that I was interested in getting a hand drum. I wasn't sure what kind though. My dad was a drummer for many many many years! Never anything big time, mostly little jam bands when he was in high school and in the navy and in his heavy drug years.. lol.
So he said, "Let's just go look at some and you can play and see what kind you want! the only way you'll know is when you hold one". Because I'm 25 and Know my dad, this is Father-of-only-child Code for: "Let's go find a drum for me to buy you one so you will smile again."
After playing with lots of drums I fell in love with this...
I actually have lots more I wanna tell you and SHOW you in form of picture OVERLOAD but this is getting absurdly long and there is an ice cream sandwich calling my nizz-ame! MMMMM!
I love you guys! Thanks for letting me babble at you!
(apologies for the lack of nudity. Perhaps some in the near future. Thanks for bein sports!)
XOXOX Trekka
Nope the lack of nudity wasn't a turnoff, I survived just fine.
I think kas would be fine getting bothered, she get's off work kinda early in the day since she works overnight so there's that. Glad you have Thana though, sounds like the hooping would be fun, I do like picturing you as a rhino trying it though, that's a pretty good visual.
Yeah, mom takes care of me when it comes to the spoiling, dad is more all about helping me figure stuff out with my car or something like that, which is great to have since I don't know shit about things like that, not by a long shot. So I got a couple good ones to come from as far as I can tell.
You Dwight most definitely is cool, and I can see why you want to keep him.