Happy New Year, chumps!

I kid,I kid... lol
But for real, I honestly can't believe that it's already 2011. I don't even know where 2010 went, for fuck sake! HAHA! It flew by quicker than any other year of my adult life despite all the bull shit I went through... Weird.
While some people are writing blog recapping their year and whatnot, I have alternatively decided to leave last year in last year. This is a huge step for me because I tend to hold on to things a little/a lot longer than necessary. Not by choice, but due to lack of control of my mind. In 2011, I take charge of my life and brain!
Well, that's the plan anyway.
We'll see what happens.
Lighter subject time!
So, we finished season 4!!!!
Ummmm....woah! I'll try not to talk about it too terribly much because some of my friends that read this blog have yet to watch all the seasons. Buuuuuut I will say, it was the most brilliant season thus far. So we finished season 4 and we were like, "fuck! we're gonna have to wait for season 5 to come out on DVD to catch all the way up!" Well, on a whim, I decided that it was time to add Showtime to my cable package so that we could watch Season 5 onDemand! Hahaha! Update: We only have 5 more episodes! Yeah... we're kind of addicted.
Ok, as I said in my last blog, there is a TOOOOOON of stuff I wanna write about and I will soon. I promise. I'm just exhausted from my super wild New Years partying which included me and B vegging on the couch, sipping champagne in our jammes, and watching Dick Clark stroke-stutter his way through the evening. Party animallllllsssssss! HAHA!
The substitute is some new pictures:
B's gift from Chris- a giant joint. HAHA

The cat and dog are finally getting the hang of being friends!

And the rats are starting to love me more!



Sexy time in my slippers and not much else?

I kid,I kid... lol
But for real, I honestly can't believe that it's already 2011. I don't even know where 2010 went, for fuck sake! HAHA! It flew by quicker than any other year of my adult life despite all the bull shit I went through... Weird.
While some people are writing blog recapping their year and whatnot, I have alternatively decided to leave last year in last year. This is a huge step for me because I tend to hold on to things a little/a lot longer than necessary. Not by choice, but due to lack of control of my mind. In 2011, I take charge of my life and brain!
Well, that's the plan anyway.
We'll see what happens.

Lighter subject time!
So, we finished season 4!!!!
Ummmm....woah! I'll try not to talk about it too terribly much because some of my friends that read this blog have yet to watch all the seasons. Buuuuuut I will say, it was the most brilliant season thus far. So we finished season 4 and we were like, "fuck! we're gonna have to wait for season 5 to come out on DVD to catch all the way up!" Well, on a whim, I decided that it was time to add Showtime to my cable package so that we could watch Season 5 onDemand! Hahaha! Update: We only have 5 more episodes! Yeah... we're kind of addicted.
Ok, as I said in my last blog, there is a TOOOOOON of stuff I wanna write about and I will soon. I promise. I'm just exhausted from my super wild New Years partying which included me and B vegging on the couch, sipping champagne in our jammes, and watching Dick Clark stroke-stutter his way through the evening. Party animallllllsssssss! HAHA!
The substitute is some new pictures:
B's gift from Chris- a giant joint. HAHA

The cat and dog are finally getting the hang of being friends!

And the rats are starting to love me more!



Sexy time in my slippers and not much else?

Anyways, like I said, I'm exhausted! I think it's time to strip down to my skivvies and socks and wrap myself in my blankie and watch.. MORE DEXTERRRRRR! lol
But much much more to come, I promise, my friends! Give me a couple days to catch up on some sleep and I'll be back in the game writing up a storm and posting more pictures of boobies etc! HA!
PS Dexter is the best!!!