Blogging away from home...
So I am housesitting for my parents while they're on a lovely vacation in Mexico (assholes... lol jk). I really kind of like housesitting for them normally because my mom stocks up the house with all my favorite foods and beverages... and they have a huge amazing and comfortable home... and there's a lot to do....
...But their goddam WiFi isn't allowing me to connect on my laptop! Nonsense.
So I'm typing this all on my mom's computer and I will later have to go back and clear the history and delete a lot of stuff before they get back. HAHA! Not that my mom is even technologically inclined to find all this, but.... you never know right?!
Anyways, I have been taking a lot of fun pictures and stuff while I've been here, most of which I can't share with you yet since they are on my laptop... and like... not HERE.
So, consider this blog a promise of bigger and better things when I'm done! 
What I can do now is give you a brief update on my life and provide a couple fun pictures that I emailed to myself to be able to post! lol
SG shoot
I am so beyond excited about my shoot next month. I am shooting with a photographer that I have admired for quite some time, so it's just absolutely thrilling to be only 3-ish weeks away from it all. It almost feels like a dream!
I got part of my outfit already. Just needin some adorable panties and a few other things.... but it's all coming together.
Ya know, it's funny. My last shoot last year, when I shot Unsummer, a lot of stuff kept going wrong leading up to the event. The date kept changing, I almost didn't have the money, plus a series of really odd events that seemed to be indicating that it just wasn't meant to be. But we pushed through and made the set happen! But, as we all know, that didn't go so well in the end. (88%... sad... haha!) But honestly, I'm not that bummed about it. I mean, I'm not toooootally pleased with the way it turned out, mostly because I feel like I didn't do my best. I know I can do better. I fuckin know it! lol
So, shooting this set with a staff photographer, on top of going into it with a little more experience than before... yeah. I'm jazzed. Plus, I have been emailing back and forth with said photog, and I tossed an idea out there for the theme of my set (kind of expecting to get it shot down) and.... she liked it! That made me feel pretty goddam good, not gonna lie.
Hardtimes, USA
Pretty much....FML in the financial department, by the way. I have hit a little road block with my future job possibilities. Not that I have given up, by ANY means! But, I have a little hurdle to get over right now... and it really fucking sucks! I mean, being negative in my bank account isn't exactly ideal. In fact... it's pretty much the opposite! Haha! I'm trying suuuuuper hard to not let it get me down, but that's not always the easiest task.
Anyways, life throws you some curve balls from time to time, I suppose. (haha! "balls"!) And because I know nothing about sports, I don't know what the solution is to a curve ball. ...... In fact, let's pretend I didn't say anything about curve balls.
So I guess, something like.... When life gives you lemons, make lemonade....?
*** unnecessarily long and awkward silence ***

The rest are trapped on my laptop. So, whenever I go home for a bit this week, I'll do a new blog and include all of those. I went on one of my famous nature adventures on my mom's property so... yeah. MORE TO COME!
And while I have been enjoying the weather over here in CA, my poor loverface/bestie Chrysis got in a freaking car accident due to "not CA" weather.
(Don't worry, she's ok) I wish I could share the Cali sun with you alll!!!!!
Oh and I almost forgot...
NON-SG shoot
....may not happen now. I was going to do a REALLY FUCKING EPIC (and incredibly dark) shoot with a photographer I found on ModelMayhem. He has actually shot some SuicideGirls and whatnot! But this was going to be something much more.... erotic(?) I guess would be the word..
I was extremely excited about it, like you have NO IDEA! It was going to be VERY dark and just... amazing.
But, due to lack of funds for gas, I most likely will not be able to shoot it.
You have no idea how bummed I am about this. I really needed to get my angst out and.. that's just not going to happen the way I had hoped. Oh well, I suppose. Maybe another time down the road.... It was just going to be incredibly emotionally beneficial for me... and god knows I need that right now.
So, big time sad face about that.
Well, that's all for now, guys! Like I said, a better blog with more pictures is coming to a computer near you! Sorry this one was nada special. I leave you with this...
The usual run down...
Follow me on Tumblr
and Twitter
**Side Note: I have developed a new obsession with Tasya van Ree and her short films and photography. She is beyond incredible and her girlfriend Amber Heard is.... to die for.... sigh... I wish Brando had time to do little projects like that with me. He's great at filming and editing videos (he does it for his job) but he just don't have that kinda time... like to do this kinda stuff. Boo.

