Breathe in.... Breathe out.

So glad that Chrysis and I have picture messaging so we can keep each other sane.
Why is it that every single time I have to go to my psychiatrist, there are so many obnoxious people in the waiting room? Today I had to go get re evaluated with my doctor and get my meds switched up. While in the waiting room, I almost lost my mind... like for real. First of all, there was a chick laying down across the chairs next to me. Um.... ...... ..... There is no reason for a grown adult to lay down in the waiting room of a doctors office. SIT. UP. Then, a lady had her baby with her (which, by the way, get a fucking babysitter!) and the baby was SCREAMING for like 10 minutes. To top it off, the lady was giggling and saying "Awww! Her cry is so sweet..." Ok, um, no. And if you don't shut your ugly creature up now, I'm going to punt it like a football. Thennnnnnnnnn.... my doctor was running 25 minutes late. Yeah... that shit wasn't fun. At all.
Buuuuuuut, I got new meds that I start tomorrow and I think it's going to help. I have a lot of confidence in it, so we'll see. I'm trying to be positive!!!

So, miss Bradley and I went to lunch at the deli around the corner yesterday and I vandalized their table. LOL

(it's one of those tables that EVERYONE writes their name on, don't worry!
My nephew Maxamillion is literally the coolest kid I have ever known. He is a bit of a special needs kid so he can be a hand full! But, he is so sweet and fun. And he likes making funny faces (yes, he shirt says "They'll make a movie about me someday" lol)

This is my favorite picture of him and his mama while she was prego with his sister, Brooklyn

Here's my gorgeous niece Brooklyn at 10 weeks old

I love them....
So, I used to haaaaaate the color blue. LOL Don't ask me why! I have no clue! But, for some reason, recently I am really in to light blue. LOVE. IT. So, I've been buying lots of blue stuff. My nails are even light blue right now! lol And I got a pair of light blue plugs, and my twists. I am passionately in love with my new twistsssss


Halloween is rapidly approaching. Brando and I decided that we'll just chill at home with some scary movies, but I keep getting bugged to go to a big Halloween party that our buddy from the radio station is throwing. It promises a fuck ton of fun, but... I guess now that I don't drink, clubs just aren't as fun to me as they once were. I tend to get anxious when I'm surrounded by sweaty drunk people when I am not intoxicated as well. Know what the funny thing is? I don't miss drinking. Like, AT ALL! Every now and then I miss champagne... but that's it. I've got my weed. I'm all good. lol
Well, that's all for today. I'm going to start making a better effort to blog more, if only for the benefit of transferring my racing thoughts from my mental hard drive to the computer hard drive instead.
Time to go be silly somewhere!

If yer bored follow me on Twitter

So glad that Chrysis and I have picture messaging so we can keep each other sane.

Why is it that every single time I have to go to my psychiatrist, there are so many obnoxious people in the waiting room? Today I had to go get re evaluated with my doctor and get my meds switched up. While in the waiting room, I almost lost my mind... like for real. First of all, there was a chick laying down across the chairs next to me. Um.... ...... ..... There is no reason for a grown adult to lay down in the waiting room of a doctors office. SIT. UP. Then, a lady had her baby with her (which, by the way, get a fucking babysitter!) and the baby was SCREAMING for like 10 minutes. To top it off, the lady was giggling and saying "Awww! Her cry is so sweet..." Ok, um, no. And if you don't shut your ugly creature up now, I'm going to punt it like a football. Thennnnnnnnnn.... my doctor was running 25 minutes late. Yeah... that shit wasn't fun. At all.
Buuuuuuut, I got new meds that I start tomorrow and I think it's going to help. I have a lot of confidence in it, so we'll see. I'm trying to be positive!!!

So, miss Bradley and I went to lunch at the deli around the corner yesterday and I vandalized their table. LOL

(it's one of those tables that EVERYONE writes their name on, don't worry!

My nephew Maxamillion is literally the coolest kid I have ever known. He is a bit of a special needs kid so he can be a hand full! But, he is so sweet and fun. And he likes making funny faces (yes, he shirt says "They'll make a movie about me someday" lol)

This is my favorite picture of him and his mama while she was prego with his sister, Brooklyn

Here's my gorgeous niece Brooklyn at 10 weeks old

I love them....

So, I used to haaaaaate the color blue. LOL Don't ask me why! I have no clue! But, for some reason, recently I am really in to light blue. LOVE. IT. So, I've been buying lots of blue stuff. My nails are even light blue right now! lol And I got a pair of light blue plugs, and my twists. I am passionately in love with my new twistsssss


Halloween is rapidly approaching. Brando and I decided that we'll just chill at home with some scary movies, but I keep getting bugged to go to a big Halloween party that our buddy from the radio station is throwing. It promises a fuck ton of fun, but... I guess now that I don't drink, clubs just aren't as fun to me as they once were. I tend to get anxious when I'm surrounded by sweaty drunk people when I am not intoxicated as well. Know what the funny thing is? I don't miss drinking. Like, AT ALL! Every now and then I miss champagne... but that's it. I've got my weed. I'm all good. lol
Well, that's all for today. I'm going to start making a better effort to blog more, if only for the benefit of transferring my racing thoughts from my mental hard drive to the computer hard drive instead.

Time to go be silly somewhere!

If yer bored follow me on Twitter
I may but I am going to wade for a little bit I think...

ive been jamin to a perfect circle since you posted this.