Watch this video if you want to see what I should have been doing on New Years. Fucking EPIC SAUCE!
La la la la la laaaaa.....
I woke up in a rare hyper/goofy mood at 5 am today. Dunno why. But I feel GRRRRRRRRRREAT!

Now, where to begin....?
On Tuesday, I talked to my friend, Katie who is my hair stylist, and found out she is moving to San Francisco this weekend! It was very last minute and entirely on a whim... But I think she will really flourish there. I would too.... Let's hope I make enough money this year to buy a loft out there and me and Brando can finally run away from Sacramento... haha. Anyways!!! So, I went over to her house for a trim and a dye job.
While I was there, her and I were talking about SG and how I wanted to shoot another set but I've been having a hard time finding a good photographer who had the time. Well, her new man, Pete, is a photographer in San Francisco! And to top it all off, he's been wanting to get into SG photography! So, we talked to him on the phone a little bit and I looked over his portfolio and I think he's great! I think he still needs to figure a few things out as far as the exact STYLE, but he has soooooo much potential and he's really talented in other styles. I have a lot of confidence in him and he puts off a great vibe. What do I have to lose right?!
So we decided in probably like 3 weeks, I'm gonna drive out to San Fran for a weekend or day and we're going to shoot like 3 or 4 sets. HAHA! I don't know how many I'll submit yet, obviously. But, I am soooo excited to at least get some more experience under my belt and maybe discovering a great new photographer!
He's a total pot head like me and is laid back as fuck so I know we'll work well together. So VERY exciting things are in the works here as far as that all goes.
I'm also hopefully shooting a couple sets with photographers I've found on MM. I mean, who knows if any of it will be good enough to post, but it'll be fun!
Hopefully, I'll get something done that you guys like more than the train wreck that is my debut set, Unsummer. LOL I'm kidding, not a total train wreck, just not better than 87%.
<<Quick side note, I don't want to mention names or anything like that because I think just about every woman on here is gorgeous and wonderful. BUT, I feel like a lot of girls have been going pink who are not at all the image of SG that I fell in love with. I feel like everything had gotten very mainstream and as a woman who does not fit that cookie cutter image, it is getting increasingly discouraging. I just need to be the best I can be and hopefully, I can be a part of reviving the indy SG that we all remember. LIKE I SAID, I think all these girls are fabulous and gorgeous and I hope to be where they are some day! This just isn't the same SG that originally was an inspiration to me, but I have confidence that we can change that
While you're clicking on shit, BTW, you should also check out my unsubmitted mini set, Kinky Reggae. I really like this one except for how fat I was when I shot it. hahaha

So YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY for shooting lots of new sets!
Anyhow, Katie dyed my hair a purdy color...

She also put in a bunch of really beautiful blonde extensions in. My hair looked incredible! But yesterday morning, I had a pretty bad anxiety attack before work and I literally RIPPED the extensions out of my hair. Ripped. As in, my scalp has wounds on it now. I make my head bleed from tearing them out. Hardcore. Yeah... not smart. But these are the things I do... lol
Here are some fun pictures!

Here's what my x-mas lights looked like before:

Aaaaaaand after:

A couple months ago I was at Starbucks and I spotted this very important business man playing FarmVille on his laptop

Tummy tickle juice.....? Thanks Win-Co for this gem

Listen all ya'll this is Sabotage! IIIIIIIIII can't stand it! I know ya planned it! lol Beastie Boys FTW. Always

Gorgeous sky the other morning that gave me a reason to live

I cleaned my hoarder closet last weekend (a 12 hour project) and I color coordinated my hangers. ha

Informative with a hint of WTF

My nephew, Skeeter (Beastwars' son)


