Today is the day!!
Unsummer will pop up in MR at 4pm today, in like 8.5 hours.
I am so nervous/excited! lol More excited than nervous. I just hope you guys dig it! It was super fun to do either way.
So, I request that all of you finish your Black Friday shopping by 4 today and go give my set some love.
Who needs to shop anyway? And all you lovely people in other countries who are smart enough not to shop today, turn on your computers and get ready!
Other news, I just couldn't help myself.
I got another rat.
Ok, hear me out here! Dita, my first rat that I got Sunday, was still seeming really shy and nervous on Wednesday. And most of what I was reading online about raising rats said that they suggest getting a pair of rats (same sex of course) so that they have a little companion to play with 24/7, because they are such social little creatures. So, I thought it over. It's not any extra work having a second one. I mean, there's still only one cage! It just means I need to refill their food a little more often, clean the cage probably twice a week, and refill the water more. HAHA! So, essentially, no extra work.
So, I got off work and drove my happy ass to PetsMart. The same employee that helped me out with Dita was there and so I told her that Dita needed a sister and we played with all the rats to pick a new one. And I fell in love with another little ratty!
As soon as I got home with her, I introduced her to Dita and they were INSTANTLY best friends! Dita has totally warmed up now, she even comes up to me and lets me hold her. He likes to nuzzle into the side of my neck. But they run all over the massive cage they have and play in the hammock and all kinds of fun nonsense! I love them soooo much!
So, as you know, Dita Von Squeak was OBVIOUSLY named after the lovely Dita Von Teese
And since she's a dancer, I thought the new baby should have a dancer's name. And there is one woman who is my absolute inspiration...
Zoe mothafuckin Jakes
The hottest woman I have ever met and the best belly dancer I have ever seen! She is who inspired me to start belly dancing. I haven't done it for like 2 months though because life got insane... different story for a different day. But, she's incredible.
So, my new baby is Zoe.
Dita and Zoe, 2 cutest rats I know!
Well, my Thanksgiving was just... eh.... Here's the thing...
I have NEVER understood Thanksgiving. When I was in 3rd grade, we were learning about the whole tradition and the history behind it. I remember this day vividly because it's the first day in my elementary school career that I ever got in trouble enough to sit outside for the rest of the lesson.
When you are that young, the schools give you a pretty G rated version of what happened. However, if you're a smart enough kid, you actually -get- what happened on "Thanksgiving". So, my teacher, Mrs. Jacobs ( I hated that lady) was saying how the "indians" helped the pilgrims and they all shared a delicious dinner together. Well, all the other kids were smiling and saying how fun it looked. I didn't see it that way. I raised my hand and said "Why would the indians help the pilgrims after the pilgrims came and stole all their stuff and their land?"
If I had left it at that, it probably would have been fine. But, I never knew when to shut up... and quite frankly, I still don't! So after my teacher told me that the indians wanted to help the pilgrims because they wanted everyone to get along, I said "Well, it looks like the indians became their slaves and we just learned how slavery is evil. Why is it ok to make native americans slaves, but not African people? I don't think anyone should be a slave. And I don't think we should celebrate it." My teacher then proceeded to tell me that all of that was different. And at that moment i specifically remember interrupting her and saying "It's different because white people kidnapped Africans from their land and took them here to be slaves, but pilgrims came to the american indians' land and stole it from them and made them be slaves and kill them. It kinda seems like the same thing except maybe worse." I wasn't trying to be cute or funny. I have always questioned my teachers. It has gotten me in a lot of trouble over the years. A lot of trouble. lol And of course, I got pulled outside on the bench and had to sit there til the lesson was over. Nice teaching, Mrs. Jacobs!
So, this is what Thanksgiving has always meant to me. It has always baffled me. It has become a time that is similar to Christmas, minus the presents. Family gets together and gorges on food and wine and laugh and sing and blah blah blah... I don't get it. It's not that exciting. Do I like turkey and mashed potatoes and stuffing and all that bull shit? Fuck yeah I do! But do I feel the need to sit down with my ENTIRE family and talk about nothing and stuff my face? Not really. I mean, why do we take ONE day out of the year to be thankful? We should probably be doing that every day! Gah! Whatever. lol
Well, I'm about to watch a little more of Season 2 of Dexter. That shit is getting intense!!! But I hope everyone had a lovely holiday and that you all enjoy your weekend!!
4PM! Member Review! Don't forget!
Unsummer will pop up in MR at 4pm today, in like 8.5 hours.

