At what point in our lives do we look around and decide that we can only truly live for ourselves?
When does the wolf remove his sheepish costume?
Maybe never I suppose.
No one likes the wolf without his mask. They all prefer the false docility of the sheep. .
I miiiiiight have a little on the fly photo shoot today, which could be fun. Nothing for SG, just for the hell of it. I met a cool kid that is a photography student out here and he actually has a great eye. So, I told him I'd maybe shoot with him today if it wasn't raining. It's been off and on with the rain today... I wish it'd just do one or the other! Either rain, or don't! I guess Mother Nature is fussy today.. Anyways, he's supposed to text me around noon time and we'll see.. Just wanna do a little jeans and tank top out in nature kinda thing. The rain is off and on, but the air has something special in it today. I think we could get some good shots. So, fingers crossed on that!
I also get to see the beautiful Thanatogenous this evening when she gets off work!

Here's me and Lorelei (and her dog, Baby) shooting last Friday.

Sooooo, my dumb ass... I took quite a few photos of me and Meghan while we were getting lost all over Northern California trying to get TO the shoot and trying to get HOME... also trying to get to a Sonic. And while I was uploading the pictures to my laptop... something weird happened and all the pictures went ::: POOF ::: ......... wtf?! Ugh! So, I'm kinda pissy about that.

Quick shout out to Edun who sent me a couple of AMAZING birthday gifts last week!
In addition to these sext black boots:

..he got me this movie, which is one of my absolute favorites!

So thank you again, Mr Edun! You really helped make my birthday great!
AND THANK YOU to the rest of you who sent me sweet birthday wished and wrote kind comments. Sometimes, I don't know where I would be without you all. Actually, I know exactly where I'd be... lonely and bored.

I have a couple more things I want to blab about but I'm dealing with some aggravating text message action right now and I'm soooo not in the right mood for it. Time for yoga probably???? Yup!
I hope you all have a fabulous day! Let's all try to stay positive and keep our eyes on the horizon!

Gryphon made a full recovery & he's more or less back to "normal" (for him). It's funny because he's super timid, and was only "aggressive" towards the mail carriers. At least he's learned not to jump on the glass. Now he just bites the mail as they stick in through the slot.