..I would sooo bang Les Claypool in this video.

Top hat and all!

I wanna do naughty AWFUL things to him when I watch him play.. If you have never seen Les Claypool live, I highly suggest getting on top of that shit immediately. He is fucking flawless and he has such incredible energy. *siiiigh*
SO anyways! LOL
WARNING: Massive blog with lots of photos straight ahead!
Lots has happened since I last checked in with you all...
Saturday night, I went over to Thanatogenous's pad and had a total blast!

I went over and we drank some wine and listened to music and got to know each other and played with their amazing little beagle, L10 (His name is L-10 because he's better than a K-9. Get it?! Genius. lol). We were so pissed that we didn't take any pictures, but there is always next time. We plan n hanging out lots and lots because we're awesome like that. HAHA! We didn't get to hoop though because there was like... Mondo-Storm all weekend with lightning and wind blowing trees over and all sorts of absurdity. So, we were a little bummed because she's excited to get back to it and teach me and I'm just excited to learn! Hopefully this coming weekend will permit it.

And speaking of the ever so gorgeous Thanatogenous...

Attention all Sacramento residents!!!

Ummmm.... What happened?!

Thana posted a thread in SGSAC for a get together April 2 at Shady Lady. Go here for more details, guys: Operation: Unite SGSAC We hope to see you there!!!!!
In other newsss
Life has been a teeeeeeensy bit stressful as of late. Just been having a tough time making money and all that sort of nonsense. I'm trying to not dwell on it and get me down but that can be tough some days. I just do not have enough time in the day for a gloomy attitude! Staying positive is helping it move along nicely so I think that's my game plan.
Be positive. And get shit done.

I want to get away! I wanna flyyyyy awayyyyy!

The stress was really starting to get us (me and my bf) down so B's boss gave him Monday and Tuesday off of work (which NEVER happens) and told us to "get out of Dodge" on his dime. So we did! Hehe! We didn't do a whole lot. Mostly just walked around and breathed in the ocean air... and took an actual "fuck ton" of pictures, which I will now spoiler for those of you who probably don't give a shit. HAHA!
Total cost of our trip since B doesn't have to ever pay for gas: $13
Fuck. Yes.
Overall, though our trip was quite low-key, we had an amazing time. Just getting out of Sacramento for a day and taking in the ocean air and pretending to not have a care in the world! Just... unplugging ourselves.
Well, this week is jam packed with possible money-making opportunities and cleaning and yoga and hopefully some Thana girl time and fun.
Sorry I didn't have a whole lot to say today! but I hope you enjoyed it anyways!!! Hehehe
It's Hump Day! We're half-way through the week! Let's be positive and keep truckin and make it to the weekend!!!!
thankyou so very much for the sweet comment!<3
You in glasses = HOT!