Resolutions for 2011...?
There are definitely a fuck ton of things about my life that I need to get in order this year. Which is the most important, you ask???????
#1. Back to My 2 "B"s: Belly dancing and Burlesque
This video is a perfect example of what got me inspired to do belly dancing. Around 2 minutes is when it really picks up! But, the lovely Zoe Jakes has been my #1 inspiration in the dancing department. She is so stunning and even more so when she is doing what she does best. After I saw her live (with Beats Antique, I didn't see her perform with Yard Dogs though I wish I had) there was nothing I wanted to learn more than belly dance!
I took several classes and picked it RIGHT up! I found a fucking AMAZING dance studio downtown that is full of other bohemian beauties! The walls are covered in art and the floor is covered with mismatched rugs. The air is filled with weed.... It's a beautiful place, really!
Anyhow, my last class that I took at this studio, I got several teachers approaching me telling me I'm a natural and that I need to keep coming to class. Then I got sick and then I lost my motivation and then I didn't go back.
Well, it's 2011 and it's time for me to go back! It's better than a gym workout! Class is Wednesday at 7pm.... I think I need to make sure I go.
But alllllllso while I was there.... I was greatly turned on to burlesque...
Well, I saw Black and Blue Burlesque with Yard Dogs Road Show (one of their routines is above) and fell in love. But it wasn't until my belly dancing class that I realized there was a burlesque class in Sac! Haha! I discussed with the teacher the work out regimen it requires and so forth, but I never went further than that. So, I think I need to get in to that too. HAHA!
Belly dancing is still going to be my #1, but how fucking fun does that burlesque look!?! Between these 2, I'm going to get into MAAAAAAD shape! Woo hoo!
So there,'s my most important 2011 resolution! Dance my cooter off!

Hmmmmm... oh! Remember my glass head?

Well, this is its purpose now. Haha! I had it on a shelf wearing a snazzy hat, but last night I was taking down all my Christmas lights and.... well... I didn't want to put them back in storage. Cuz they're super fun!
So, I thought to myself, "Self, how sick would it look if I jammed a bunch of lights in that fucking head?!" And now this lovely gem lives atop my entertainment center! YAAAAAY! Seriously though, it looks siiiiiiiick at night!
I decided to start a Model Mayhem account because I am having the WORST time trying to find a photographer right now on here. Like, on the real, a lot of really great photogs on here are either super far away, or would never shoot with a no-name Hopeful like me. So, I decided to look elsewhere because I really really want to shoot another set! I've actually had quite a bit of luck there! I am finding some pretty baller photographers in this area that are familiar with SG style, etc.
Fuck, maybe I'll discover the next Staff Photographer in Sac! You're welcome, SG! hahaha!
I kid. But, I'm going to meet a few photographers the next couple weeks. It seems like such a goddam task to find photographers that do more than tacky stripper shots. lol
I mean, do I even look like the kinda girl that wants to do sparkly airbrushed stripper modeling?

Not so much...
Moving on!!!
I completely gutted the rat cage and took it apart and washed every square inch of it again yesterday. lol (at least someone benefits from my OCD, right?) I do this a lot... But, I had a total blast playing with them, as always!

Lovin their cleaned cage and yogurt snacksssss

Not that many of you really care, but Zoe (the shy rat of the 2) has finally warmed up to me! She likes to cuddle me now when all she wanted to do before was try to eat me. HAHA! So, it feels good to know she loves and trusts me now!
Coolest thing ever? Brando and I are building a maze for the rats!
I have been reading a lot about fun ways to get your rats active. And they love projects and puzzles because they're pretty much little geniuses. Soooooooo! I decided that I was going to make a maze and a tight rope!
LOL not really, but I want them to get their little brains moving! I think they'll love it!
Random shot of Mozart pondering life's biggest questions...

OHMYFUCKKKKKK! I didn't tell you!

I am 100% CAUGHT UP on Dexter!!!!!!!!! Oh my god oh my god.... I wanna talk about it soooo bad! Haha!
Season 5 was pretty great, but man.... my heart is still stuck on Season 4. Big time. *sigh* Don't get me wrong, Julia Stiles brought a great perspective to the show and, I feel, was crucial for Dexter to move on after "what happened". But, I just couldn't let go of Season 4... for emotional reasons. I'm trying soooo hard not to give things away right now to those of you who aren't caught up yet.....
Anyone who has yet to watch season 4 of Dexter, get ready for your world to get rocked! By a few things... John Lithgow included. Man oh man oh man.....
Anyways, I don't know what to do with myself now that I've seen all there is to see! Like, REALLY?! I'm supposed to wait until September or some nonsense?! PSHHHHHH!
And, by the way...
Dear Michael C Hall,
I want to lick your face.
Love, Me

New topic!
Oh... dear... god.....
I saw Black Swan last week...

This movie has changed my life as I knew it! Has anyone else seen this?! My mind was completely blown. In more ways than one. LOL But, seriously. It was breathtaking and GENIUS! I love psychological thrillers so much and this has to be the best one I have seen in YEARS.
Plus, it has 2 of my girlfriends in it...

Mmm! But, the story is brilliant and the filmography is pure perfection.... If you like twisted movies, you need to see this. It is not a "dancing movie" or a "chick flick" by any means. See it. See it. See it.

Trust me on this one.
Well, I better get ready for my day! Talk to you guys soon! It's MONDAY!!!!!!! Let's make this week a good one, k?

