Fizzle Fried

Surviving on coffee and my adderall this morning. Haha! Primus was an absolute dream last night! It was my very first time seeing them live and I was blown away. I have seen Les Claypool several times live, but never Primus. So it was the night of a lifetime. I was baptized with a full beer to the back as the first song started, which sucked. A lot. Haha! And I got in a screaming match with the fucking chump who spilled it on me and had to buy a shirt to wear. Like we got INTO it. To the point where my hand was in his face and I kept yelly "FUck you! Chill the fuck out, dude!" and we was SCREAMING in my face "Stupid bitch! Big deal! It's beer!" He later apologized (after he took some acid) and gave me $20. They turned into our friends and he told me that if he was ever in a fight, he'd want me in his corning cuz I'm a "scrapper". Indeed. Haha! But I smelled like beer the rest of the night, despite getting a brand spankin new Primus shirt, which is icky.
Here are a few shots I got last night, they aren't the best. We decided to sit up in the balcony so we were far back sorta.

Aaaaaaaaand back to this morning:

Anyways, it was fucking awesome. I am very pleased.
My friend, Beastwars, got a new kitteh! His name is DJ Kung Pow Skeetington or Skeeter for short. He's very handsome. Seeeeeee?!?!

In other kitty news! My son, Mozart, got his manhood ripped away from him yesterday!!! YAY! I have been meaning to get him fixed for a long time, but haven't had time, money, etc. And he's strictly an indoor kitty so I wasn't too worried about him knockin someone up. So finally I took him in and had it done!
He's shweepy...

...and he's ball-less. Haha! This morning when he woke up, he went to lick his crotch and just stopped and stared like he was thinking, "Ummm.... where did my nuts go?" It was priceless.
Oh man oh man... what else is going on?
I think other than all the aforementioned events, things are pretty low key! Work is getting busier and busier which means more money. And we all know what that means... Mo money mo problems. Haha! That's what I'm told anyway. Meeting a couple more speed bumps on the photo shoot, but I'm hoping (times a million) that everything works out.
Oh yeah! Me and my man are taking a little weekend trip to Lake Tahoe this weekend! We're gonna head up there Friday after work and are staying probably til Sunday afternoon. We are planning on doing a little bit of clubbing (just my favorite club there, Vex) and some gambling and laying by the lake and probably hiking. We always have soooo much fun when we go to Tahoe so I am really looking forward to it! And you KNOW I will post pic-a-tic-tures asap.
Do anyone else have anything fun planned this weekend????

Well, that's all for now, dolls! Thanks for always leaving me such sweet messages and stuff. I really appreciate you all to no end!
Peachee Pants

Surviving on coffee and my adderall this morning. Haha! Primus was an absolute dream last night! It was my very first time seeing them live and I was blown away. I have seen Les Claypool several times live, but never Primus. So it was the night of a lifetime. I was baptized with a full beer to the back as the first song started, which sucked. A lot. Haha! And I got in a screaming match with the fucking chump who spilled it on me and had to buy a shirt to wear. Like we got INTO it. To the point where my hand was in his face and I kept yelly "FUck you! Chill the fuck out, dude!" and we was SCREAMING in my face "Stupid bitch! Big deal! It's beer!" He later apologized (after he took some acid) and gave me $20. They turned into our friends and he told me that if he was ever in a fight, he'd want me in his corning cuz I'm a "scrapper". Indeed. Haha! But I smelled like beer the rest of the night, despite getting a brand spankin new Primus shirt, which is icky.
Here are a few shots I got last night, they aren't the best. We decided to sit up in the balcony so we were far back sorta.

Aaaaaaaaand back to this morning:

Anyways, it was fucking awesome. I am very pleased.

My friend, Beastwars, got a new kitteh! His name is DJ Kung Pow Skeetington or Skeeter for short. He's very handsome. Seeeeeee?!?!

In other kitty news! My son, Mozart, got his manhood ripped away from him yesterday!!! YAY! I have been meaning to get him fixed for a long time, but haven't had time, money, etc. And he's strictly an indoor kitty so I wasn't too worried about him knockin someone up. So finally I took him in and had it done!
He's shweepy...

...and he's ball-less. Haha! This morning when he woke up, he went to lick his crotch and just stopped and stared like he was thinking, "Ummm.... where did my nuts go?" It was priceless.
Oh man oh man... what else is going on?
I think other than all the aforementioned events, things are pretty low key! Work is getting busier and busier which means more money. And we all know what that means... Mo money mo problems. Haha! That's what I'm told anyway. Meeting a couple more speed bumps on the photo shoot, but I'm hoping (times a million) that everything works out.
Oh yeah! Me and my man are taking a little weekend trip to Lake Tahoe this weekend! We're gonna head up there Friday after work and are staying probably til Sunday afternoon. We are planning on doing a little bit of clubbing (just my favorite club there, Vex) and some gambling and laying by the lake and probably hiking. We always have soooo much fun when we go to Tahoe so I am really looking forward to it! And you KNOW I will post pic-a-tic-tures asap.
Do anyone else have anything fun planned this weekend????

Well, that's all for now, dolls! Thanks for always leaving me such sweet messages and stuff. I really appreciate you all to no end!
Peachee Pants
Lucky!!! My gal friends went to that same show. I have yet to see Claypool live...