Conon ball? More like belly flop...

This blog isn't all POOR ME, I just need to get this off my chest first. lol
Well, if looks like Unsummer has turned out to be a flop. I have turned into one of the people I feel sorry for who have the least amount of comments on the page in MR. I was thinking about planning a second set, but it doesn't seem like I'm in much demand. There are other, more beautiful, perfect women that you all would rather see. I'm sorry I didn't come through for you all.
Time to start on my diet of invisible food and ripe anxiety. Gotta drop some weight (about 15-20 pounds) so I can be more appealing and then I'll try for a second set.
I need a different body, I different approach, a different angle. I have a feeling my next attempt is going to show my darker side. I guess the bonus (and downfall) to being bipolar is that I have so many different versions of myself to express. So, once the weight is gone, it's on like Donkey Kong.
I need a different topic immediately before my head explodes...
Here! Listen to my favorite lap dance song! I like to turn down the lights, put on some naughty gothic stuff and rock B's world to this. Haha! Maybe I'll make a solo video for you guys.. So you can see my secret devilish self that I have not yet released to the public.
In the mean time... Listen!
At jam session, me, Brando, Devyn, and Jordan do a drum circle to this song. We put this on the PA, sit in a circle with our hand drums, turn off the lights, turn on the black lights and we all get on a separate beat and just go. SO FUN!
Past drum circle...


So this last week I decided that I needed to see what all the fuss was about over Dexter. I knew the basic premiss and as a creepy girl who is OBSESSED with the psychological aspect of serial killers and always has been since I was a kid, I was anxious to get into it. So, I started watching the first season on NetFlix instantly via my iPhone and my PS3. I got B into it as well, and we just finished Season 1.
Oh. My. God.
I am in love with this show. Like, you have no idea. EVERYTHING about it, it brilliant and sexy and dark and fascinating. The show is like one giant puzzle and I happen to be a puzzle master.
So, it's fun for me to watch and try to uncover all the secrets before they reveal themselves. Hehe. And finally, a show about a sexy man that shares my love of blood! I mean, I don't love it in a creepy way, I guess. It just is interesting and relaxing to me. Haha! But yeah.

Yes indeedy!
I am addicted. And I'm starting Season 2 today! Yessssss! Shit's about to go down, I know it!
In other news, I bought a new necklace from the beautiful (and talented) Zen_ and I am soooo excited and can't wait to get it. If you have the piece of mind, you should check out her Etsy shop HERE. You are sure to find something you love. Fact.
***Side bar! While I'm typing this, I'm sitting on my couch in my living room and I hear this knocking outside. Clearly someone knocking on someone's front door. They knocked like 12 times and then stopped for a minute and then would knock quite a few more times and wait and then knock again and so on... On the same goddam door. I heard him out there for about 5 minutes. I live in a apartment complex, so of course, dogs are barking and this person just proceeds to stand out there and pound on a door... at 9:15 AM on a Sunday. So, finally, I opened my door, my hair all Tim Burton status, and I glared at him.
He smiled. He clearly had no clue who he was dealing with. lol
So, I asked "How long do you plan on ruining everyone's Sunday morning? I'd really like to be able to relax and it's kinda hard to do when there's a person out here pounding on a door with no regard for everyone around you."
He smiled and said "Sorry" and then pounded again.
I kept staring at him the way I do and I said "Maybe no one's home. If some creep was pounding on MY door for that long and that loud, I would have gotten up a long ass time ago."
He finally started to squirm and was visibly uncomfortable about the way I was lingering and talking. But, unfortunately for him, my mission at that point was to make him as uncomfortable as possible until he either stopped or left. He pounded again, louder maybe, and stopped looking in my direction.
I, of course, continued to stand there and stare. I developed this stare loooong ago when I was in diapers. I love it because, it's not a snotty stare or a bitchy stare or a mean stare. It's completely unreadable. It's direct and with no emotion so whoever is falling victim to my stare has NO CLUE what I'm thinking. On occasion, when the moment is right, I enjoy using it. This was definitely one of those circumstances.
The guy keeps pounding (it's been a good 5 minutes that I've been standing in my door way at this point and several other neighbors had peeked out their door to see what all the pounding was about) and he looks over his shoulder to see if I'm still there, and YEP! I am! He says, "I saw her car so you can go ahead and go inside. She should answer the door any time now." Now, I was finally starting to feel bad for him for me making him so uneasy, when I hear him mumble " crazy bitch.."
With no alteration to my facial expression, no smirk, no anger, I ask him "What was that?"
He said, "I said you can go inside."
I told him I heard that part, but I heard him mumble something afterwards and I didn't quite catch it. Of course, I had heard it ring perfectly clear from his creepy thin lips.
He told me he didn't say anything else.
"Hmmm..." I said. "Well, now I'm curious if she's home. And I live here. So, I think I'll chill here til she comes to the door. I mean, it's not like I'll be able to sleep with you out here making such a racket."
One of my other neighbors came out at this time and asked him politely if he'd stop knocking on the door because, obviously, no one was home and he'd been out there for quite some time. She told him that her dog was barking now (which he was) and that her grandkids had been woken up.
He looked at her and said, "Sorry." And kept fucking banging on the door! ....WORD?!?!
I looked at him and said, "I don't know what's so important on a Sunday morning that you feel the unbearable urge to wake up everyone in a mile radius with your desperate and terribly obnoxious door pounding, but the rest of us actually live here and frankly, I don't think anyone appreciates your presence here." My neighbor interjected, "I'm more than happy to call security and have him ask you to stop also."
Finally, he looked over at me and I cocked my head to the side a little. He made eye contact and kind of snarled at me and then spit on the ground next to him and walked away. My neighbor laughed and went inside.
Well that was fun!

