All sorts of fuckin randoms...

Hahaha! I have lots of stuff I wanna talk about but honestly I am having like a HARDCORE writers block today. I'm actually sort of on a whole "artist's block" right now. That probably sounds lame. But for real, my creative mind seems to be hibernating the last couple days. Not too sure what that's about. But, I stare at 2 halfway started paintings and my large array of guitar strings I'm using for my heart sculpture and I'm just like....... nothing. lol This happens to me from time to time, which is why I am an artist of so many mediums. When I'm hitting a wall with one thing, I start something new! Get the juices flowing! But, currently, I seem to be hitting the same wall in all my mediums. I don't know what to do with that.
You know how they say when one door closes, another opens... or something...? Well..
New friends are the shit
You know who's fuckin cool? Boomie. That's who. Lol She just moved to Reno from L.A. and Reno just so happens to be about an hour and a half away from me. I'm just starting to get to know her, but she is a rock star so far!
We wanna try to meet up soon and kick it (i.e. smoke our faces off) So, there's that! Haha!
Also hoping to meet up with the lovelyThanatogenous this weekend to hoop! She recently moved to Sacramento (I don't know -why- yet because I can't imagine why anyone would ever move TO Sac. lol It sucks here) so I'm hoping to get together! She seems super chill from what I have gathered from lurking her profile and her badass hoop videos. Hehe!
This song lives in my brain
I forgot how much I really loved this song and this album until I recently (last week) re-discovered it. Now I can't get it out of my head!
B and I are contemplating an acoustic duet on the guitarrrrrrrs ... Hmm hmm hmm
Picture DUMP
New pothead undiesss


U-Haul to move the rest of B's shit over


Mozart totally thinks he's cute. Pssshhh...

Someone super sexy gave me these for my earrrrrrrs (I don't wanna mention any names but her initials are... Chrysis LOL):

This poster is on our bedroom wall and it makes me happy:

The verdict on my hair is that I suuuuper dig on the orange, but I got one more kit and I'm gonna bleach it one more time to fix some spots and see if I can get lighter. If I can't get lighter, that's totally cool too. lol

Sexy tyyyyyyymez

So, I found a couple local photogs to meet up with this weekend for shits and giggles so we'll see how that goes...
It's the final countdown!!!! [ba ba baaa baaaa! ba ba ba ba baaaa!]
March 11 is my photo shoot with the gorgeous and ever so talented Lorelei and I'm not sure I could be more excited!
So, I'm officially on the All Caffeine/No Food Diet.... HAHAHA! SOooooooOOOOoooo kidding. Trust me. But on the real, it's crunch time! So, no fast food, nothing fried, lots of fruits and veggies and WATERRRRRR...... and lots and lots of coffee. lol But it's going to be perfect because my birthday is March 10 so it'll be the day after and is my gift to myself. Maybe one of these days you'll see me on the home page... I can dream right?!? Think pink, Trekka!
Oh! So by the way, I've been watching the news like allllllllll fucking day... UMMMMMM Apparently someone got shot and killed last night up the street from me. ...... When did I move to Compton??? Ha! But seriously, that shit freaks me out. I know that happens EVERYWHERE, but it creeps me out that it happened within ear shot of me. Gross!!!
*snapping fingers rhythmically*
I know there was sooooooooomething else I was gonna blab on and on about but it's escaping me right now. Fuckkkk.... What was it??? GAH! Well, if I think of it, I'll tell you! I promise!

[Haha! Chrysis gave me THESE plugs too! I wuvs herrrrrr. She makes my ears pretty. n__n]
P.S. I remembered!!! I desperately need new ink. Desperately. LOL That's all!

Hahaha! I have lots of stuff I wanna talk about but honestly I am having like a HARDCORE writers block today. I'm actually sort of on a whole "artist's block" right now. That probably sounds lame. But for real, my creative mind seems to be hibernating the last couple days. Not too sure what that's about. But, I stare at 2 halfway started paintings and my large array of guitar strings I'm using for my heart sculpture and I'm just like....... nothing. lol This happens to me from time to time, which is why I am an artist of so many mediums. When I'm hitting a wall with one thing, I start something new! Get the juices flowing! But, currently, I seem to be hitting the same wall in all my mediums. I don't know what to do with that.
You know how they say when one door closes, another opens... or something...? Well..
New friends are the shit
You know who's fuckin cool? Boomie. That's who. Lol She just moved to Reno from L.A. and Reno just so happens to be about an hour and a half away from me. I'm just starting to get to know her, but she is a rock star so far!

Also hoping to meet up with the lovelyThanatogenous this weekend to hoop! She recently moved to Sacramento (I don't know -why- yet because I can't imagine why anyone would ever move TO Sac. lol It sucks here) so I'm hoping to get together! She seems super chill from what I have gathered from lurking her profile and her badass hoop videos. Hehe!
This song lives in my brain
I forgot how much I really loved this song and this album until I recently (last week) re-discovered it. Now I can't get it out of my head!

Picture DUMP
New pothead undiesss


U-Haul to move the rest of B's shit over


Mozart totally thinks he's cute. Pssshhh...

Someone super sexy gave me these for my earrrrrrrs (I don't wanna mention any names but her initials are... Chrysis LOL):

This poster is on our bedroom wall and it makes me happy:

The verdict on my hair is that I suuuuper dig on the orange, but I got one more kit and I'm gonna bleach it one more time to fix some spots and see if I can get lighter. If I can't get lighter, that's totally cool too. lol

Sexy tyyyyyyymez

So, I found a couple local photogs to meet up with this weekend for shits and giggles so we'll see how that goes...
It's the final countdown!!!! [ba ba baaa baaaa! ba ba ba ba baaaa!]
March 11 is my photo shoot with the gorgeous and ever so talented Lorelei and I'm not sure I could be more excited!

Oh! So by the way, I've been watching the news like allllllllll fucking day... UMMMMMM Apparently someone got shot and killed last night up the street from me. ...... When did I move to Compton??? Ha! But seriously, that shit freaks me out. I know that happens EVERYWHERE, but it creeps me out that it happened within ear shot of me. Gross!!!
*snapping fingers rhythmically*
I know there was sooooooooomething else I was gonna blab on and on about but it's escaping me right now. Fuckkkk.... What was it??? GAH! Well, if I think of it, I'll tell you! I promise!

[Haha! Chrysis gave me THESE plugs too! I wuvs herrrrrr. She makes my ears pretty. n__n]
P.S. I remembered!!! I desperately need new ink. Desperately. LOL That's all!
Nice rack lolz, nice panties, and nice cat!