And to inspire a little hump-age, I figured I'd be a dork and do a little webcam strip shoot! Wait, first we need music...
Mm hmmm!
Thank you for a funky time. Call me up whenever you wanna grind!
So, ya know.... there's that.
I have so so so so so so much to write about... but none of you will care about ANY of it after all the nakedness that just happened. lol
I think I'll call it a day on the blog for now and tomorrow (or whenever I get bored again) I will write about all the millions of things going on.
Cliff's Notes to keep ya comin back:
-Someone close to me just helped me out of a sticky financial situation and saved my life
-I have a couple SUPER exciting photo shoots coming up - one SG related, one not
-Beastwars surprised me with taking me to lunch and taking me to tag along with her shopping yesterday where madness ensued
-The Brando is starting to bring his furniture over to my place = CRAMPED, but workable
-I started training for possible new business-y stuff
-I am selling everything I own (well, not really. But LOTS of stuff)
-I have super fun birthday plans now
-I am starting a new and fun art series
Ok! Soooo details to follow in next blog! I promise! I have lots of fun stories from yesterday and a bunch of random photos. Also, me and B are gonna try to take Lucy to the park today so there'll probably be adorable pictures of that.
Anyways, love you guys! Thanks for swingin by today and enjoy your Hump Day!!!!!
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and juuuust until my birthday... my Wish List