So, the sky has been blowing my mind a on the regular these days! In order of appearance

Thanks Mother Nature! You are putting smiles on my face on days that I have needed them. You're alright in my book. lol
So! As I mentioned I had to housesit for my mom and my step dad for a couple nights. I always have mixed feeling about this. Like, they pay me pretty well to do it. And their house is super nice and comfy and fun with a pool and fun animals and a giant TV and stuff. But, I am super weird about staying at places that aren't my house. Like, to stay at hotels, I have to like, get a small prescription of xanax or something. I dunno. It's something about sleeping in a bed that other people have been in... like LOTS of other people. Bleh... I just got nauseous thinking about it. It's not as bad at my parent's house. Cuz, it's my parents. But, yeah. So, I dunno. I always feel nervous when I housesit there alone and the first night, B couldn't come. So, I literally got 2 house of sleep. It was HORRENDOUS!
But, here were my roomies and bed mates the first night
This was my dinner that night because I was so exhausted that I could not muster energy to do anything. Haha!
This is Palooka, my pet unicorn.
my old piano (no, I don't still play. I only played from like ages 4-13. I could probably play again if I could re teach myself to read music. But, I definitely don't have time or energy for that these days! lol)
A Jackalope? Who are these people?! I don't even know them anymore! Haha
Me when I was 4 at my mom and step dad's wedding. EW!!!!
Anyways, Got up to watch the sun come up
These guys joined me
So, yeah. That's that! And then I went home today and saw this crazy old sonofabitch
Haha! Made ya look!
Well, that's all for my last couple days! Jut thought I'd share.
Hey I have a jackalope