Machete: Best Movie of 2010, Bitchezzzz!

So, my man and I went and saw a pre screening of Machete. He is a radio producer at a local station here, which means we pretty much get tickets to anything we want. I remembered seeing a trailer for it and I knew this movie was gonna be amazing. So, we got passes!
It was showing at the Downtown Plaza in Sacramento, which is just a quick hop on the freeway for us. So, we drove our asses out there, blasting Tool til our ears bled (not literally). We got downtown around 6:00, leaving us a full 2 hours to eat and whatever before the movie. We were starved so we went to Johnny Rockets, a retro burger joint, where I devoured a grilled cheese, french fries, and a cherry coke (which is justified by the fact that I didn't eat lunch lol). 'Twas delicious! I don't even remember what Brando had because my grilled cheese was busy changing my life. I couldn't be bothered with his food. HAHA!
Anyways, we finished our grub and walked to the theater to find the longest line known to man waiting to get into Machete. We hopped in line and an hour later, we finally made it in to the theater! And it was packed! And there were virtually no seats left... except...
****OK! Major side bar: Everyone has pet peeves about going to the movies. For some it's talking during the film, others are bothered by cell phone action during the film. My #1 pet peeve, not only about the movies but like in the top 3 things that bother me in life all together, is children in R rated flicks. And unfortunately, I am not the friendliest if I need to approach someone about their ugly little rat child singing songs throughout a sex scene (true story, happened). Of course, everyone else in the theater loves me for this. But I have gotten into near fights with folks over their little noisy pukes. Get a fucking babysitter if you wanna see a movie! OR, suck it up and be an adult. You made the CHOICE to have kids, now you have to sacrifice things... like R rated movies. It's not that I'm worried about kids seeing inappropriate things or them hearing the bad language, it's that they are loud and talk/sing/cry through the whole movie. FUCK ME! Ok, end scene...*****
SOOOOOO there were no seats except 2 next to a man with his maybe 5 year old son and an infant (who was wide awake by the way). I said to B (out loud) "There has to be something else. I would rather shoot myself in the face with a fucking bazooka" and like 15 people snickered at me. THe large man with the children didn't hear, unfortunately. Well, as it turns out, there was NOWHERE else to sit. So... I sucked it up and we sat down next to the urchin. Brando and I both decided that if the kid bothered us to much, I'd handle it in my usual way.
Finally the movie started and from scene one, you knew exactly what kind of movie it was gonna be. Raunchy, loud, hot, action packed, gory, and all kinds of awesome!

Michelle Rodriguez was smoking hot awesome as usual

Also Lindsey Lohan was in it.... Weird. HAHA

I want to tell you soooo many awesome parts from the movie, but really don't want to tell you guys too much, because I literally think every single last one of you should go see it immediately. Haha! I'm being serious!
BUT! You ready for the big news??? The most the little kid next to us did, was poke Brando's arm a lot and make explosion noises. Which is a good thing because I would have been PISSED if a toddler ruined this phenomenal movie for me.
GAHHHH! Such a good movie! Go see it NOW! In all seriousness, this is my favorite movie this year. No shit! Every last bit of it was perfect! I would recommend it to anyone who liked Grind House.
Ok, that's all I have for today. Some crazy shit went down today but I soooo don't feel like talking about it right now. lol
Talk to you soon, my cupcakes! XO


So, my man and I went and saw a pre screening of Machete. He is a radio producer at a local station here, which means we pretty much get tickets to anything we want. I remembered seeing a trailer for it and I knew this movie was gonna be amazing. So, we got passes!
It was showing at the Downtown Plaza in Sacramento, which is just a quick hop on the freeway for us. So, we drove our asses out there, blasting Tool til our ears bled (not literally). We got downtown around 6:00, leaving us a full 2 hours to eat and whatever before the movie. We were starved so we went to Johnny Rockets, a retro burger joint, where I devoured a grilled cheese, french fries, and a cherry coke (which is justified by the fact that I didn't eat lunch lol). 'Twas delicious! I don't even remember what Brando had because my grilled cheese was busy changing my life. I couldn't be bothered with his food. HAHA!
Anyways, we finished our grub and walked to the theater to find the longest line known to man waiting to get into Machete. We hopped in line and an hour later, we finally made it in to the theater! And it was packed! And there were virtually no seats left... except...
****OK! Major side bar: Everyone has pet peeves about going to the movies. For some it's talking during the film, others are bothered by cell phone action during the film. My #1 pet peeve, not only about the movies but like in the top 3 things that bother me in life all together, is children in R rated flicks. And unfortunately, I am not the friendliest if I need to approach someone about their ugly little rat child singing songs throughout a sex scene (true story, happened). Of course, everyone else in the theater loves me for this. But I have gotten into near fights with folks over their little noisy pukes. Get a fucking babysitter if you wanna see a movie! OR, suck it up and be an adult. You made the CHOICE to have kids, now you have to sacrifice things... like R rated movies. It's not that I'm worried about kids seeing inappropriate things or them hearing the bad language, it's that they are loud and talk/sing/cry through the whole movie. FUCK ME! Ok, end scene...*****
SOOOOOO there were no seats except 2 next to a man with his maybe 5 year old son and an infant (who was wide awake by the way). I said to B (out loud) "There has to be something else. I would rather shoot myself in the face with a fucking bazooka" and like 15 people snickered at me. THe large man with the children didn't hear, unfortunately. Well, as it turns out, there was NOWHERE else to sit. So... I sucked it up and we sat down next to the urchin. Brando and I both decided that if the kid bothered us to much, I'd handle it in my usual way.
Finally the movie started and from scene one, you knew exactly what kind of movie it was gonna be. Raunchy, loud, hot, action packed, gory, and all kinds of awesome!

Michelle Rodriguez was smoking hot awesome as usual

Also Lindsey Lohan was in it.... Weird. HAHA

I want to tell you soooo many awesome parts from the movie, but really don't want to tell you guys too much, because I literally think every single last one of you should go see it immediately. Haha! I'm being serious!
BUT! You ready for the big news??? The most the little kid next to us did, was poke Brando's arm a lot and make explosion noises. Which is a good thing because I would have been PISSED if a toddler ruined this phenomenal movie for me.
GAHHHH! Such a good movie! Go see it NOW! In all seriousness, this is my favorite movie this year. No shit! Every last bit of it was perfect! I would recommend it to anyone who liked Grind House.
Ok, that's all I have for today. Some crazy shit went down today but I soooo don't feel like talking about it right now. lol
Talk to you soon, my cupcakes! XO

i can't WAIT to see machete. i have been waiting since death proof
that little kid is alright. i went out to dinner last week and had rugrats dancing on the table and at one point literally strangling each other. no shit all the while going looooloooloooo at the top of their lungs. we told the waitress this was bullshit and to move us to the adult section. once she moved us across the place through three sections. we could still hear the kids screaming but since we could have a conversation it turned into something funny rather than the obnoxious neglect that it was.