Meet the new member of my family!
Here's her entrance song. lol
And now I'd like to introduce the one and only...

Dita Von Squeak 

She is a 10 week old fancy rat and she's amazingly adorable. About 4 inches long while sitting, but stretched out she's like 7 inches and her tail is like the same length as her bod. lol And half her tail is white and half is gray. She's still a little shy and getting used to her surroundings. So, she likes to kinda hide out on the first level of the cage I got her. Everything I have read says that they may be shy for the first few days. But, it stresses me out. lol I want her to love me as much as I love her! I want to take her out and close Mozart and Lucy out of my living room and play with Dita on the couch! I'm sure that time will come shortly. I'm just impatient. Haha! I'm hoping by this weekend she'll be comfortable enough. We'll seeeee!
But I think she's just about the cutest thing I have ever seen and I couldn't be happier with my decision to get her. At work, we closed 2 loans last week which of course meant DOLLA DOLLA BILLS YALL! haha But I took care of my bills, etc. And on Sunday B and I were at PetsMart getting dog and cat foods and whatnot. What he didn't know was that allllllllll weekend I had been thinking about getting a rat. HAHA! So, while we were there I asked him, "Hey can we go look at all the little hamsters and ratties?!" And frankly, since he no longer actually LIVES with me, he didn't really have a choice on whether or not I got a rat. LOL We went over there and asked the girl if I could see them. So, she opened it up and let me over to the back of their case so I could pet them. There were 4 almost identical sisters in there and they were all pretty apprehensive at first. But after a couple minutes they were scrambling and sniffing us and being all sorts of adorable.
I couldn't decide between them because they all looked so much alike and seemed to have the same temperament. So, I had my hand in their case so that they could sniff me out and then this cute little one put her hands on my hand like she was trying to crawl in my hand. So, I picked her up and she cruised around on me for a minute before I laughed and put her back in. But, she came right back up to me! At that moment, I knew she was the one.
So I bought a $90 three story cage and bedding and food and took her cute self home! The dog and the cat are both interested. No surprise that Lucy, our wiener dog (which were bred to hunt rodents back in the day) is the MOST interested. Honestly, Mozart doesn't seem to care too much. He's curious but not crazy about it. HAHA! But, I have her set up on a bookshelf where neither of the other animals can get to her so I think we're alright.
If ANY OF YOU have any tips for me on the rat front, please send them my way!
So, just a recap, I have



and Dita Von Squeak
Other animals I take care of throughout the year

Oso, my nephew's dog

Gypsy, my mom's dog

Palooka, my mom's dog

Drummer, my buddy Devyn's dog

Hank and Charlie, my mom's goats
Looks like my childhood dream of being a "zookeeper" has come true in a sense! LOL
Well, off to work my patoot off!
Oh yeah, and don't forget! This Black Friday! 4 PM! Member Review! My naked bod! Be there! lol

Here's her entrance song. lol
And now I'd like to introduce the one and only...

She is a 10 week old fancy rat and she's amazingly adorable. About 4 inches long while sitting, but stretched out she's like 7 inches and her tail is like the same length as her bod. lol And half her tail is white and half is gray. She's still a little shy and getting used to her surroundings. So, she likes to kinda hide out on the first level of the cage I got her. Everything I have read says that they may be shy for the first few days. But, it stresses me out. lol I want her to love me as much as I love her! I want to take her out and close Mozart and Lucy out of my living room and play with Dita on the couch! I'm sure that time will come shortly. I'm just impatient. Haha! I'm hoping by this weekend she'll be comfortable enough. We'll seeeee!
But I think she's just about the cutest thing I have ever seen and I couldn't be happier with my decision to get her. At work, we closed 2 loans last week which of course meant DOLLA DOLLA BILLS YALL! haha But I took care of my bills, etc. And on Sunday B and I were at PetsMart getting dog and cat foods and whatnot. What he didn't know was that allllllllll weekend I had been thinking about getting a rat. HAHA! So, while we were there I asked him, "Hey can we go look at all the little hamsters and ratties?!" And frankly, since he no longer actually LIVES with me, he didn't really have a choice on whether or not I got a rat. LOL We went over there and asked the girl if I could see them. So, she opened it up and let me over to the back of their case so I could pet them. There were 4 almost identical sisters in there and they were all pretty apprehensive at first. But after a couple minutes they were scrambling and sniffing us and being all sorts of adorable.
I couldn't decide between them because they all looked so much alike and seemed to have the same temperament. So, I had my hand in their case so that they could sniff me out and then this cute little one put her hands on my hand like she was trying to crawl in my hand. So, I picked her up and she cruised around on me for a minute before I laughed and put her back in. But, she came right back up to me! At that moment, I knew she was the one.
So I bought a $90 three story cage and bedding and food and took her cute self home! The dog and the cat are both interested. No surprise that Lucy, our wiener dog (which were bred to hunt rodents back in the day) is the MOST interested. Honestly, Mozart doesn't seem to care too much. He's curious but not crazy about it. HAHA! But, I have her set up on a bookshelf where neither of the other animals can get to her so I think we're alright.
If ANY OF YOU have any tips for me on the rat front, please send them my way!

So, just a recap, I have



and Dita Von Squeak
Other animals I take care of throughout the year

Oso, my nephew's dog

Gypsy, my mom's dog

Palooka, my mom's dog

Drummer, my buddy Devyn's dog

Hank and Charlie, my mom's goats
Looks like my childhood dream of being a "zookeeper" has come true in a sense! LOL
Well, off to work my patoot off!
Oh yeah, and don't forget! This Black Friday! 4 PM! Member Review! My naked bod! Be there! lol

Thanks for sharing the menagerie--welcome to Dita! Oh, and I think I know someone who's going to be on my blog this weekend... 

so excited for your set!!