Adventures of acoustic
So, I've been toying with my guitar again. Her and I have been on the outs for a while. So, I'm relearning her.
I changed the strings, tuned her up, practiced a couple chords. I'm having to completely rebuild those muscles agin. If you've never played guitar, or any instrument for that manner, it would surprise you how much muscle control you need to have. And as a female with incredibly petite hands and wrists, I will tell you, it hurts like a motherfucker when you first start out. That's almost what it feels like. Like I'm starting all over. When it comes to that anyway.
As far as relearning, it's going smooth. It's like riding a bike, you never forget. (So I'm told anyway. I've never learned how to ride a bicycle. lol) It feels kinda good to have a new-ish outlet.
Life has been... weird.. lately. I don't really want to get into it, but I have been going crazy trapped in my head. Painting just doesn't satisfy me right now.
I go through these phases with the various forms of art that I do. lol I grow weary of my hobbies quickly and have to rotate them frequently so that I don't get sloppy with them from boredom. I'm waaaaay too OCD for sloppy art. Haha! So, I'm feeling pretty good about starting back up on guitar. Cure my artist's/writer's block.
I decided a fun little starter song for me would be this:

I'm gonna write up a snazzly little acoustic version of it. Well, I'm just about done. Haha! There's only a few chords anyways. But, it's super fun and cute to play/sing!
I got something AWESOME in the mail the other day!!!

A beautiful necklace that I purchased from Zen_!! She also sent me a super adorable ring. I love love love them! Thank you, Zen_! You rock, lady!
I dyed my hair today! I had to! The color of my hair was grossing me out so bad. Most of the color had washed out and it was like my ::shudder:: natural mousy brown hair. GRODY TO THE MAXXXX!

^^ natural hair... ew
Ugly me with no makeup

lol I foiled my purple chunks
End result

much sexier! But, this light sucks. I'll get a better picture in natural light tomorrow.
Soooooo! I've been watching Dexter. I've been told how amazing it is for pretty much ever and curiosity almost killed the cat. So, I decided it was time to jump on board! I watched Season 1 crazy fast!

So fucking brilliant! I was instantly hooked!
And today, I just finished Season 2

I flip flopped between my feelings for Dexter this season. BUT, it was pretty fucking awesome and I am soooooooooooooo beyond jazzed about how it ended! Yayayayayay!
Next... Season 3

I'm pretty ticked though, because Netflix doesn't have Season 3 available to watch instantly. They only have it on DVD.
LAME! Which means I have to wait for it to come in the mail and shit. Which really cramps my style. I mean, it's not like I have a whole lot of options here! Shit's getting good! And thank FUCK Lila is dead, by the way.
And we please talk about how smokin hot Dexter is?! Not so much the actor as the character.
I mean, don't get me wrong, Michael C. Hal is an INCREDIBLY good looking man! But, Dexter the character is... Mmmmm. Yeah...

I would do dirty DIRTY things to that man....
I need a vacation. Really bad. I need to escape my life here to clear my head but I don't know when I'll have the money to do that. Maybe I'll go up to Tahoe for a night or 2 by myself and just .... be. Is that weird? Is it weird for someone to drive 2.5 hours up the mountains and hide out for a couple days all alone? I just... need to get away. And that's about as far as I can go on my current budget.
Christmas is almost here and I have NO CLUE what I'm getting anyone. Literally. UGH! I'm so bad at this... And I HATE giving gift cards so I need to get my thinking cap on with the quickness and figure this shit out! Tick tock tick tock!
Ok, well I have nothing more to babble about! Haha! I'm gonna go watch Cops now and cuddle my animals on the couch. I know... I'm such a partier! lol

xo Peech
So, I've been toying with my guitar again. Her and I have been on the outs for a while. So, I'm relearning her.

As far as relearning, it's going smooth. It's like riding a bike, you never forget. (So I'm told anyway. I've never learned how to ride a bicycle. lol) It feels kinda good to have a new-ish outlet.

I decided a fun little starter song for me would be this:

I'm gonna write up a snazzly little acoustic version of it. Well, I'm just about done. Haha! There's only a few chords anyways. But, it's super fun and cute to play/sing!
I got something AWESOME in the mail the other day!!!

A beautiful necklace that I purchased from Zen_!! She also sent me a super adorable ring. I love love love them! Thank you, Zen_! You rock, lady!
I dyed my hair today! I had to! The color of my hair was grossing me out so bad. Most of the color had washed out and it was like my ::shudder:: natural mousy brown hair. GRODY TO THE MAXXXX!

^^ natural hair... ew
Ugly me with no makeup

lol I foiled my purple chunks
End result

much sexier! But, this light sucks. I'll get a better picture in natural light tomorrow.

Soooooo! I've been watching Dexter. I've been told how amazing it is for pretty much ever and curiosity almost killed the cat. So, I decided it was time to jump on board! I watched Season 1 crazy fast!

So fucking brilliant! I was instantly hooked!
And today, I just finished Season 2

I flip flopped between my feelings for Dexter this season. BUT, it was pretty fucking awesome and I am soooooooooooooo beyond jazzed about how it ended! Yayayayayay!
Next... Season 3

I'm pretty ticked though, because Netflix doesn't have Season 3 available to watch instantly. They only have it on DVD.

And we please talk about how smokin hot Dexter is?! Not so much the actor as the character.

I would do dirty DIRTY things to that man....
I need a vacation. Really bad. I need to escape my life here to clear my head but I don't know when I'll have the money to do that. Maybe I'll go up to Tahoe for a night or 2 by myself and just .... be. Is that weird? Is it weird for someone to drive 2.5 hours up the mountains and hide out for a couple days all alone? I just... need to get away. And that's about as far as I can go on my current budget.
Christmas is almost here and I have NO CLUE what I'm getting anyone. Literally. UGH! I'm so bad at this... And I HATE giving gift cards so I need to get my thinking cap on with the quickness and figure this shit out! Tick tock tick tock!
Ok, well I have nothing more to babble about! Haha! I'm gonna go watch Cops now and cuddle my animals on the couch. I know... I'm such a partier! lol

xo Peech
Your comment made me happy
And i would love to get a hug from you... definitely 

Take care sweet lady, you are truly awesome. much love to you

Thank you soo much for the compliment on my drawing!! You're such a sweetheart- love your blog!!! Another soon ?