Mo Mo being a giant

Oh christ!
So Beastwars and I went to belly dancing class light night........
I am so sore. HAHAHA! But, it was the beginner glass again and I hopped right in and learned the routine. Meghan learned it pretty quick too and I want her to keep taking the class with me, but she's a kick boxer (like she seriously spars and shit!) and her training is normally at the same time as belly dancing.
I am seriously upset! lol It would be so much easier for me to have a friend there...
Like, everyone there (at the dance studio) is AMAZING! It's fully of my kind of people for sure. Half of the women have dreads, everyone's tatted up, everyone was smokin weed when we got there... perfect place for me. Seriously, these are the only kind of people that I don't get intense anxiety to be around. It's so nice to find a community to be a part of that make you comfortable...
So, class went great! After class, the instructor (can't remember her name because I suck at life) came up to me and told me she recognized me from last year. She begged me to keep coming and I swore to her i would, despite being painfully shy. She told me I'd get over "that shy thing" pretty quick in that class. HA! So I look forward to keepin it up! She taught me the routine that the class will be performing at a show in April (it's verrrrry basic, but super fun) and asked if I'd want to be in the show. I said "Duuuuuuuh" (that confidence is a lie, but she doesn't know that! Ha! Must get rid of stage fright).
Needless to say, I will be going to class every Wednesday night. No matter how nervous I get.
And this dear belly of mine is going to be looking better and better every week! I decided.

Alrighty, my dears! I hope you enjoyed a more upbeat blog and look forward to many more!
So, I'm probably getting my new sofa this weekend which leaves us wondering what to do with my old sofa. So, this last weekend, our friend Devyn stayed over and hung out and we started talking about his property up in the hills. He lives on like ACRES of property in a little mountain town and virtually no neighbors. The idea I came up with was that we take my old couch up to Dev's property and we have the first annual Burning Couch. AND HE AGREED!!!!!!!!! (It helps that he and Brando are total pyros. lol)
The plan is for this Saturday to have Burning Couch 2011 (as long as we can find a truck to borrow). I am having Brando borrow his boss' camera because it take such better quality photos and we are going to take tons of pictures. I am sooooooooo excited. You have no idea! lol
Ok, kiddie pies! Work time. Leave me some fun comments and let's see if I can beat the world record for smiling today.
OH MY FUCKING CHRIST!!!!! I forgot to show you the videos I took while I playing Mario Kart!
Let's do a project here.....
OH OH! I know!!!!!! Let's do ass pics! Post me some fun booty pictures.
Drop em if you've got em and show me dat asssss

men and women unite and dew it
Mkay! Adios!

EDIT: Did you watch American Idol last night?! If not, you missed the best performance of allllll time. FINALLY a GOOD version of Party In The USA!
Watch this video if you want to see what I should have been doing on New Years. Fucking EPIC SAUCE!
La la la la la laaaaa.....

I woke up in a rare hyper/goofy mood at 5 am today. Dunno why. But I feel GRRRRRRRRRREAT!

Now, where to begin....?
On Tuesday, I talked to my friend, Katie who is my hair stylist, and found out she is moving to San Francisco this weekend! It was very last minute and entirely on a whim... But I think she will really flourish there. I would too.... Let's hope I make enough money this year to buy a loft out there and me and Brando can finally run away from Sacramento... haha. Anyways!!! So, I went over to her house for a trim and a dye job.
While I was there, her and I were talking about SG and how I wanted to shoot another set but I've been having a hard time finding a good photographer who had the time. Well, her new man, Pete, is a photographer in San Francisco! And to top it all off, he's been wanting to get into SG photography! So, we talked to him on the phone a little bit and I looked over his portfolio and I think he's great! I think he still needs to figure a few things out as far as the exact STYLE, but he has soooooo much potential and he's really talented in other styles. I have a lot of confidence in him and he puts off a great vibe. What do I have to lose right?!
So we decided in probably like 3 weeks, I'm gonna drive out to San Fran for a weekend or day and we're going to shoot like 3 or 4 sets. HAHA! I don't know how many I'll submit yet, obviously. But, I am soooo excited to at least get some more experience under my belt and maybe discovering a great new photographer!

I'm also hopefully shooting a couple sets with photographers I've found on MM. I mean, who knows if any of it will be good enough to post, but it'll be fun!
Hopefully, I'll get something done that you guys like more than the train wreck that is my debut set, Unsummer. LOL I'm kidding, not a total train wreck, just not better than 87%.
<<Quick side note, I don't want to mention names or anything like that because I think just about every woman on here is gorgeous and wonderful. BUT, I feel like a lot of girls have been going pink who are not at all the image of SG that I fell in love with. I feel like everything had gotten very mainstream and as a woman who does not fit that cookie cutter image, it is getting increasingly discouraging. I just need to be the best I can be and hopefully, I can be a part of reviving the indy SG that we all remember. LIKE I SAID, I think all these girls are fabulous and gorgeous and I hope to be where they are some day! This just isn't the same SG that originally was an inspiration to me, but I have confidence that we can change that

While you're clicking on shit, BTW, you should also check out my unsubmitted mini set, Kinky Reggae. I really like this one except for how fat I was when I shot it. hahaha

So YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY for shooting lots of new sets!
Anyhow, Katie dyed my hair a purdy color...