I am so nervous/excited! lol More excited than nervous. I just hope you guys dig it! It was super fun to do either way.

Other news, I just couldn't help myself.
I got another rat.
Ok, hear me out here! Dita, my first rat that I got Sunday, was still seeming really shy and nervous on Wednesday. And most of what I was reading online about raising rats said that they suggest getting a pair of rats (same sex of course) so that they have a little companion to play with 24/7, because they are such social little creatures. So, I thought it over. It's not any extra work having a second one. I mean, there's still only one cage! It just means I need to refill their food a little more often, clean the cage probably twice a week, and refill the water more. HAHA! So, essentially, no extra work.

So, I got off work and drove my happy ass to PetsMart. The same employee that helped me out with Dita was there and so I told her that Dita needed a sister and we played with all the rats to pick a new one. And I fell in love with another little ratty!
As soon as I got home with her, I introduced her to Dita and they were INSTANTLY best friends! Dita has totally warmed up now, she even comes up to me and lets me hold her. He likes to nuzzle into the side of my neck. But they run all over the massive cage they have and play in the hammock and all kinds of fun nonsense! I love them soooo much!
So, as you know, Dita Von Squeak was OBVIOUSLY named after the lovely Dita Von Teese

And since she's a dancer, I thought the new baby should have a dancer's name. And there is one woman who is my absolute inspiration...

Zoe mothafuckin Jakes
The hottest woman I have ever met and the best belly dancer I have ever seen! She is who inspired me to start belly dancing. I haven't done it for like 2 months though because life got insane... different story for a different day. But, she's incredible.
So, my new baby is Zoe.

Well, my Thanksgiving was just... eh.... Here's the thing...
I have NEVER understood Thanksgiving. When I was in 3rd grade, we were learning about the whole tradition and the history behind it. I remember this day vividly because it's the first day in my elementary school career that I ever got in trouble enough to sit outside for the rest of the lesson.

If I had left it at that, it probably would have been fine. But, I never knew when to shut up... and quite frankly, I still don't! So after my teacher told me that the indians wanted to help the pilgrims because they wanted everyone to get along, I said "Well, it looks like the indians became their slaves and we just learned how slavery is evil. Why is it ok to make native americans slaves, but not African people? I don't think anyone should be a slave. And I don't think we should celebrate it." My teacher then proceeded to tell me that all of that was different. And at that moment i specifically remember interrupting her and saying "It's different because white people kidnapped Africans from their land and took them here to be slaves, but pilgrims came to the american indians' land and stole it from them and made them be slaves and kill them. It kinda seems like the same thing except maybe worse." I wasn't trying to be cute or funny. I have always questioned my teachers. It has gotten me in a lot of trouble over the years. A lot of trouble. lol And of course, I got pulled outside on the bench and had to sit there til the lesson was over. Nice teaching, Mrs. Jacobs!
So, this is what Thanksgiving has always meant to me. It has always baffled me. It has become a time that is similar to Christmas, minus the presents. Family gets together and gorges on food and wine and laugh and sing and blah blah blah... I don't get it. It's not that exciting. Do I like turkey and mashed potatoes and stuffing and all that bull shit? Fuck yeah I do! But do I feel the need to sit down with my ENTIRE family and talk about nothing and stuff my face? Not really. I mean, why do we take ONE day out of the year to be thankful? We should probably be doing that every day! Gah! Whatever. lol
Well, I'm about to watch a little more of Season 2 of Dexter. That shit is getting intense!!! But I hope everyone had a lovely holiday and that you all enjoy your weekend!!
4PM! Member Review! Don't forget!

Dita Von Squeak... lolz
Awesome set Peechee!