The photo shoot went FABULOUS!
Sunday was my photo shoot and it went so so well! I had fun working with Wenzdai (even though she broke her thumb when she got to my house :-/) There was lots of laughing and just an absolute blast! I have a feeling these pictures are gonna be good!
How I got ready for my shoot:
After the shoot, in my jammies and exhausted:
I've been house sitting at my mom and step dad's place for the last few days. It's fun to stay there cuz the house is massive and there are a ton of things to do while there. Buuuuuut, I miss my place. I miss my bed. I miss my kitteh.
My mom's dog, Palooka
I had coffee the other day with my daddio. I really want to tell him about Suicide Girls. He knows about it because he saw it on my facebook page, but he doesn't know I'm like, trying to do it. Haha! He's really chill and cool about stuff so I want to tell him, but at the same time, I see him getting grossed out by the fact that tons of people see me naked on the internet. Hmmmmm Gotta figure out the right way to approach it. This is him:
So, the sky has been fucking incredible lately and I have been lucky enough to catch some brief moments of gorgeousness on camera:
My favorite:
I'm hoping to finish my half sleeve this month! I'm filling in all the space left on my forearm with blue sky and clouds and maybe some pink in the clouds. Not much, just a little to contrast the blue. I am stoked about it! I have been waiting soooo long to do it and this month is supposed to be a big money month for me. So, I'm finally gonna get it done and be happy!
Me and Bradley had a fun girls night last Friday night, but we suck and forgot to take pictures. We went to her brother's high school football game, which was fun. It was kinda weird cuz I haven't been on a high school campus in 7 years. LOL Then we went to Benihana's and ate some yummy grub. Then it was back to her house, where we ran around in our undies and painted signs. It was soooo much fun! We're hoping to be able to do it again this Friday so we can get started on out T-shirt project.
Thank you, by the way, to all of you who sent us shirts! You'll be getting Thank Yous in the mail soon!
Well, cupcakes, I'm off work my ass off on some of these damn loans so I can make some dolla dolla bills yall! Hahaha!
Sunday was my photo shoot and it went so so well! I had fun working with Wenzdai (even though she broke her thumb when she got to my house :-/) There was lots of laughing and just an absolute blast! I have a feeling these pictures are gonna be good!
How I got ready for my shoot:

After the shoot, in my jammies and exhausted:

I've been house sitting at my mom and step dad's place for the last few days. It's fun to stay there cuz the house is massive and there are a ton of things to do while there. Buuuuuut, I miss my place. I miss my bed. I miss my kitteh.

My mom's dog, Palooka

I had coffee the other day with my daddio. I really want to tell him about Suicide Girls. He knows about it because he saw it on my facebook page, but he doesn't know I'm like, trying to do it. Haha! He's really chill and cool about stuff so I want to tell him, but at the same time, I see him getting grossed out by the fact that tons of people see me naked on the internet. Hmmmmm Gotta figure out the right way to approach it. This is him:

So, the sky has been fucking incredible lately and I have been lucky enough to catch some brief moments of gorgeousness on camera:

My favorite:

I'm hoping to finish my half sleeve this month! I'm filling in all the space left on my forearm with blue sky and clouds and maybe some pink in the clouds. Not much, just a little to contrast the blue. I am stoked about it! I have been waiting soooo long to do it and this month is supposed to be a big money month for me. So, I'm finally gonna get it done and be happy!
Me and Bradley had a fun girls night last Friday night, but we suck and forgot to take pictures. We went to her brother's high school football game, which was fun. It was kinda weird cuz I haven't been on a high school campus in 7 years. LOL Then we went to Benihana's and ate some yummy grub. Then it was back to her house, where we ran around in our undies and painted signs. It was soooo much fun! We're hoping to be able to do it again this Friday so we can get started on out T-shirt project.
Thank you, by the way, to all of you who sent us shirts! You'll be getting Thank Yous in the mail soon!

Well, cupcakes, I'm off work my ass off on some of these damn loans so I can make some dolla dolla bills yall! Hahaha!

Think I'll do that in a second.
When I turn on a light and find my effing phone.