She also put in a bunch of really beautiful blonde extensions in. My hair looked incredible! But yesterday morning, I had a pretty bad anxiety attack before work and I literally RIPPED the extensions out of my hair. Ripped. As in, my scalp has wounds on it now. I make my head bleed from tearing them out. Hardcore. Yeah... not smart. But these are the things I do... lol
Here are some fun pictures!

Here's what my x-mas lights looked like before:

Aaaaaaand after:

A couple months ago I was at Starbucks and I spotted this very important business man playing FarmVille on his laptop

Tummy tickle juice.....? Thanks Win-Co for this gem

Listen all ya'll this is Sabotage! IIIIIIIIII can't stand it! I know ya planned it! lol Beastie Boys FTW. Always

Gorgeous sky the other morning that gave me a reason to live

I cleaned my hoarder closet last weekend (a 12 hour project) and I color coordinated my hangers. ha

Informative with a hint of WTF

My nephew, Skeeter (Beastwars' son)


Mo Mo being a giant

Oh christ!
So Beastwars and I went to belly dancing class light night........
I am so sore. HAHAHA! But, it was the beginner glass again and I hopped right in and learned the routine. Meghan learned it pretty quick too and I want her to keep taking the class with me, but she's a kick boxer (like she seriously spars and shit!) and her training is normally at the same time as belly dancing.

Like, everyone there (at the dance studio) is AMAZING! It's fully of my kind of people for sure. Half of the women have dreads, everyone's tatted up, everyone was smokin weed when we got there... perfect place for me. Seriously, these are the only kind of people that I don't get intense anxiety to be around. It's so nice to find a community to be a part of that make you comfortable...
So, class went great! After class, the instructor (can't remember her name because I suck at life) came up to me and told me she recognized me from last year. She begged me to keep coming and I swore to her i would, despite being painfully shy. She told me I'd get over "that shy thing" pretty quick in that class. HA! So I look forward to keepin it up! She taught me the routine that the class will be performing at a show in April (it's verrrrry basic, but super fun) and asked if I'd want to be in the show. I said "Duuuuuuuh" (that confidence is a lie, but she doesn't know that! Ha! Must get rid of stage fright).
Needless to say, I will be going to class every Wednesday night. No matter how nervous I get.

And this dear belly of mine is going to be looking better and better every week! I decided.

Alrighty, my dears! I hope you enjoyed a more upbeat blog and look forward to many more!

So, I'm probably getting my new sofa this weekend which leaves us wondering what to do with my old sofa. So, this last weekend, our friend Devyn stayed over and hung out and we started talking about his property up in the hills. He lives on like ACRES of property in a little mountain town and virtually no neighbors. The idea I came up with was that we take my old couch up to Dev's property and we have the first annual Burning Couch. AND HE AGREED!!!!!!!!! (It helps that he and Brando are total pyros. lol)
The plan is for this Saturday to have Burning Couch 2011 (as long as we can find a truck to borrow). I am having Brando borrow his boss' camera because it take such better quality photos and we are going to take tons of pictures. I am sooooooooo excited. You have no idea! lol
Ok, kiddie pies! Work time. Leave me some fun comments and let's see if I can beat the world record for smiling today.
OH MY FUCKING CHRIST!!!!! I forgot to show you the videos I took while I playing Mario Kart!
Let's do a project here.....
OH OH! I know!!!!!! Let's do ass pics! Post me some fun booty pictures.
Drop em if you've got em and show me dat asssss

men and women unite and dew it
Mkay! Adios!

EDIT: Did you watch American Idol last night?! If not, you missed the best performance of allllll time. FINALLY a GOOD version of Party In The USA!
Wow. That piece from Beats Antique was aAAAMMMAAAZZZING! Holy Fuck. That is some really cool stuff. Thank you for posting that. 

thanks so much sugar snap *hugs*