Just as I'm starting to hate the holidays and totally lose interest in Christmas music, Target decides to blow my mind with the music in their commercials! Like, for real! Have you heard this shit?!
Toy Jackpot by Blackalicious (Ummmmmm best name ever?!?!)
Electronic Santa by Blazer Force
[[[Takes me back to my clubbin' days in Davis...

Fuuuuck those take me back. LOL I am so so so so different now. I don't drink more than like one glass of wine a month, seriously. Crazy shit! I have sooo many absurd stories from my drinking days... When I was in Vegas, I drank 14 vodka Redbulls, my body literally almost stopped working entirely. Worst night of my life. No shit. You know it's bad when you can actually feel your liver struggling. Basically, I was a dumb ass. But those are stories for another time! ]]]]
Oh my shit. So while I was looking for those Davis pictures I found a few other throw backs! I'm gonna invade your face with them now...
Mo as a kitten following in his wino mother's footsteps... lol But drinkin daddy's beer.
Oh shit! Me blonde...
(hungover at work)
HAHAHA Vintage PeachEKeen lol
So.... I am like 78% done with Christmas shopping! Christmas cards are sitting on the front seat of my Jeep for me to send out tomorrow so it's an official guarantee that you will all receive your cards AFTER Christmas. My bad... lol
Ugh... I accidentally posted this and I'm not done. Editing now if you're reading this and there's nothing below it yet... LOL
*Jeopardy Music*
While I'm waiting for the pictures to load onto my computer so I can put them in HERE, I have AMAZING news!
We only have the season finale of season 3 of Dexter left!!!! OH SHIT!!! I'm pretty jazzed. Not gonna lie. This season was more of a relationship/character building season. I anticipate mass hysteria in season 4. And I cannot wait!!!
Absolutely delicious.
Ok... still waiting... more to come momentarily... HAHA
Alright! Back on track! Here are a bunch of dorky pictures I took this AM while I got ready...
Why you people like me... I'll never know. lol
Ok, today's ornament profiles are...
When I was like 5 or so, I "accidentally" broke the foot off of one of my dolls. I ended up regretting my "mistake" and started crying. My daddy is an orthopedic technician (puts on casts, etc) so he put a cast on my doll. We later made it an ornament. lol
Next! This ornament was given to me by a crazy stalker ex co-worker chick who wanted to wear my skin as a suit. She was weird! I didn't really want to keep anything that reminded me of her, but this ornament is the shit. At least it has a back story!
Aaaaaaaand Christmas lights! Christmas lights! Christmas lights!
Mozart thinks he's sneaky (we know better)
Throw in a little of this!
And bing bang boom! You've got my holiday update as of now! lol
Alright, I've held you captive long enough... NIGHT NIGHT!
Many updates soon to come! <3 you all!!!!
Thanks for the vag love.