Get. Fun-ky!
I miss Beastie Boys sooo much. It hurts! lol And do you know I've never seen them live in concert??? Fuck my life in the face... I must fix this somehow. Buuuuut....
I picked this song cuz.. lol
Yesterday was super sunny and nice out! It was an absolute dream..
Yom yom strawberry fruit bar
Hmmmmmmm... boobies? Probably.
My sneaky pet panther
Hmmmmm.... ducks??
What's left of our plants are doing ok. One of them is expanding!
TOOL! This is a platinum Tool album that we have hanging in our bedroom
Me being a dork... (as per the usual)
As far as what's going on in my life right now...
There's been a lot of filling out paperwork.. which is everyone's favorite *eye roll* lol. But it's all for a good cause! Basically, my passion for science has been reignited recently in conversation with Thanatogenous and I'm very extremely considering going to occupational school and getting my Associates in Science to be a mortician.
It's something I've been interested in for a long long time actually, but she's helped me take the step to actually DECIDE to do it. And in CA there are programs that basically will pay me the equivalent of "unemployment" as long as I meet certain requirements and whatnot while I attend vocational school full time. It's something I could knock out pretty quickly if I was able to do it full time. So, that's what I'm looking into. But right now I'm working on getting my old college transcripts transferred and all that jazz.
In addition to all that, I have been applying for the few jobs I've been able to track down. I'm also trying to get a different business rolling to no avail. :/ It is what it is. I am resourceful! And I'm figuring out other silly ways to make money in the meantime. Thank god I have B... Without him I'd be in big big trouble. HAHA! Because working on paying off a debt with a friend is hard to do with next to nothing income! But B is taking care of rent and bills until I have that paid off. *sigh of relief*
In more fun news..
I'm getting more and more excited about the set I shot with Lorelei. I know you guys are probably so tired of hearing about it!!! lol And I'm sorry, but I am riding on cloud nine still. I'll shut up now until I have a teaser for it.
Also, I've been having lots of fun lately with my little ratties! I need to take new pictures of them and try to get a video of them doing their "tricks". They're just s hyper and they don't sit still for long when they are out of their cage and with the shitty camera I have, I can't get clear pictures. lol They're little jumpin beans! But, they come to me on command and right now, we are working on spinning on command! So cute! They crack me up. If I think of it today, I'll try to get some pictures.
Alright guys, it's FRIDAY!!! So, let's stay positive and enjoy the day! If I don't talk to you, have a baller weekend!