Maybe if I had showed him these he would have stopped 10 minutes earlier. lol***
Well, Turkey Day is over and Christmas is rapidly approaching! I am at a total loss for what I want to get everyone this year. Money isn't nearly as tight as it was last year, so I want to get everyone something really great! I just have no ideas yet. lol There are a few of you on here, my SG buddies, that live far far away and I wanna get you guys something too. Hmmmmmm...
One thing is for damn sure, I will be making a massive batch of my late grandpa's famous fudge! He used to make it every Christmas when I was growing up and he'd give everyone a tin of it to take home. So I have carried on the tradition and since he and my grandmother passed, I have made it every year and given it to my friends and family. So that's all I have figured out so far.
I do know what I'm GETTING from my mom and step dad this year! An amazing brand new sofa!
I have lived on my own for 6 years now. I have lived in about 5 different places since then and every SINGLE sofa I have had has been a hand-me-down. The sofa I am sitting on at this very moment is 15 years old. Ew. Stains that refuse to budge, cushions that no longer provide comfort, a repulsive blue that has progressively transformed to a brownish blue... GROSS MUCH?!?! So my request was for a brand new sofa and I might be getting it next week.
Oh my god.. I think I babbled long enough! Photo dump coming very soon, perhaps tomorrow! And if you haven't yet, go give Unsummer some love. it needs it! lol

Are you following me on Twitter yet?! You should. lol Go HERE

Thanks for tuning in, loves!

This blog isn't all POOR ME, I just need to get this off my chest first. lol
Well, if looks like Unsummer has turned out to be a flop. I have turned into one of the people I feel sorry for who have the least amount of comments on the page in MR. I was thinking about planning a second set, but it doesn't seem like I'm in much demand. There are other, more beautiful, perfect women that you all would rather see. I'm sorry I didn't come through for you all.
Time to start on my diet of invisible food and ripe anxiety. Gotta drop some weight (about 15-20 pounds) so I can be more appealing and then I'll try for a second set.
I need a different body, I different approach, a different angle. I have a feeling my next attempt is going to show my darker side. I guess the bonus (and downfall) to being bipolar is that I have so many different versions of myself to express. So, once the weight is gone, it's on like Donkey Kong.
I need a different topic immediately before my head explodes...
Here! Listen to my favorite lap dance song! I like to turn down the lights, put on some naughty gothic stuff and rock B's world to this. Haha! Maybe I'll make a solo video for you guys.. So you can see my secret devilish self that I have not yet released to the public.

At jam session, me, Brando, Devyn, and Jordan do a drum circle to this song. We put this on the PA, sit in a circle with our hand drums, turn off the lights, turn on the black lights and we all get on a separate beat and just go. SO FUN!
Past drum circle...


So this last week I decided that I needed to see what all the fuss was about over Dexter. I knew the basic premiss and as a creepy girl who is OBSESSED with the psychological aspect of serial killers and always has been since I was a kid, I was anxious to get into it. So, I started watching the first season on NetFlix instantly via my iPhone and my PS3. I got B into it as well, and we just finished Season 1.
Oh. My. God.
I am in love with this show. Like, you have no idea. EVERYTHING about it, it brilliant and sexy and dark and fascinating. The show is like one giant puzzle and I happen to be a puzzle master.

