Hollaaaaaaa! I know I posted the Target commercial of this song, but here's the full version. Me and B had a pretty epic dance party in out jammies yesterday morning with this song blasting. haha! We're nerds...
<<Warning! Incredibly long and sort of/completely sappy blog.>>
Christmas eve, we got up to find the sun shining and birds chirping. So, it was a standard California Christmas... lol But it was so beautiful out! We went downtown with my dad and had coffee with my uncle Ben. it was really great actually. My uncle is schizophrenic and bipolar (i'm pretty sure) and diabetic. Last year he was on some really powerful meds for all this conditions and they seemed to take away his spirit. I remember being a kid and my uncle Ben being the coolest uncle ever! He was fun and silly and loved me to death, my dad and I actually lived with my uncle for about 10 years while I was growing up. He is an absolutely brilliant man. He has one of those photographic memories to the point where he can see or read or see anything and remember it forever. He can recite verbatum books that he has read ONCE. Anyways, last year, his meds took him over. He sat on the couch, eyes glazed over, and just.... not there. It broke my heart

After that, Brando and I went to my mama's. My mom made this -incredible- prime rib with salad and veggies and tamales and mashed potatoes and lots of fresh fruit and .... mmmmm. *Homer Simpson drool* And we had a great time with my mommy and my step dad and my mom's parents and my aunt and little cousins! My mom got Brando sooooo much stuff! She is so sweet...

After that, we went home for a bit to decompress and who am I kidding... SMOKE! Fucking green took my tension away. I love my family to absolute bits, but spending an entire day with them really take a lot out of me.
We were going to go up the hill to play music with our good friend Devyn, but I was exhausted! So, I told B that his first gift is a boys night and had him go play music without me! But I sent him with Devyn's gifts, some Danny Carey drum sticks and a shit ton of toys for his pitty, Drummer.

Christmas morning, B came home and we had an hour long tickle fight/wrestling match and then proceded to exchange our gifts. He got me Fantasia on DVD! You have no idea how excited I was! I've been wanting it for yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrs so it was PERFECT! He has also written me a love letter that he "needs to find out some stuff and then fix some shit" before I get it. lol Whatever that means! But I am like 97% sure he's going to tell me in the letter that he wants to move back in.

I got Brando Red Dead Redemption for his PS3. He's been wanting it since he saw the trailer for it and frankly, I'm tired of watching him play Call of Duty. lol

Anyways, after having a snuggly lazy AM, we went to his mom's house... It was nice and the food was BOMB! But, B's mom is extremely difficult to be around. She has been anorexic for Brando's whole life and now she weighs about 75 pounds. It makes me choke up and have to go to the bathroom to cry every time I hug her. After we ate dinner she said she needed to go to the bathroom. Well, we walked by the bathroom and could hear her fucking puking. ....... Awesome. So, that was difficult. But she made us a bunch of goodies to take home! Peanut brittle and candy apples. Mmmmmm
Here are some of the pictures we took. Much more to come....
Christmas Eve sunshine...

A couple of weirdos I know...

Lucy kills penguins


I gave myself a hair cut for Xmas!


I know... not much! but I do have more photos that I will upload soon to share

OK! So are you ready for the biggest news of all?????

So me and B are going to dive into that today whilst eating leftovers and snuggling all our fur babies on the couch.

Oh! Oh! Oh!
Something else I got was my dad's dad's old recipes. My grandpa was literally one of the best chefs ever. Everything he made was delicious and perfect. We thought we lost the recipes when my grandparents died. But my uncle finally found them last week so he gave them to me! All these amazing foods that I haven't had since I was like 12! I cannot wait to attempt some of these.
So this morning, I took out the recipe boxes. There are two of them that are yellowed and aged. They are taped shut with masking tape to keep them shut. I opened the first box and pulled the first section of hand written, typed (on typewriter) cards, newspaper clippings, and passed on recipes. I just sat there on the couch, sitting indian style (wow that was soooo not PC lol), and just staring at the recipes in my hand. I could barely hear B cooking in the kitchen, only about 15 feet away, I was so focussed with the recipes. No one had touched these recipes since my grandmother died in 2001. In fact, the last people to hold most of these pieces of paper were, in fact my grandparents. I closed my eyes and I lifted the recipes to my face and I breathed them in. They smelled like them. I could see myself sitting on the kitchen counter, watching my grandpa cook and laugh and do his best impression of an opera singer and having me taste everything as he made it...

