...Be my angel!...
This is one of my favorite karaoke songssss! Good times... Oh... good old drinking days of yesteryear. Hahaha! If only I had a time machine so that I could go back in time and make sure someone was recording some of the stuff that went down back when I used to drink vodka like it was water. Ahhhh the scars of my history.
Anyways! So! The countdown to my birthday begins! Even more importantly, the countdown to my photo shoot with Lorelei begins!!! I'm so excited/nervous.. I can hardly handle it. I think I've tried on more clothes today than I ever have in my life... accumulatively. HAHA! I think I know which outfit I am settled on, but my mood changes with the wind (..or does my mood change the wind?!? O__o lol) so we'll see.
So there are a few cool things happening this week! Hopefully getting together with Thanatogenous tomorrow or the next day. She's gonna give me some pointers for Friday.
Probably seeing my dad Wednesday. Thursday is my birthday! My mom is taking me to lunch and then Brando is making me dinner or something (I can't remember. lol). And then Friday, me and Meghan/Beastwars are driving to Oakland for my shoot!
Busy week indeed. Fun week! 

This is my favorite sweatshirt of my dude's to steal.
The clouds were cool the other day
I did a round 2 of bleach on my hairs. I like it.
Lucy is so damn cute!!

Whatta chump..
Oh my god... ok.
So, I'm going through all my pictures just randomly (I don't really know why). Ummmm
One year ago exactly:
ewwwwwwww. Haha! Compare that to what I look like now:
I'm way cuter now. Lol
Anyways, that's all for today! Short and sweet! I wish I had more pictures to share but my camera has been hibernating the last couple days. But, fun things are happening this week so the camera will be charged and ready to rock and roll when needed. I wish more of you lived closer so that I could have a giant party this weekend to celebrate my turning a quarter of a century! I suggest that at least 5 of you move to NorCal immediately. HAHA. Plane tickets for all my lovely ladies (and some of you cool dudes
) are all I want this year! Oh well, maybe next year right?!
Talk to you guys soon! Xoxo
This is one of my favorite karaoke songssss! Good times... Oh... good old drinking days of yesteryear. Hahaha! If only I had a time machine so that I could go back in time and make sure someone was recording some of the stuff that went down back when I used to drink vodka like it was water. Ahhhh the scars of my history.

Anyways! So! The countdown to my birthday begins! Even more importantly, the countdown to my photo shoot with Lorelei begins!!! I'm so excited/nervous.. I can hardly handle it. I think I've tried on more clothes today than I ever have in my life... accumulatively. HAHA! I think I know which outfit I am settled on, but my mood changes with the wind (..or does my mood change the wind?!? O__o lol) so we'll see.
So there are a few cool things happening this week! Hopefully getting together with Thanatogenous tomorrow or the next day. She's gonna give me some pointers for Friday.

This is my favorite sweatshirt of my dude's to steal.

The clouds were cool the other day

I did a round 2 of bleach on my hairs. I like it.

Lucy is so damn cute!!


Whatta chump..

Oh my god... ok.
So, I'm going through all my pictures just randomly (I don't really know why). Ummmm
One year ago exactly:

ewwwwwwww. Haha! Compare that to what I look like now:

I'm way cuter now. Lol
Anyways, that's all for today! Short and sweet! I wish I had more pictures to share but my camera has been hibernating the last couple days. But, fun things are happening this week so the camera will be charged and ready to rock and roll when needed. I wish more of you lived closer so that I could have a giant party this weekend to celebrate my turning a quarter of a century! I suggest that at least 5 of you move to NorCal immediately. HAHA. Plane tickets for all my lovely ladies (and some of you cool dudes

Talk to you guys soon! Xoxo
It's just hard cause I don't drive, don't know this town or it's public transportation. I think I might hit up the mall tomorrow since it seems I can't apply online for anything, haha.
I have some friends playing a show tonight in Sacramento at Luigi's. You should go! Tell them Muller sent you.