Alright, x's and o's til you puke!!!
So I am housesitting for my parents while they're on a lovely vacation in Mexico (assholes... lol jk). I really kind of like housesitting for them normally because my mom stocks up the house with all my favorite foods and beverages... and they have a huge amazing and comfortable home... and there's a lot to do....
...But their goddam WiFi isn't allowing me to connect on my laptop! Nonsense.
So I'm typing this all on my mom's computer and I will later have to go back and clear the history and delete a lot of stuff before they get back. HAHA! Not that my mom is even technologically inclined to find all this, but.... you never know right?!
Anyways, I have been taking a lot of fun pictures and stuff while I've been here, most of which I can't share with you yet since they are on my laptop... and like... not HERE.

What I can do now is give you a brief update on my life and provide a couple fun pictures that I emailed to myself to be able to post! lol
SG shoot
I am so beyond excited about my shoot next month. I am shooting with a photographer that I have admired for quite some time, so it's just absolutely thrilling to be only 3-ish weeks away from it all. It almost feels like a dream!

Ya know, it's funny. My last shoot last year, when I shot Unsummer, a lot of stuff kept going wrong leading up to the event. The date kept changing, I almost didn't have the money, plus a series of really odd events that seemed to be indicating that it just wasn't meant to be. But we pushed through and made the set happen! But, as we all know, that didn't go so well in the end. (88%... sad... haha!) But honestly, I'm not that bummed about it. I mean, I'm not toooootally pleased with the way it turned out, mostly because I feel like I didn't do my best. I know I can do better. I fuckin know it! lol
So, shooting this set with a staff photographer, on top of going into it with a little more experience than before... yeah. I'm jazzed. Plus, I have been emailing back and forth with said photog, and I tossed an idea out there for the theme of my set (kind of expecting to get it shot down) and.... she liked it! That made me feel pretty goddam good, not gonna lie.

Hardtimes, USA
Pretty much....FML in the financial department, by the way. I have hit a little road block with my future job possibilities. Not that I have given up, by ANY means! But, I have a little hurdle to get over right now... and it really fucking sucks! I mean, being negative in my bank account isn't exactly ideal. In fact... it's pretty much the opposite! Haha! I'm trying suuuuuper hard to not let it get me down, but that's not always the easiest task.
Anyways, life throws you some curve balls from time to time, I suppose. (haha! "balls"!) And because I know nothing about sports, I don't know what the solution is to a curve ball. ...... In fact, let's pretend I didn't say anything about curve balls.
So I guess, something like.... When life gives you lemons, make lemonade....?
*** unnecessarily long and awkward silence ***

The rest are trapped on my laptop. So, whenever I go home for a bit this week, I'll do a new blog and include all of those. I went on one of my famous nature adventures on my mom's property so... yeah. MORE TO COME!

And while I have been enjoying the weather over here in CA, my poor loverface/bestie Chrysis got in a freaking car accident due to "not CA" weather.

Oh and I almost forgot...
NON-SG shoot
....may not happen now. I was going to do a REALLY FUCKING EPIC (and incredibly dark) shoot with a photographer I found on ModelMayhem. He has actually shot some SuicideGirls and whatnot! But this was going to be something much more.... erotic(?) I guess would be the word..

But, due to lack of funds for gas, I most likely will not be able to shoot it.

So, big time sad face about that.
Well, that's all for now, guys! Like I said, a better blog with more pictures is coming to a computer near you! Sorry this one was nada special. I leave you with this...
The usual run down...
Follow me on Tumblr
and Twitter
**Side Note: I have developed a new obsession with Tasya van Ree and her short films and photography. She is beyond incredible and her girlfriend Amber Heard is.... to die for.... sigh... I wish Brando had time to do little projects like that with me. He's great at filming and editing videos (he does it for his job) but he just don't have that kinda time... like to do this kinda stuff. Boo.

Alright, x's and o's til you puke!!!
Can't wait to see another set from you and I hope you'll turn pink this time so you'll earn some money too.. It's such a shame that you're not already a suicide girl.. Wish you the best..