All of a sudden I felt Brando's hand on my shoulder and I snapped out of it. He looked really worried and he asked me if I was ok. I smiled and reached up to touch my face and I realized my cheeks were soaked in tears. I just looked at him and said, "They smell like him and my grandma." And he smiled and hugged me and wiped my tears.

I wasn't sad at all! I just felt.... them. And that made me the happiest I've been in a long time.

My favorite part about these recipes, is his recipe for red velvet cake.
Anyways, here is the recipe. lol
Needless to say, I couldn't have asked for a better Christmas. It may be time for me to stop being so cynical about the holidays...
In other news.
My sister (not by blood), Mandy and her husband had a talk with me this week. She's the one that I have been best friends with since I was 1 year old and she was 2. So we actually consider each other sister. B and I had gone over there to give Max (her 4 year old) and Brooklyn (their 4 month old) their Christmas gifts and to visit for a while.
Let me back up. First of all, I love her babies as if they were my own, like no joke. I was with Mandy pretty much through her entire first pregnancy, because her husband (now ex) was incredibly abusive. She of course, was scared to leave him and all this bullshit, so I would go over as much as I possibly could because I knew he wouldn't hurt her if I was there. In fact, I was with her more than he was while she was pregnant. I was over when she felt the baby kick for the first time and her and I cried in happiness together!
My undying love for her baby started with a really dark story. But I think that's why I feel so close to him.
Aaaaaaanyways, they had a discussion with me last week. They told me that they feel that now that they have children, it's important for them to make a will and stuff in case anything ever happens. They asked me if I would be their kids' guardian if anything happened to them.
Anyone who knows me knows that I pretty much never want kids. There's like this 8% of me that thinks when I'm 30, I'll think about it again. And if I did, I would only have ONE. lol The other 92% NEVER WANTS KIDS!!! They smell and they're sticky and they're expensive and loud and.... expensive. Haha!
But I seriously looked them square in the eye with no hesitation or question in my mind and said "Yes" And I mean it. I talked to my mom about it even and she teared up and said "Well, and OF COURSE we'd help you! They're practically our grandkids!" Haha! So, we are going to their attorney's office in a couple weeks to sign the paperwork!
Not that I would ever ever in a billion years want anything to happen to Mandy! But it really touched my heart that they asked ME and not their parents or blood siblings. Me! They said that they trust me more than anyone they know.
I mean, am I totally lame for thinking that's amazing?!?!
Like, that was the best gift they could ever give me! Knowing that they trust me and love me enough to ask that of me. Warm and fuzzies for sure!
Not today apparently! lol
Because as I was typing that, I was realizing something about myself and how I feel about friendship...
And I s'pose that's all I have to say about that! HAHA
Oh my god guys... I'm sorry. I bet like 70% of you aren't reading this and are only looking for nakey pictures. HAHA! It's just the holidays and I guess I'm feeling a little sentimental.
But that should end now...
Oh my gosh! I have sooo much other stuff I want to write about but this has been long enough, my poor friends. lol But blogs to look forward to:
-Sex stuff
-More x-mas gifts
-recent photo dump
-more old school photos that I found lol
-weight loss
-a new set
-mean girls
-my old drinking stories with supporting photos (if I can find them)
Yuuuuuuuuuuuup! lol So, come back soon my dears!
Tired but impressed I was reading it all. I so thought you were about IBT's only
Happy New Year Peeche, can't wait to see them blogs popping up.