Yes indeedy!
I am addicted. And I'm starting Season 2 today! Yessssss! Shit's about to go down, I know it!
In other news, I bought a new necklace from the beautiful (and talented) Zen_ and I am soooo excited and can't wait to get it. If you have the piece of mind, you should check out her Etsy shop HERE. You are sure to find something you love. Fact.
***Side bar! While I'm typing this, I'm sitting on my couch in my living room and I hear this knocking outside. Clearly someone knocking on someone's front door. They knocked like 12 times and then stopped for a minute and then would knock quite a few more times and wait and then knock again and so on... On the same goddam door. I heard him out there for about 5 minutes. I live in a apartment complex, so of course, dogs are barking and this person just proceeds to stand out there and pound on a door... at 9:15 AM on a Sunday. So, finally, I opened my door, my hair all Tim Burton status, and I glared at him.
He smiled. He clearly had no clue who he was dealing with. lol
So, I asked "How long do you plan on ruining everyone's Sunday morning? I'd really like to be able to relax and it's kinda hard to do when there's a person out here pounding on a door with no regard for everyone around you."
He smiled and said "Sorry" and then pounded again.
I kept staring at him the way I do and I said "Maybe no one's home. If some creep was pounding on MY door for that long and that loud, I would have gotten up a long ass time ago."
He finally started to squirm and was visibly uncomfortable about the way I was lingering and talking. But, unfortunately for him, my mission at that point was to make him as uncomfortable as possible until he either stopped or left. He pounded again, louder maybe, and stopped looking in my direction.
I, of course, continued to stand there and stare. I developed this stare loooong ago when I was in diapers. I love it because, it's not a snotty stare or a bitchy stare or a mean stare. It's completely unreadable. It's direct and with no emotion so whoever is falling victim to my stare has NO CLUE what I'm thinking. On occasion, when the moment is right, I enjoy using it. This was definitely one of those circumstances.
The guy keeps pounding (it's been a good 5 minutes that I've been standing in my door way at this point and several other neighbors had peeked out their door to see what all the pounding was about) and he looks over his shoulder to see if I'm still there, and YEP! I am! He says, "I saw her car so you can go ahead and go inside. She should answer the door any time now." Now, I was finally starting to feel bad for him for me making him so uneasy, when I hear him mumble " crazy bitch.."
With no alteration to my facial expression, no smirk, no anger, I ask him "What was that?"
He said, "I said you can go inside."
I told him I heard that part, but I heard him mumble something afterwards and I didn't quite catch it. Of course, I had heard it ring perfectly clear from his creepy thin lips.
He told me he didn't say anything else.
"Hmmm..." I said. "Well, now I'm curious if she's home. And I live here. So, I think I'll chill here til she comes to the door. I mean, it's not like I'll be able to sleep with you out here making such a racket."
One of my other neighbors came out at this time and asked him politely if he'd stop knocking on the door because, obviously, no one was home and he'd been out there for quite some time. She told him that her dog was barking now (which he was) and that her grandkids had been woken up.
He looked at her and said, "Sorry." And kept fucking banging on the door! ....WORD?!?!
I looked at him and said, "I don't know what's so important on a Sunday morning that you feel the unbearable urge to wake up everyone in a mile radius with your desperate and terribly obnoxious door pounding, but the rest of us actually live here and frankly, I don't think anyone appreciates your presence here." My neighbor interjected, "I'm more than happy to call security and have him ask you to stop also."
Finally, he looked over at me and I cocked my head to the side a little. He made eye contact and kind of snarled at me and then spit on the ground next to him and walked away. My neighbor laughed and went inside.
Well that was fun!

Maybe if I had showed him these he would have stopped 10 minutes earlier. lol***
Well, Turkey Day is over and Christmas is rapidly approaching! I am at a total loss for what I want to get everyone this year. Money isn't nearly as tight as it was last year, so I want to get everyone something really great! I just have no ideas yet. lol There are a few of you on here, my SG buddies, that live far far away and I wanna get you guys something too. Hmmmmmm...
One thing is for damn sure, I will be making a massive batch of my late grandpa's famous fudge! He used to make it every Christmas when I was growing up and he'd give everyone a tin of it to take home. So I have carried on the tradition and since he and my grandmother passed, I have made it every year and given it to my friends and family. So that's all I have figured out so far.
I do know what I'm GETTING from my mom and step dad this year! An amazing brand new sofa!

Oh my god.. I think I babbled long enough! Photo dump coming very soon, perhaps tomorrow! And if you haven't yet, go give Unsummer some love. it needs it! lol

Are you following me on Twitter yet?! You should. lol Go HERE

Thanks for tuning in, loves!
she puts the heights in my citrus grove