I finally did it!
I can't believe it finally happened! lol After a year of being on this site and wanting desperately to put up a set, I did it. It's doing ok in MR so far for a holiday weekend. I'd looooooove to see it do better obviously! Haha. So, if you've not yet made the trip to see me and all my nakedness, please do. For me? Pretty please?

Ok, enough of my shameless self promotion!
Total change of pace..
Life has been... weird, lately. Not all bad, just weird. It seems a lot of my friends are dropping off the face of the planet. I've been feeling incredibly invisible lately. I mean, I get that life happens and we all need to handle the real world and our problems and sometimes that means cutting some ties so you can focus. I get it. But it sucks to be the person on the other end of that. I guess it's just that, I've been needing a friend desperately. And no one has been there. I mean, I have my man and that's fabulous. But there are certain aspects of me that he doesn't fully understand and I've been needing advice on some of it lately and I can't talk to him about some issues. I just can't.
When I was a kid, I had a recurring dream that life was going on as normal, but no one could see me or hear me. I would walk from person to person talking, screaming! And no one would notice. I wasn't even a whisper in their ears or a shadow on the floor. I felt like a ghost and no matter what I did, I couldn't obtain anyone's attention.
Little did I know, this dream was foreshadowing to the way my life would inevitably be.
I am Bruce Willis and my boyfriend is the little kid that sees dead people.
I have been reduced to my own inner dialogue.
Anyway, I'm not a huge fan of pity parties. So.... MOVING ON!
Brando is teaching me this song on the guitar because I love singing it and he says I should know how to play it. He loves when I sing with his music but he said I need to start playing the music I sing.
Haha (for the record, I agree)
I had a little bit of criticism regarding my opinion on Thanksgiving. It's not only that I think it's stupid, I simply don't get what the point of celebrating it is. As I said before, we should be thankful every day of the year, not just on a holiday. I think it's silly. Do I celebrate it every year? Unfortunately, yes! But I'm just not into it. If other people get something deep and meaningful out of it, fuckin high five! I just don't.
And yes, I do have a couple issues with Christmas. Even if I did believe in the "meaning" of Christmas, Jesus wasn't even born in December. So, I have some issue with that. To me, Christmas is about good food, getting my nephews bas ass presents, my mom's house smelling like cookies like 24/7, and putting on a smile for my family. I used to get so excited about Christmas as a kid, mainly because I always got some awesome shit! But I really loved x-mas! I still enjoy the feeling I get during the holidays. I really do. Just over the years, I have grown increasingly unable to handle my grandparents and my psychotic aunt and her crummy kids.
IF Christmas could ever just be my mom and my step dad and my step brother's kids, and then a visit to my dad, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE the holidays! No joke. It's the rest of the family that I have lost my tolerance for. Bleh. Fuck it. This year will be the same as all the years before. I'll do myself up all pretty, put on a nice shiny smile, bring everyone presents, make some of my grandpa's famous fudge, pretend to be interested in whatever conversation I am pretending to be in, and for all intended purposes, I will enjoy my Christmas.
Social anxiety does not go away just because it's family. But I am very good at pretending!
Random images of holidays passed...

Notice that in all of these I seemed happy. Also note, NO FAMILY. Hahaha!
On another topic...

I need to start planning my next set a lot more actively. I have a couple ideas I just need a photog! So, stay tuned! But in the mean time, go give my debut set, Unsummer some lovins! I really appreciate you all being so supportive of me! More than you know! xoxo

I can't believe it finally happened! lol After a year of being on this site and wanting desperately to put up a set, I did it. It's doing ok in MR so far for a holiday weekend. I'd looooooove to see it do better obviously! Haha. So, if you've not yet made the trip to see me and all my nakedness, please do. For me? Pretty please?


Ok, enough of my shameless self promotion!
Total change of pace..
Life has been... weird, lately. Not all bad, just weird. It seems a lot of my friends are dropping off the face of the planet. I've been feeling incredibly invisible lately. I mean, I get that life happens and we all need to handle the real world and our problems and sometimes that means cutting some ties so you can focus. I get it. But it sucks to be the person on the other end of that. I guess it's just that, I've been needing a friend desperately. And no one has been there. I mean, I have my man and that's fabulous. But there are certain aspects of me that he doesn't fully understand and I've been needing advice on some of it lately and I can't talk to him about some issues. I just can't.
When I was a kid, I had a recurring dream that life was going on as normal, but no one could see me or hear me. I would walk from person to person talking, screaming! And no one would notice. I wasn't even a whisper in their ears or a shadow on the floor. I felt like a ghost and no matter what I did, I couldn't obtain anyone's attention.
Little did I know, this dream was foreshadowing to the way my life would inevitably be.
I am Bruce Willis and my boyfriend is the little kid that sees dead people.
I have been reduced to my own inner dialogue.
Anyway, I'm not a huge fan of pity parties. So.... MOVING ON!
Brando is teaching me this song on the guitar because I love singing it and he says I should know how to play it. He loves when I sing with his music but he said I need to start playing the music I sing.

I had a little bit of criticism regarding my opinion on Thanksgiving. It's not only that I think it's stupid, I simply don't get what the point of celebrating it is. As I said before, we should be thankful every day of the year, not just on a holiday. I think it's silly. Do I celebrate it every year? Unfortunately, yes! But I'm just not into it. If other people get something deep and meaningful out of it, fuckin high five! I just don't.
And yes, I do have a couple issues with Christmas. Even if I did believe in the "meaning" of Christmas, Jesus wasn't even born in December. So, I have some issue with that. To me, Christmas is about good food, getting my nephews bas ass presents, my mom's house smelling like cookies like 24/7, and putting on a smile for my family. I used to get so excited about Christmas as a kid, mainly because I always got some awesome shit! But I really loved x-mas! I still enjoy the feeling I get during the holidays. I really do. Just over the years, I have grown increasingly unable to handle my grandparents and my psychotic aunt and her crummy kids.
IF Christmas could ever just be my mom and my step dad and my step brother's kids, and then a visit to my dad, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE the holidays! No joke. It's the rest of the family that I have lost my tolerance for. Bleh. Fuck it. This year will be the same as all the years before. I'll do myself up all pretty, put on a nice shiny smile, bring everyone presents, make some of my grandpa's famous fudge, pretend to be interested in whatever conversation I am pretending to be in, and for all intended purposes, I will enjoy my Christmas.
Social anxiety does not go away just because it's family. But I am very good at pretending!
Random images of holidays passed...

Notice that in all of these I seemed happy. Also note, NO FAMILY. Hahaha!
On another topic...

I need to start planning my next set a lot more actively. I have a couple ideas I just need a photog! So, stay tuned! But in the mean time, go give my debut set, Unsummer some lovins! I really appreciate you all being so supportive of me! More than you know! xoxo

Your set came out so good. I can't wait to see you do more. Your so pretty 

Excellent debut set. You are gorgeous!