Anyways, because I am, in fact, awake at 4 am, I figured it'd be a good opportunity for my brain to vomit on my computer screen. YAAAAAY! Brain puke! My favorite!!
EW! Oh my god! Rapid side note: I've been sitting cross-legged... NO! Wait! I'm going to be momentarily NOT politically correct and I'm gonna say that I've been sitting "Indian-style" because it's true! Anyways, I have been sitting like that for like I dunno 15 minutes and my right foot up to my thigh is soooo hardcore asleep right now. It's the kind that's completely beyond tingling pins and needles... it's DEAD. As in, I just picked it up with my hand and dropped it- no reaction. It just flopped. lol And I have to pee soooooo bad and I have no way of getting there without walking! Cuz I can't balance right...HAHA! I'm literally about to army-crawl to the bathroom so I can pee.
So ok, that was one moment that I wish there were cameras in my apartment documenting my every move. lol That would have been so outrageously entertaining for someone who was not me! I literally army-crawled to the bathroom and by the time I finished peeing, my foot was back to norm and I just strutted right back out to the living room as if nothing had happened. HAHAHA Oh dear baby Jesus....
Where should I beginnnn......?
Another one bites the dust. I suck at friendships...
Ya know, it's funny how things happen in life sometimes..... most of the time. lol But, as most of you know, I have been an emotional wreck lately. Between quitting my job and losing a dear friend as a result, I have been kinda low. Feeling worthless. Feeling like a failure. ... While I DO NOT FOR ONE SECOND regret quitting my job, I am bummed that I ruined a friendship by doing so. Well, I lost my friend because I talked about it. Which I still don't fully understand. I expose pretty much like 80% of my life because that's the way I work. My mouth thinks it has to say everything that pops into my head.
Remember the "I have no filter" thing?
Yeah, that's basically why I lost my friend.
Just when you think to yourself, "Wow Trekka! Your life sucks!" something fabulous and incredibly humbling happens...
I don't like talking about money. Like seriously, as I started typing this part of my blog, I got soooo nauseous and my heart rate has gone up dramatically. So I'm gonna make this super short and sweet.
People take my picture when I'm naked...
I have a couple photo shoots planned over the next couple months that I am suuuuuuuper excited for!!!
I have one that is non SG related that is sort of a semi-spur of the moment kind of thing. I found this really incredible photographer that shoots an EXTREMELY different style that what you guys are used to seeing me do. Which I like! There are so many sides to me that have not yet been exposed by a camera. And I am really excited to show you guys more of my darker side and my grit. Well, hopefully anyway. But, the photographer sent me pictures of the location and... wow. Dark and eerie for sure. You know how I do...
The SG related one happens to fall right around my birthday which is pretty amazing! Shooting another hopeful set is a damn perfect gift, if you ask me! Well, gift from myself. But I'm beyond excited about it because I will be shooting with an incredible photographer and you guys know how bad I've been wanting to shoot again. It's all I've been talking about for like... MONTHS! lol Anyways, I may or may not give you more information when I have it! Either way, you'll know all about it when it comes up! But that's still a month away.
My day with the Beast
I dunno! It was nice to have some girl time!
So, I really wanna tell you about the new art series I'm working on and stuff, but I think this is all I can type at 5 AM (wow, I've been working on this for like an hour. That's sad)! How about a few pictures, huh?
When I was driving a couple weeks ago... it looked like this:
Cutest rats alive in their new bed (which has now been chewed up and whatnot and is in the laundry. lol Crazy SOBs)
My love gun
Definitely saw this stuff at the grocery store. Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm NO THANKS!
Even though I had to write PAGES of reviews of the commercials during the Super Bowl with B for his job, I got sooooo outrageously bored.
Lately I've been thinking about this
Saw this hat while I was out with Beast. I need it. BADLY
Ratty and heady! lol
Dork pose! Just need some sweet gold chains.. lol
Did my hair curly yesterday
new bra my mom got me. LOVE IT! Only bra I have with no padding. haha
new bra fell off
Mkay! I'm off to solve the world's biggest problems like famine and curing AIDS and stuff. I hope everyone has a fabulous Thursday! Almost Friday... YAY! lol I'll be around today if ya wanna chit chat or anything! I need to look at 5 billion SG sets to study some more and get some ideas. So my computer will be ON
Please, if you get bored...
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