P.S. I want to change my SG name. Like now. I need a fresh start for the new year. I have a couple ideas but I have not yet decided on one. ... I just need to pick my favorite
There are definitely a fuck ton of things about my life that I need to get in order this year. Which is the most important, you ask???????
#1. Back to My 2 "B"s: Belly dancing and Burlesque
This video is a perfect example of what got me inspired to do belly dancing. Around 2 minutes is when it really picks up! But, the lovely Zoe Jakes has been my #1 inspiration in the dancing department. She is so stunning and even more so when she is doing what she does best. After I saw her live (with Beats Antique, I didn't see her perform with Yard Dogs though I wish I had) there was nothing I wanted to learn more than belly dance!
I took several classes and picked it RIGHT up! I found a fucking AMAZING dance studio downtown that is full of other bohemian beauties! The walls are covered in art and the floor is covered with mismatched rugs. The air is filled with weed.... It's a beautiful place, really!

Well, it's 2011 and it's time for me to go back! It's better than a gym workout! Class is Wednesday at 7pm.... I think I need to make sure I go.
But alllllllso while I was there.... I was greatly turned on to burlesque...
Well, I saw Black and Blue Burlesque with Yard Dogs Road Show (one of their routines is above) and fell in love. But it wasn't until my belly dancing class that I realized there was a burlesque class in Sac! Haha! I discussed with the teacher the work out regimen it requires and so forth, but I never went further than that. So, I think I need to get in to that too. HAHA!
Belly dancing is still going to be my #1, but how fucking fun does that burlesque look!?! Between these 2, I'm going to get into MAAAAAAD shape! Woo hoo!
So there,'s my most important 2011 resolution! Dance my cooter off!

Hmmmmm... oh! Remember my glass head?

Well, this is its purpose now. Haha! I had it on a shelf wearing a snazzy hat, but last night I was taking down all my Christmas lights and.... well... I didn't want to put them back in storage. Cuz they're super fun!
So, I thought to myself, "Self, how sick would it look if I jammed a bunch of lights in that fucking head?!" And now this lovely gem lives atop my entertainment center! YAAAAAY! Seriously though, it looks siiiiiiiick at night!
I decided to start a Model Mayhem account because I am having the WORST time trying to find a photographer right now on here. Like, on the real, a lot of really great photogs on here are either super far away, or would never shoot with a no-name Hopeful like me. So, I decided to look elsewhere because I really really want to shoot another set! I've actually had quite a bit of luck there! I am finding some pretty baller photographers in this area that are familiar with SG style, etc.
Fuck, maybe I'll discover the next Staff Photographer in Sac! You're welcome, SG! hahaha!
I kid. But, I'm going to meet a few photographers the next couple weeks. It seems like such a goddam task to find photographers that do more than tacky stripper shots. lol
I mean, do I even look like the kinda girl that wants to do sparkly airbrushed stripper modeling?

Not so much...
Moving on!!!
I completely gutted the rat cage and took it apart and washed every square inch of it again yesterday. lol (at least someone benefits from my OCD, right?) I do this a lot... But, I had a total blast playing with them, as always!

Lovin their cleaned cage and yogurt snacksssss


Not that many of you really care, but Zoe (the shy rat of the 2) has finally warmed up to me! She likes to cuddle me now when all she wanted to do before was try to eat me. HAHA! So, it feels good to know she loves and trusts me now!
Coolest thing ever? Brando and I are building a maze for the rats!
I have been reading a lot about fun ways to get your rats active. And they love projects and puzzles because they're pretty much little geniuses. Soooooooo! I decided that I was going to make a maze and a tight rope!
LOL not really, but I want them to get their little brains moving! I think they'll love it!
Random shot of Mozart pondering life's biggest questions...

OHMYFUCKKKKKK! I didn't tell you!

I am 100% CAUGHT UP on Dexter!!!!!!!!! Oh my god oh my god.... I wanna talk about it soooo bad! Haha!
Season 5 was pretty great, but man.... my heart is still stuck on Season 4. Big time. *sigh* Don't get me wrong, Julia Stiles brought a great perspective to the show and, I feel, was crucial for Dexter to move on after "what happened". But, I just couldn't let go of Season 4... for emotional reasons. I'm trying soooo hard not to give things away right now to those of you who aren't caught up yet.....
Anyone who has yet to watch season 4 of Dexter, get ready for your world to get rocked! By a few things... John Lithgow included. Man oh man oh man.....
Anyways, I don't know what to do with myself now that I've seen all there is to see! Like, REALLY?! I'm supposed to wait until September or some nonsense?! PSHHHHHH!
And, by the way...
Dear Michael C Hall,
I want to lick your face.
Love, Me

New topic!
Oh... dear... god.....
I saw Black Swan last week...

This movie has changed my life as I knew it! Has anyone else seen this?! My mind was completely blown. In more ways than one. LOL But, seriously. It was breathtaking and GENIUS! I love psychological thrillers so much and this has to be the best one I have seen in YEARS.
Plus, it has 2 of my girlfriends in it...

Mmm! But, the story is brilliant and the filmography is pure perfection.... If you like twisted movies, you need to see this. It is not a "dancing movie" or a "chick flick" by any means. See it. See it. See it.

Trust me on this one.
Well, I better get ready for my day! Talk to you guys soon! It's MONDAY!!!!!!! Let's make this week a good one, k?

P.S. I want to change my SG name. Like now. I need a fresh start for the new year. I have a couple ideas but I have not yet decided on one. ... I just need to pick my favorite

what does it mean???
formerly known as now trying to confuse us ;-)