..you don't see me..
I know there will be an end to my tears and this agony. I'd just rather see the end arrive sooner than later. I really feel the urge to describe the exact way I'm feeling right now in the form of a really long blog, but I know you guys would be bored by it.. and I don't like to be in the business of boring people. I will say, however, that these tidal waves genuinely are larger in the morning and with fewer breaks of calm.
For fucking real...
I went on a nature adventure on Saturday in my mom's backyard. Here are the pictures that came out of that. They aren't the best I've taken, but they are the best my shitty camera will permit. I hope you guys enjoy them

Saturday night's SGSAC get together was pretty cool! Got to meet some really awesome people that I've been blog commenting with for a year now so yay for that! There are a few pictures floating around somewhere, but I don't think anyone has posted them yet. I was a little here and a little... gone during the event. but I did my best to smile and enjoy my time out. Thankfully, everyone knew what I was going through, so they were real understanding and so sweet and loving. So, thank you all my, SGSac-ers! let's do it again. Preferably when my life doesn't feel like death.
Really though, it was fun. And I truthfully look forward to doing it again. Only.. maybe a different bar next time. We did NOT really fit in there. haha!
Well, I'm going to shower and dress and attempt to be a functioning human being today! Mom is coming over for a bit and then time to clean and watch reruns of The Office non-stop!
I really love you guys and appreciate your messages and love. Thank you for being here for me while I battle the inevitability of me becoming a basket case.
You all mean more to me than you probably know.

I know there will be an end to my tears and this agony. I'd just rather see the end arrive sooner than later. I really feel the urge to describe the exact way I'm feeling right now in the form of a really long blog, but I know you guys would be bored by it.. and I don't like to be in the business of boring people. I will say, however, that these tidal waves genuinely are larger in the morning and with fewer breaks of calm.
For fucking real...
I went on a nature adventure on Saturday in my mom's backyard. Here are the pictures that came out of that. They aren't the best I've taken, but they are the best my shitty camera will permit. I hope you guys enjoy them

Saturday night's SGSAC get together was pretty cool! Got to meet some really awesome people that I've been blog commenting with for a year now so yay for that! There are a few pictures floating around somewhere, but I don't think anyone has posted them yet. I was a little here and a little... gone during the event. but I did my best to smile and enjoy my time out. Thankfully, everyone knew what I was going through, so they were real understanding and so sweet and loving. So, thank you all my, SGSac-ers! let's do it again. Preferably when my life doesn't feel like death.

Well, I'm going to shower and dress and attempt to be a functioning human being today! Mom is coming over for a bit and then time to clean and watch reruns of The Office non-stop!
I really love you guys and appreciate your messages and love. Thank you for being here for me while I battle the inevitability of me becoming a basket case.

I'm sorry hun.
Wish I could give you a great big hug! It's great you got out with the SGSAC group even though you've been feeling so low. <3